Title: Budget Analysis
1Budget Analysis
- What is budgeting?
- What are some benefits of budgeting?
- How can you use budgeting in the future?
3Four Factors in Productions
- Capital
- Labor
- Land
- Management
4Reasons for Budgeting
- Plan for useful life of assets
- Organization
- Needed credit from lending agencies
- Experiment with possible outcomes without
actually committing - Identifies cost and income items
- Refine an organization
5Types of Budgets
- Enterprise budgets
- Partial budgets
- Whole farm budgets
6Budgeting Principles
- Invest more if the returns increase
- Invest as little as possible in costs
- Invest in a different product if the return is
greater - Invest money where it will earn the highest
returns - Discount for time and risk
7Sources of information
- Actual farm or rnach records
- Area or state summary analysis
- Sample budgets
- County averages and production data
- Magazines and literature
- Meetings and classes
- Neighbors
- Computer networks
8Limitations to budgeting
- Takes time
- Constructed to show future actions
- Risks can limit the effectiveness
- Income maybe underestimated or overestimated
- Overestimate production
9Guidelines for Budgeting
- Decide what is to be budgeted
- Decide what type of budgeting
- Choose a period of time to budget
- What data will be needed
- Decide how many alternatives will be evaluated or
10Steps in Developing a Budget
- Appraise the business and family goals
- Inventory the resources
- Select the physical data for inputs and outputs
- Select the market prices
- Calculate the expected costs and returns
11Enterprise Budgeting
- Limitations include reliable information and
prices are difficult to estimate - Advantages are organized information is available
12Components of an Enterprise Budget
- Income is an estimate of yields and prices
- Expense are the costs of producing the product
- Returns are income remaining after selected costs
are subtracted
13Cost Categories
- Variable or operating costs
- Seed, fertilizer, repairs, wages
- Fixed costs
- Depreciation, interest, insurance, taxes
14Enterprise Budget Analysis
- Returns above variable operating costs
- BE Pricevariable operating costs/yield
- Returns above all costs
- BE Pricetotal costs/yield
15Whole Farm Budgeting
- Plan of the entire farm or ranch
- Limits include the amount of land and operating
capital - Outcomes helps to maximize returns to resources
16Partial Budgeting
- Expanding an enterprise
- Alternative enterprises
- Changing production practices
- Buying new equipment or machinery
17Estimating Cost and Returns
- Positive effects
- Change will eliminate or reduce some costs
- Additional returns to be received
- Negative effects
- Some additional costs will occurred
- Eliminate or e reduce some returns
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