Title: Radio MSPulsars in Terzan 5
1Radio MS-Pulsars in Terzan 5
1. Observed population of radio pulsars in
Terzan5 2. Spin Frequency Distribution of ms
radio pulsars. 3. Future Prospects.
3Terzan 5 Massive dense cluster
Contours 20-cm VLA Greyscale I-band image
Diffuse steep spectrum emission
From Fruchter Goss 2000
4Terzan 5 Search Summary
- Pulsar Spigot data 1024 (now 2048) lags, 82 ?s
samp., 600 MHz (clean!) centered at 1950 MHz. - 30 new pulsars found (Ransom, Hessels, Stairs et
al. 2005, Hessels, Ransom, Stairs et al. 2006) - 33 total 17 binary,
- 16 isolated).
- 5 fastest pulsars in the
- GC system.
- 3 of the 5 fastest pulsars
- anywhere.
- 6 binaries with e 0.25
- (e.g. Ter5Z e 0.76,
- Ter5Q e 0.72).
- 3 new eclipsing systems
- (also the 3 fastest).
5Terzan 5 Pulsars
Timing Positions
Pulse Profiles
GC MSP catalogue http//www.naic.edu/pfreire/GCp
6Spin distribution of Ter5 vs. 47 Tuc
KS test suggests drawn from different
distributions at 95 confidence.Also, e.g.
NGC6441 and NGC6440 have predominantly slow MSPs
7PSR J1748-2446ad a.k.a. Ter5ad
- Pspin 1.396 ms
- ?spin 716 Hz
- Musical tone F-F
- S1950 80 ?Jy
- Porb 1.09 d
- Mc,min 0.14 MSun
- Eclipsed for 50 of its orbit.
- Irregular eclipses.
- Bloated companion.
- Like NGC6397A?
- X-ray counterpart.
Hessels, Ransom, Stairs et al. 2006, Science,
311, 1901
8Timing of Ter5ad and Ter5P
- Both Ter5ad and Ter5P are eclipsing (Ter5ad
variably), very fast spinning (P 1.4/1.7ms), and
appear to have bloated companions (like NGC
6397A). - Extreme orbital variability Ter5ad requires 5
orbital period derivatives to whiten the
residuals. Ter5P requires 11 (work by Paulo
Freire). - Ter5A (11ms) also shows orbital and eclipse
variability (Nice et al.), though a proper
analysis requires removal of eclipse delays.
9Highly irregular eclipses of Ter5ASee also e.g.
Nice Thorsett 1992
10Currently Known Population
- Pulsars with P
- 42 known in the Galactic field, 106 in globular
Frequencies 100-1000 Hz
Periods 1-10ms
11Currently Known Population
Observational biases
Frequencies 100-1000 Hz
- Scattering
- Dispersion
- Sampling time
- Binary motion
- Eclipses
- Steep spectra
12MSPs in Globular Clusters
0.2 Msun He WD companion
Orbital Period Distribution
0.03 Msun dwarf companion
Beware selection effects
Acceleration Search
Frequencies 100-1000 Hz
Periods 1-10ms
14Spigot now has twice the frequency resolution
Keep an eye out for GUPPI
0.78-MHz channels
0.78-MHz channels
0.39-MHz channels
15Eclipsing Millisecond PulsarsAre many of the
fastest-spinning pulsars hidden?
Five of the 10 fastest-spinning pulsars show
eclipses. 5 of the 10 fastest-spinning pulsars
are found in Terzan 5
16Eclipsing Millisecond PulsarsAre many of the
fastest-spinning pulsars hidden?
- Low flux density (S19500.08mJy) suggests other
very fast radio pulsars await discovery. - Are we unable to detect a significant portion of
the fastest pulsars because of self-obscuration?
(also Tavani 1991) - 4 of the 5 fastest-spinning pulsars are
eclipsing, and the exception, B193721 is odd
because it is isolated and quite bright.
17X-ray Imaging of Terzan 5
Heinke et al. 2006 1-6 keV 50 sources with Lx
3x1031 ergs/s 33 sources with Lx 1032
ergs/s (largest known in GC) 13 soft sources are
45-ks Chandra ACIS-S courtesy Craig Heinke
Pulsars within 1 of an X-ray source M and
CX30 are offset by 0.52 P and CX10 are offset
by 0.40, Var? ab and CX29 are offset by
0.29 ad and CX13 are offset by 0.28,
Var? Where are A and O ??? (From Heinke et al.
19 Hard source
20 Hard source
21Luminosity Function
Ter5 vs. 47Tuc
Freire et al. 2008
The solution SKA at high 5-10GHz