Title: Taxation of Financial Instruments: Is the DebtEquity Distinction Relevant
1Taxation of Financial Instruments Is the
Debt/Equity Distinction Relevant?
- Presentation to the Presidents Advisory Panel on
Federal Tax Reform
- Robert McDonald
- Erwin P. Nemmers Distinguished Professor of
- Kellogg School of Management
- Northwestern University
- Traditional distinctions among kinds of financial
- The role of dealers
- Prevalence and growth of derivatives
- Examples
- Complexity of rules governing taxation of
financial transactions
3Types of Financial Income
- The tax code distinguishes between debt and
equity and between interest, dividends, and
capital gains
- It is well-known that in certain cases the
debt-equity distinction is problematic, for
example junk bonds and convertible bonds have
both debt and equity characteristics - Distinctions between forms of financial income
are not economically meaningful
- All represent returns to a financial investment
4Derivatives Blur the Distinctions
- In modern financial markets, derivatives can be
constructed that have characteristics of both
debt and equity.
- Derivatives are financial claims that have a
payoff determined by the price of some other
- Futures, options, and swaps are examples of
derivatives (as is automobile insurance!)
- The technology for creating new financial claims
is well understood and creation of new claims is
5What do Dealers Do?
- Securities dealers make markets in financial
instruments, accommodating customer demand to buy
and sell financial instruments
- Dealers buy and sell stocks, forward contracts,
options, and customized financial claims
- A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell
in the future at a price fixed today
- Call options and put options are like forward
contracts --- the transaction price is fixed
today --- except that the customer only buys the
asset (call) or sells (put) if they profit by
doing so. - This activity leaves dealers with exposure to
price risk
- Dealers generally hedge this resulting exposure,
i.e., they acquire an offsetting position that
makes money if the position due to their
customers loses money.
6The Role of Dealers Example
- A customer owning shares worth 100 wants to sell
the shares 5 years from today for a guaranteed
price of 125 (this is a forward sales contract)
- The dealer agrees to buy the shares in 5 years
for 125.
- The dealer has the risk that the share price in 5
years will be less than 125
- To offset the risk stemming from this agreement,
the dealer needs a position that will make money
if the stock price declines. Thus, the dealer
short-sells borrows shares from a third party
and sells them, investing the sale proceeds in
bonds. - If the share price falls, the dealer can buy
replacement shares at a low price, making money
on the short sale.
- The dealer has a forward purchase contract and an
economically equivalent offsetting position that
is short stock and long bonds.
7The Role of Dealers, cont.
- With the help of the dealer, the customer has
converted a share position into the economic
equivalent of a bond (a certain return in 5
years) - The dealer bears no share price risk
- This particular transaction would be deemed a
sale under the constructive sale rules, but there
are close variants in which the customer retains
some risk and can defer tax
8The Revolution in Financial Technology
- Black, Scholes, and Merton showed in the early
1970s how to price and hedge options and other
derivatives more complicated than forward
contracts their analysis created financial
engineering - Dealers routinely use this technology to price
and hedge claims such as options
- Dealers trade stocks and bonds to hedge options
and other derivatives
- Dealers can also create synthetic stocks and
bonds by trading derivatives
- Dealers mark-to-market, and all dealer income is
ordinary, so distinctions between kinds of income
are often not preserved when dealers are
intermediaries - Virtually all derivatives are equivalent to a
long position in some asset and a short position
in some other asset.
- For example, a call option has a synthetic
equivalent of borrowing to buy stock
9Effects of the New Technology
- With dealers able to create hybrid claims --- or
assist firms in designing them --- traditional
distinctions between debt and equity and types of
financial income are harder to identify and
support - The market for derivatives has grown tremendously
in the last 30 years.
10Growth in Derivatives Swaps and Exchange-Traded
Sources Chicago Board Options Exchange and ISDA
11The Traditional View of Debt and Equity
- Equity has no promised maturity payment and is
- Debt has a promised maturity payment and is
relatively safe
- It is easy to design hybrid instruments that
have characteristics of both debt and equity.
12What are These?
- DECS (Debt Exchangeable for Common Stock) is
here used as generic shorthand for a hybrid
debt-equity claim
- Both payoffs have characteristics of debt and
- Depending on circumstances, characteristics, or
documentation, claims like these can resemble
debt or equity for tax purposes.
- Existing positions can be modified to resemble
these diagrams by adding options and forward
13Example Individual Capital Gains Deferral
- Suppose a wealthy investor has 1 billion dollars
in appreciated stock.
- The investor collars the position in 5 years the
investor has the right to sell the stock to a
dealer for 1 billion and is required to sell to
the dealer for 1.75 billion if it is worth more
than that. The investor pays nothing for this
position. - The investor is protected against losses and
gives up gains above a certain level
- Capital gains on the position are deferred for at
least 3 to 5 years
- At the outset, such a position might be
economically equivalent to 75 debt and 25
equity, yet it is completely untaxed (except for
dividends paid on the stock) for 3-5 years - The implicit interest income on the position is
taxed as capital gain, if at all
14Example Corporate Uses of DECS-like Structures
- In one well-known transaction, Times Mirror
(which owned an appreciated position in Netscape
stock) sold a DECS-like note with a principal
payment linked to the price of Netscape. Times
Mirror effectively deferred tax on 75 million of
capital gains. The net result was like a collar. - In a common transaction, firms issue a DECS-like
security (also called Feline PRIDES) in the
form of a bond coupled with a forward sales
contract. The economic result is a deferred issue
of equity, but a portion of payments on the
security are deductible as interest.
15A Multitude of Rules for Investors
- Rules have been added ex post to stop egregious
abuses. Examples include
- Income on a position that looks like a bond
should be taxed as interest
- Bonds that do not pay explicit interest should be
taxed as if they do pay interest.
- A completely hedged position is deemed to have
been sold
- Hedging stops the capital gains holding period
- But there are special exceptions for
exchange-traded options
- There are special rules for the taxation of
futures contracts
- The tax law tries to draw distinctions that are
not economically supportable.
- Sophisticated taxpayers can use tax rules and
financial instruments to obtain substantial tax