Title: Database Types
1Database Types
- Warren Kawano
- Jason Kim
- Toshie Kuwabara
- Jessica May
- October 18, 2002
- History/Background of Databases
- Hierarchical
- Network
- Relational
- Object-Oriented
- Object-Relational
- IBM started work on databases in the 1970s
- Honeywell first to create database programs
- Constantly updating
- Hierarchical, object oriented, network, and
relational databases
4Hierarchical Databases
- First databases developed 1960s
- Hierarchical Structure
- Genealogy, parent-child
- One-one relationship
- One-many relationship
6Problems with Hierarchical Structure
- No many-many relationship
- Difficult to find information unless you know the
whole database
7Network database model
- Designed to solve the problem of data redundancy
with the Hierarchical database model. - Is a database model which organizes relationship
of data in a net-like fashion.
8Network database that contains information on
professors, classes, and students.
Student A
Student B
Student C
Set composed of at least two record types, an
owner(parent) and a record(child).
9Advantages and Disadvantages
- Advantages
- Data is accessed very quickly.
- Users can access data starting with any table.
- It is easier to model more complex data bases.
- It is easier to develop complex queries to
retrieve data.
- Disadvantages
- The structure of the database is not easily
modified. - changes to the database structure definitely
affect application programs that access the
database. - The user has to understand the structure.
- Records
- -sets of related data values
- Record types
- -sets of records of same type
- Set types
- -relationships between two record types
11Relational Database
- Developed in the 1980s
- Most common form of database today
- Data is arranged in a table, called a relation,
with rows and columns
12Sample relationcolumns attributesrows tuple
13Relational Database
- Think of it as a file cabinet
- Each drawer is a table
14(No Transcript)
15Relational Database (cont.d)
- A group of related tables (relations)
- Each relation is labeled (title)
- Each also has a column or columns called the
primary key, which uniquely identifies the row in
the table
16Finding the Primary key
17Object-Oriented Database
- Different from others because it stores data AND
INSTRUCTIONS together in the database - The combination of data and instructions is
called an object - Not in widespread use
18Object-Relational Database
- Recent development but not new technology
- Combines object-oriented capabilities with
relational databases - Copes with all the new types of data
- Alternative to completely changing the database
- Important for businesses
- Each type of database serves its own purpose
- Fine tuning leads to bigger and better things
20Database Types
- Hierarchical
- -parent/child
- Network
- -net-like
- Relational
- -stored in relations (tables)
- Object-Oriented
- -stored as an object
- Object-Relational
- -combines object and relational
Warren Kawano Jason Kim Toshie Kuwabara Jessica
May Oct. 18, 2002