Title: The Social Network as a Community of Knowledge
1The Social Network as a Community of Knowledge
Technical Secretariat Unit for Social Development
and Education OAS
2What is the Social Network?
- Origins Tlaxcala, 1991
- 30 Countries
- Purpose Horizontal Cooperation/Poverty
- Structure
- Annual Conference
- Coordinating Committee
- Technical Secretariat
3Horizontal Cooperation Results
- 10 Annual Conferences
- 28 seminars
- 140 internships
- Publications
- Web Site
4What is a Community of Knowledge?
- A group of persons that share a set of issues and
problems, and who deepen their knowledge and
expertise in this area by interacting on an
ongoing basis. - Interaction allows joint learning, social
relations, sense of belonging and collective
committment - Communities create value for their members, whose
participation is voluntary
5Why a Community of Knowledge?
- The Network has all the components that define a
COofKNO. Minor fine-tuning could optimize the
attainment of its objectives - The Network as a COofKNO could generate more
value for its members
6Components of a COofKNO
- COofKNO components
- Domain
- Community
- Set of practices
- Social Network
- Social development and poverty
- Network of managers of 30 institutions
- Best practices, lessons learned, procedures
7Creation of Value
- Short-Term Value Solution of immediate problems
- Long-Term Value Formation and systematization
of a knowledge base - Intangible Value Social Capital
- Strategic Value As a community with its own
identity it can pursue collective projects with
high value for its members
8Creation of Value Measurement and Administration
- What problem was detected by the community and
what action taken? - What was the response in terms of available
knowledge resources? - How was the knowledge applied for the creation of
FOSIS Support for indigenous handcraft
We dont know
9Social Network A Complex Community
- It has members that belong to more than one
organization - High member turnover
- Geographically disperse and in different time
zones - Members belonging to various countries/cultures
- Members that speak different languages
- Not all have equal access to IT
- Complex boundaries
10From Tianguis to a Virtual Community
11Optimizing Connectivity
- Face-to-face meetings
- Video conferencing
- Telephone Conference calls
- Voicemail
- E-Mail
- Threaded online discussions
- Fax
12Subregional Groups or Thematic Groups?
13Functioning Thematic Groups
- Employment and income generating programs
- Vulnerable Groups
- Participation and community development
- Development, implementation and evaluation of
social policy and programs
14Summary and Conclusion
- Optimize connectivity
- Strengthen thematic groups
- Broaden strategic alliances
- Knowledge Bank