Title: Its Not Okay to be a Cannibal
1Its Not Okay to be a Cannibal!
2Why is it Okay to be Addicted?
- How different is the Cannibal to the addict?
- Destroy families, individuals, and their
workplaces the same waythey eat them alive from
the inside out. - Its Not Okay
- We need to take action with the same urgency and
commitment we cant fall into the trap of the
conspiracy of silencethe greatest form of
3The Addiction Problem
- One out of every eight Americans has a problem
with alcohol and/or drugs - 5 of the population has an eating disorder
- Two million compulsive gamblers -- five million
others have a significant problem - 40 of the alcohols and drug addicts also have a
dual diagnosis, or concurrent mental/nervous
disorder - There are 18 million Americans who need
immediate treatment but are unwilling to go
4Where do the addicted turn?
- Workplace70 of alcoholics/addicts have jobs but
dont get help for fear of retribution - Legal, Medical, Spiritual ProfessionalsNeed
solutions to offer clients in crisis - Familiesdont know what to do or where to turn
when faced with an addiction crisis or get/give
the wrong advice
5Addiction Myths
- Addiction is a lack of willpower and a character
flawvoluntary behavior - You can't help alcoholics/addicts until they want
helpcant force them - An alcoholic must hit bottom
- Treatment cant work if the alcoholic doesn't
want it.
6What does the Family/Workplace do?
- Nothing
- Keep secrets
- Enmeshed and get sick themselves
- Make deals they shouldnt make
- Make promises they cant keep
- Make a lot of mistakes
- Everyone gets sicker
- Addict gets more control and power
7So What Do Addicts Do?
- Take the balance of power away from healthy
family - They get sicker and are left to sort out their
addictions by themselves - Become Cannibals that eat themselves and their
families alive - Forced to wait for some form of external
intervention/ consequences/pain to get them into
action - Legal, Medical, Financial, Workplace
8Who are we helping today?
- Small percentage of the addicted that are self
aware or those that hit bottom external
consequences - The bigger piece, those bouncing around
struggling who may never hit bottom, 18 million
who need treatment but arent willing to get help
9How can we help?
Whats old is new Karen Hagen
10How it used to work
- Proactive workplace interventions
- Case management
- Detox
- Treatment
- Return to work/home support
- Monitoring
11Intervention Works!
- Underutilized and misunderstood within the
12What is an Intervention?
- Intervention is a process that motivates someone
to accept help when they are unable or unwilling
to ask for help themselves.
- Myths and bad advice
- Wont work or isnt appropriate
- Make matters worse
- If appropriate at all -- only then for severe
cases - Family can do an intervention by themselves
- Confused with a 12 step callCant I call A.A.?
- Performed by cowboys not professionals. Bad
apples ruined the bunchindustry is changing
- Miss early intervention on those who need help
now - Perceptions become realityif it wont work or
make matters worse then why do it? - Fear of letting outsiders inside
- Analysis is paralysis
- Demonized by those professionals who should know
better including some treatment centers - Some mental health professionals believed that
they failed if they have to call/refer for help - Dont know interventionists exist If I only
would have known you existed earlier
15Intervention What its not
- Confrontational or shaming
- Knock-out drag-down dangerous fight
- Traumatic event for everyone (including treatment
centers, counselors, families, and IPs) - Interventionist is no longer a bounty hunter with
a snatch and drop mentality where 100 of the
focus was getting the addict to treatment at any
16InterventionWhat it is
- Pivotal Family Event that rates up their with
their families marriage, births, and deaths - Family addiction education and action plan is
result of the process - Unbelievably successful
17Philosophy Goals
- 1. To help the family/workplace system
- The system is our client
- Help those who want help
- Greater good for the greater number
- Help the system determine what is acceptable and
unacceptable in their family/workplace and have
them set healthy and safe boundaries - 2. To get the addicted person into treatment in a
way that compliments treatment
18InterventionsWhat we do
- Change in belief system
- Realignment of powerno longer held hostage
- Redraw the map of acceptable behavior
- Strength and guts
- TruthPainPower (break the conspiracy of
silence) - Change families
19The Challenge
- Obstacles in getting systems (family/workplace)
to change / take action - Sick themselves
- Denial
- Enmeshed
- Fearful
- Held hostage
- Afraid of making things worse
- Finances / cost of treatment
- Legal
- Dont recognize intervention exists
20Case 1Making Wrong Deals
- Family situation Smart/educated parents who are
school principals. Three children. - Addict Eldest child 16 years old junior in H.S.
- Drug of Choice Marijuana
- Family consequences of addiction Entire family
system was dysfunctional, negative effect on all. - Mistake Deals that they shouldnt make
- Outcome Cancelled intervention. Parents
divorced one year later. Kid arrested for meth.
21Case 2Not taking a chance
- Work situation MnDOT snow plow team leader
- Addict 35 Male, Husband and Father
- Drug of Choice Alcohol and Cocaine
- Consequences of addiction work place was aware
of his usage and decided to take action before
something happened - Did Right Supervisor called the EAP and got a
referral to an intervention group - Outcome Successful intervention, client clean
and sober and thankful for the intervention.
22Case 3Waiting too long
- Corporate situation European President of US
public company - Addict 56 year old man
- Drug of Choice Alcohol
- Corporate consequences of addiction Poor
business decisions, lost profits, loss of moral
and motivation - Mistake Waited too long
- Outcome Successful intervention, patient too
sick to return to work. Saved his life but with
severe cognitive impairment.
23Case 4Fear
- Family situation Married couple with two
children - Addict Mother 31Flight Attendant
- Drug of Choice Alcohol
- Family consequences of addiction Driving the
children while under influence, a car accident,
and fears about using at work - Stuck Point Husband was afraid to approach wife
because of her response and the unknown
consequences in workplace - Outcome Family decided to wait and see if she
got better on her own..shes still driving drunk.
24Intervention Works
- 88 of time people accept help and go to
treatment within the 1st 24 hours
25What if they say no
- Its still a day of changesystem gets better
- Family/Workplace is off the hook and can let go
of guilt and responsibility - New reality shift in power
- Part of the process intervention isnt over
26Intervention Works!
. To have the power to intervene and to choose
to do nothing with that power is irresponsible
and inhumane Intervention combined with treatment
is the best solution
27Intervention Outcomes
- 20 year study by Hazelden showed that intervened
upon clients did better than non-intervened upon
clients - Family/Employer involved from beginning
- Treatment and aftercare discussed openly
- More relapse doors are shut
- Truth and not secrets
- Consequences
28Post Treatment/Reality of Care
Various reasons not to implement the prescribed
continuing care plan
ObjectiveIs recovery and not getting someone to
29Compulsions Addressed
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Eating Disorders
- Self Harm
- Gambling
- Sex and Love
- Mood Disorders/Trauma
- Compulsive spending addiction
- Other compulsive/self destructive behaviors
30AIR Intervention Statistics
31 Who Makes That First Call?
32Primary Drug of Choice
33Primary Drug of Choice
34Meth Interventions
- Interventions are more difficult and dangerous
- Paranoia
- Psychotic
- Less likely to work immediately
- Depends on last usage
- Frequency and duration of usage
- Typically requires another form of intervention
first - Jail
- Detox
- Lockdown mental health facility
35Final Intervention Statistic
- We convince 9 out of 10 of the addicted
individuals to accept help - We convert 1 in 10 families to hire us despite
the fact that they are in desperate pain and need
help. - 20 dont have money
- 50 dont have the willingness to change
36Our Opportunity
- Debunk the myths by educating people
- You can offer people help before they ask for it
- Nobody has to get sicker before they get better
- Nobody has to find a bottom because they may
never get there - Willingness to go to treatment isnt as important
as the individuals willingness when they leave
treatment - Intervention works because treatment works
- Take action earlier than later!
- Get intervention back into your continuum of care
- Opportunity to educate the brotherhood and
sisterhood that it is okay to take action - Opportunity to educate our families that it is
their obligation to provide help - Get peers involved in the intervention process
- Become less tolerant and patient
- Go back to what worked
38Winning the war on drugs
- Globally its too large a problem40 years
- Fighting it as an air warhundreds of miles away
- Needs to be house to house fight
- Fighting so close that you can see the tears
- Every day we are winning the war on addictionone
person, one family, one workplace at a time - It begins with someone simply saying that ITS
39www.addictionintervention.com/lap Bob_at_AddictionIn