Title: Ptolemy EVM Simulation
1Ptolemy EVM Simulation
- Current options
- -evm
- BM on Myrinet, RM uses simple external RCN
- Trigger
- Poisson (default), or Gaussian with cut-off
- Event fragments default LogNormal
- BU emulates filter farms
- Farm processing time
- LogNormal (default)
- Gaussian with cut-off
- Input histogram
- -evma
- -evm RCN over Myrinet
- -evmb
- -evma Barrel Shifter on Builder Unit side
2RCN over Myrinet
3Configuration for plots
- 63x63 system BM RM
- RCN over Myrinet (-evma)
- Trigger 12.5 kHz (Poisson)
- Message event ID packing RCN 2, BCN 1
- Event fragments LogNormal 16/-16 kB/RU, unless
otherwise specified
- Farm processing time (FPT) LogNormal, values
given per plot
- Each BU emulates 8 filter nodes
- Average FPT should not exceed 40 ms/event
- BU returns an event ID at the end of its FPT (!)
4Poisson trigger distribution
5Event fragment distribution
6Active events in EVM, FPT 40 /- 0ms
7Farm Processing Time Distribution, 40/-20 ms
8Active events in EVM, FPT 40/-20ms
Steady state level increase supposedly due to
queuing in filter nodes. Event with large FPT wil
l delay return of all following events sent to
that filter node. System should stabilize if FPT
average does not exceed 40 ms.
9Active events in EVM, FPT 40/-40ms
10Myrinet RCN Latency
11RCN latency with BS on BU side (-evmb)
12Active events in EVM, FPT 30/-30 ms
13RU max. memory usage (FPT 30/-30 ms)
As long as the BUs have free resources, this is
independent of the FPT (modulo differences in
random generator usage).
14BU max. active events, FPT 30/-30 ms
15BU max. memory usage, FPT 30/-30 ms
16Active events in EVM, FPT 30/-30 ms, Event
Fragments 16 /- 16/sqrt(8) kB/RU
17Active events in EVM, FPT 0/-0 ms,trigger
12.5/-0 kHz, event fragments 16/-0 kB
18Conclusions and outlook
- RCN over Myrinet appears to work
- Baseline?
- Farm emulation can use HLT event processing time
input histograms
- Still need to resolve Ptolemy crashes at 8.5 s
of running
- Calendar queue time-ordering problem
- Possibly due to floating point round-off
- What else needed for the EVM simulation?
- Compare with test stands what configurations?
- Error injection?