Title: The LBNL Supernova Cosmology Program
1The LBNL Supernova Cosmology Program
- Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP)
- Supernova Factory (SNfactory)
- Support studies in common
- Director's
Review of the Physics Division - Lifan Wang
- Nov. 5, 2003
2The Supernova Cosmology Project
- LBNL G. Aldering, H. Agarval, A. Conley, E.
Commins, V. Fadeyev, R. Gibbons,
G. Goldhaber, D. E. Groom, A. G. Kim,
B. C. Lee, P. E. Nugent, C. R. Pennypacker,
S. Perlmutter (P. I.), M. Schezer,
A. L. Spadafora, R. Thomas, R. Vogel,
L. Wang, W. M. Wood-Vasey - Other collaborators at
- Vanderbilt, IN2P3/Paris, Tokyo, Oxford, ESO,
STScI, Stockholm, Barcelona
3SCP - an exceptional year
- Observing campaign No. 1
- Subaru Deep Search - 14 nights of Subaru 8.3
meter - Search campaign in Fall 2002 29 SNe found
- VLTFORS2, Keck IIESI, and Gemini spectroscopy
- Discovery of 13 SN Ia with redshifts 0.57 1.30
- 5 of these 29 SNe are followed by the HST
4SCP - an exceptional year
- Observing campaign No. 2
- Canadian France Hawaii Telescope /SuperNova
Legacy Survey (SNLS) - SNLS goal 600 well measured SNe at 0.3with multi-color light curves
- The SCP spectroscopic data are obtained at
KeckDEIMOS in conjunction with the DEEP2 survey,
and GEMINI - SNLS has discovered a total of 29 confirmed Ia so
far, 59 with spectroscopic data, over 150 SN
i'-filter light curve of several SNLS discovered
5SCP - an exceptional year
A KeckDEIMOS run was successfully completed in
May 2003. Here is an example of an SN candidate
observed by KeckDEIMOS with a standard DEEP
mask, compared to that of the spectrum of a
nearby Type Ia SN 1999ee.
6SCP - an exceptional year
Observing campaign No.3 HST deep search
- We are granted a total of 120 HST
orbits to search and follow up SNe at z
1.2 - 1.6 - 60 orbits will be used for SN search,
the other 60 will be used for multi-color
light curve studies of 3 SNe. - These observations add to the Subaru
search in building up a sample of
highest redshift SNe for studying the
deceleration of the universe at higher
The entire northern GOODS field will be searched
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8SCP - an exceptional year
- Scientific Results
- The Hubble diagram of Type Ia supernovae as a
function of host galaxy morphology - (Sullivan et al. MNRaS, 340, 1057, 2003)
- Multicolor light curves of Type Ia Supernovae on
the color-magnitude diagram - A novel step toward more precise
distance and extinction estimates - (Wang, Goldhaber, Aldering,
Perlmutter ApJ, 590, 944, 2003) - New constraints on ????M, and w from an
independent set of 11 high-redshift - supernovae observed with HST (Knop et al.
ApJ, in press, 2003) - Direct spectroscopic analysis of SN 1999aa
- Direct spectroscopic analysis of pre-maximum
spectra of SN 1999ac - A new set of spectral indicators for Type Ia
supernovae - Sensitivity to analysis technique in cosmological
results from Type Ia supernovae - Spectroscopic confirmation of high redshift
supernovae from the ESO-VLT - Wavelet analysis of SN Ia spectra
- CMAGIC with B vs B-I and B vs B-R
9SN Ia from different host types
Sullivan et al. 2003
10Knop et al. (2003)
Light Curves of the 11 SNe Observed with the HST
11Knop et al. 2003
HST observations of 11 SNe
91T-like, omitted
No Extinction correction
With Extinction Correction
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15Another major result
Color MAGnitude Intercept Calibrations of SN Ia
Wang, Goldhaber, Aldering, Perlmutter ApJ, 590,
944 (2003)
16A comprehensive study of nearby well observed SNe
Mag. At Max
17Nearby campaign in 1999 as a pre-cursor to SN
SCP 1999 low redshift search
SN Factory will do both much better
18Nearby Supernova Factory
LBNL G. Aldering (P.I.), C. Day, B. Lee, S.
Loken, P. E. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, J. L.
Siegrist, L. Wang, M. Wood-Vasey Other
Collaborators at LPNHE (Laboratoire de Physique
Nucleaire et de Haute Energies de Paris) CRAL
(Center de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon) IPNL
(Institude de Physique Nucleaire de
Lyon) University of Chicago -Center for
cosmological physics
- Large nearby SN Ia sample needed
- Dramatic statistical improvement of w estimate
- Anchor zero-point of the Hubble diagram
- Improve understandings of SN Ia as standard
candles - More accurate K-corrections
- Precise determinations of host galaxy dust
properties - Detailed study of SN Ia intrinsic properties
19Project Overview
- Search
- Images from two 1.2 m telescopes operated by Near
Earth Asteroid Team - Data are transferred to LBNL and processed using
NERSC PDSF cluster - Pilot search began in the fall of
2002 and continued through April 2003 when the 3 - square degree camera was replaced
with a 9 square degree field of view camera - Follow up at Hawaii 2.2 meter telescopeSNIFS
- Simultaneous spectrophotometric coverage of
both the SN and the host galaxy - using the SuperNova Integral Field
Spectrograph (SNIFS).
20 SN Factory Schedule Summer 1999 Project
inception Spring 2001 SNIFS
construction begins Fall 2002
Search pipeline running Feb. 2003
French laboratory director's project
review Jun. 2003 Software
review in Lyon, France Spring 2004 SN
Factory operation begins Spring 2007
SN discovering stage completed Spring 2008
Observing operations completed Spring 2009
Data analysis operations completed
21SN Factory is running
Best first year results for any SN search
group 83 SNe found in pilot searches of 2002/2003
(6 months)
New Camera has 3X field of view, 2X sensitivity
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23SNIFS Spectrograph
24Mounting the imager CCD
SNIFS will be shipped next month
The blue cameras
The imager camera
25Scientific results
SN 2002ic - A milestone in understanding SN Ia
Hamuy et al. 2003
Wood-Vasey et al. 2003
26Common Supporting Studies
- New light curve fitting tools for SN Ia
- Better spectral classification tools
- K-correction tools
- Spectropolarimetry studies of supernova shapes
G. Aldering, G. Goldhaber, D. E. Groom, A.G. Kim,
G. Lynch, D. Madgwick, S. Perlmutter, N. A. Roe,
J. L. Siegrist, A. L. Spadafora, M. W. Strovink,
R. Thomas, L. Wang
27 Light curve tools multi-color stretch method
A new light curve fitting method
28Better spectroscopic tools
29Shapes of SN Ia - spectropolarimetry studies
The detection of polarization strengthen the use
of SN Ia as standard candles
Wang et al. 2003
- Supernova Cosmology Project
- Successful observing campaigns
- Discoveries of 29 high redshift SNe with Subaru
- HST ACS follow ups of 5 SNe
- Beginning of CFHT/SNLS survey
- HST campaign that will add to the Subaru results
- Analysis of 11 high quality HST SNe
- Direct estimate of dust extinction of high
redshift SNe - Improved confidence contours of ??
- Best measurement of w
- A novel approach for dust extinction estimates
- Smaller statistical dispersion
- Supernova Factory
- SN Search has already discovered 83 SNe in 6
months - Follow up instrument SNIFS is ready to ship
- SN factory will be in full operation in Spring
- Common supporting studies
- Comprehensive effort on classifications and
quantifications of SN Ia