1(No Transcript)
2Annin Co. Partners in Growth Program
- Business Development Ideas
3How to Utilize the Partners in Growth Program ?
- Provide Sales Direction for the New Dealer
- Act as a Reference Manual for Seasoned Dealers
- Use as a Training Tool for Sales Personnel and
New Employees - Market Your Products
- With One Very Specific Goal
- We believe that we have only scratched the
surface on certain commercial markets that have
great potential
5Business Development Ideas
- Building Commercial Sales Together
6Business Development Ideas
- Reasons for Displaying a Flag
- Checklist for Potential Markets
- Worksheet for Potential Markets
- How do YOU Get Business ?
- Annins 2003 Marketing Program
7Reasons for Displaying a Flag
- Patriotism
- Decoration
- Attract Attention
- Advertisement
- Corporate Identification
- Point of Purchase
- Fund Raising
- Giveaways
- Recognition
8Checklist for Potential Markets
- Local Governments
- Retail Environments
- Recreation
- Organizations
- Real Estate Construction
- Businesses
- Other
9Potential Markets
- Real Estate Construction
- Realtors
- Developers
- Construction Co.s
- Home Builders
- Property Managers
10Potential Markets
- Businesses
- Auto Dealers
- Funeral Parlors
- Marinas
- Ad Agencies
- Corporations
- Corporate Events
- Production Studios
- Radio TV Studios
- Banks
- Hotels Motels
- Restaurants
- Hospitals
11Potential Market Worksheet
- Heading_____________
- Subheading__________
12Potential Market WorksheetHeading Businesses
13How to Reach Potential Markets
- Identify target company
- Identify needs
- Identify decision maker
- Select initial communications vehicle to make
contact postcard, letter, catalog, sell sheet,
e-mail - Send sample product
- Call back for appointment
14How Do YOU Get Business?
- Sponsor School/Organization Events
- Public Relations in your community
- Patriotic activities in your community
- Networking-attending shows, community events,
civic meetings and chamber of commerce meetings - State Chamber of Commerce-obtain a list of new
businesses corporations - Business News Papers-provide lists of new
building permits, realty companies, developmental
boards and committees, etc.
- Yellow Page Ads
- Current Past Sales History
- Referrals
- Phone Contacts
- Personal sales calls
- Newspaper
- Radio Broadcast
- Local Cable TV
- Business Journal Ads
- Direct Mail
- Internet Presence
- Add stuffers to invoice mailings
- Flag-A-Gram Direct Mail Advertising
- Cross Selling Literature
- Custom Sales Tools
- Patriotic Releases
- Fundraising Program
- Advertising Support and PSA
- Plus-A-Buck Shipping Program
17Direct Mail Campaigns to Help You Build Your
- Annins commitment to you 2003
- 5 Flag-A-Gram Postcard Reminders
- Spring Cleaning
- Sept 11th Patriot Day
- Lobby and Conference Room
- Add a Second Flag to your Pole
- Expand Your Corporate Image
18Spring Cleaning Flag-A-Gram 1
19Flag-A-Gram 2
20 Flag-A-Gram Idea 3
- Decorate Your
- Office Lobby Conference
- Room with an Indoor Flag Set
21Flag-A-Gram Idea 4
22 Flag-A-Gram Idea 5
- Expand
- Your Corporate Image
- by using
- Flags as
- Advertising Vehicles
23Cross Selling Campaign to Help You Build Your
- Annins Commitment to You
- In-Pack Brochure to Promote
- - Patriotic Decorations
- - Fun Flags for Boating and Home Usage
- - Custom Flags Banners
- - Historical Flags
- - International Flags
- - Armed Forces Flags
- - Flagpoles
- - State Flags
- - US Flags
24Cross Selling Campaign to Help You Build Your
25Tools to Help Build Your Custom Business
- Annins Commitment to You
- Custom Brochure
- Swatch Kit
26Custom Catalog to Educate Your Customers Help
You Build Your Business
27Patriotic Service Releases to Build Your Business
- Annins Commitment to You 2003
- We will create and provide you with
- 4 media releases a year
- At your request, Annin will provide you with
a list of the local media in your area
28Annins Flag Fundraising Kit for Dealers
- Fundraising Tips for Your Customers
- Fundraising Project Planning Guide
- 3 Press Releases
- Ad Slicks
- Letter to Local Businesses
- PSA Text
- Order Form
- Product Sell Sheet
29Annins TV Advertising Program
- 30 Second Commercial with Dealers Tag
- Public Service Announcement
30Annins Flag Educational Resources from Patriotic
- Literature
- Audio-Visual Material
- Other Flag Education Activities
- Websites
31Annin Co. Partners in Growth Program
- Building Commercial Sales Together
32Annin Co. Partners in Growth
- Q A
- Your Suggestions for 2004 !