Title: PEIMS Edit Superintendent Approval Form Process
1PEIMS Edit Superintendent Approval Form Process
- The Superintendent Approval Form (SAF) process
enables a Superintendent to approve and sign
electronically their districts PEIMS data
submission using features within the EDIT
application. - This entire series of procedures has been
automated and a new Superintendent Approval Form
(SAF0A001) has replaced the former
report-generated letter.
3SAF Security
- A TEASE account is established by TEA with access
to the EDIT application. - A TEASE log on authentication is provided by TEA
through the provision of a user name and
password. - An EDIT user profile is set up for each user
role in the EDIT process.
4Superintendent SAF Authorization
- The physical signature once required on the
Superintendent Approval Form has been replaced
with an electronic signature, i.e., a typed
script font of the Superintendents name is
placed within a PDF version of the Superintendent
Approval Form. - The electronic signature is not a copy of the
Superintendents physical signature, but an
authorized electronic representation of the
signature. - To establish Superintendent Authorization for the
SAF process, a Superintendent must complete,
sign, and submit a TEASE Access Request Form to
5Superintendent SAF Authorization TEASE Form
- Access to the EDIT application providing the
Superintendent with the interface to use the SAF
6Superintendent SAF Authorization TEASE Form
- Authorization for TEA to use the Superintendents
electronic signature on the Superintendent
Approval Form (SAF0A001).
7Districts and the SAF Process
- The EDIT user roles involved in the
district-level SAF process are the District PEIMS
Coordinator and the Superintendent. The SAF
process is initiated and conducted through the
Collection Status page. From this page, a
Superintendent with SAF Approval permissions can
approve or disapprove a districts submission via
user functionality in the SAF column.
8Superintendent SAF Approval - 1
- When a district file has reached a fatal free,
Edit Complete status, the District PEIMS
Coordinator selects the Complete button on the
Collection Status page to transition the file to
District File Completed status.
9Superintendent SAF Approval - 2
- Once the file has reached District File Completed
status, the Superintendent can approve the
submission by selecting the A (Approve) button
in the SAF column. - When the A (Approve) button is selected, the
Sign Superintendent Approval Form page displays a
sample of Superintendent Approval Form (SAF0A001).
10Superintendent SAF Approval - 3
- Selecting the Sign Approval
- Form button
- - Captures a District File Approved status
within EDIT. - - Initiates the processing of SAF0A001.
- - Records the Superintendents approval.
- - Displays a Confirmation of File Approval
11Superintendent SAF Approval - 3
- Selecting Cancel returns the Superintendent to
the Collection Status page where the A
(Approve) / D (Disapprove) buttons remain
12Superintendent SAF Approval - 4
- The Confirmation of File Approval page lists the
email recipients who receive an electronic copy
of SAF0A001. Notice the Superintendent has an
option to return to the Collection Status page or
to the EDIT Home page.
PEIMS Coordinator vicki.palmer_at_esc16.net evelyn.je
13Superintendent SAF Approval - 4
- Returning to the Collection Status page, a
Processing message now displays in the SAF column
while EDIT processes SAF0A001, creates a PDF
version of SAF0A001, and sends emails to the SAF
users listed in the SAF email distribution list.
The email recipients receive an SAF0A001 PDF file
attachment .
14Superintendent SAF Approval - 5
- When SAF0A001 completes processing, the file
status transitions to District File Approved. For
both the District PEIMS Coordinator and the
Superintendent roles, a View button displays in
the SAF column. - Selecting the View button in the SAF column
displays a PDF of SAF0A001. The PDF can be
printed or saved to a local machine.
15Superintendent SAF Approval - 6
- Note With the implementation of the SAF
process, SAF0A001 replaces EDIT report PRF0A003.
16Superintendent SAF Disapproval - 1
- For a Superintendent to disapprove a districts
submission, from the Collection Status page, the
Superintendent selects the D (Disapprove)
button in the SAF column.
17Superintendent SAF Disapproval - 1
- The district file is rejected and a Reject File
page displays. The Reject File page includes a
list of email recipients and a reject file
Confirmation Letter.
vicki.palmer_at_esc16.net evelyn.jenkins_at_esc16.net
18Superintendent SAF Disapproval - 2
- Once the Reject button is selected, the
Superintendent is returned to the Collection
Status page and Rejected is displayed in the SAF
column. - The Rejected message displays until the district
file is resubmitted at which time the
Superintendent views N/A in the SAF column.
Once the resubmitted file status reaches District
File Completed, the Superintendent views A
(Approve) / D (Disapprove) buttons on the
Collection Status page.