Title: More Blocks
1More Blocks
- Jerry Banks
- Creativity and Innovation
2Charles Kettering
- The only time that you cant afford to fail is
the last time that you try.
3Chester Barnard
- To try and fail is at least to learn to fail to
try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what
might have been.
4Emotional Blocks
- Fear of taking a risk
- Only one right answer
- There are many right answers
- What is the worst that can happen?
5Emotional Blocks
- Fear of disorder
- It is necessary to desire order
- But we must tolerate disorder
- No 1-paragraph story problems in reality
6Emotional Blocks
- Data problems, Case 1
- Client says that they have everything
- We need raw data, client has averages
- Data problems, Case 2
- Data inaccuracies
- Fork truck drivers record activities
- July 2
- Concerns about validity
7Emotional Blocks
- Inability to incubate
- Its OK to put off assignments
- Editing what I have just written is useless
8When do creative ideas emerge?
9When do creative ideas emerge?
- 10. While performing manual labor
- 9. While listening to a sermon
- 8. Middle of the night (awakening)
- 7. While exercising
- 6. During leisure reading
10When do creative ideas emerge?
- 5. During a boring meeting
- 4. While falling asleep or waking up
- 3. While commuting to work
- 2. While showering or shaving
11When do creative ideas emerge?
- 1. While sitting on the toilet!
12Embassy suites fosters creativity to lure
travelers (WSJ, 11/12/02)
- The company conducted a study prior to its 20th
anniversary to determine where people got their
best ideas - In the shower
- While exercising
- Soaking in the tub
- Nobody said, In a hotel room
13Embassy suites fosters creativity to lure
travelers (WSJ, 11/12/02)
- Embassy Suites is testing a new type of hotel
room aimed at juicing up the creativity of
business travelers (and bolstering the chains
14Embassy suites fosters creativity to lure
travelers (WSJ, 11/12/02)
- Creativity Suites
- The showers have grease boards for jotting down
brilliant ideas - A box of crayons
- Exercise tapes
- Sofas can be rearranged into thought-provoking
15Embassy suites fosters creativity to lure
travelers (WSJ, 11/12/02)
- Creativity Suites
- Intended to appeal to travelers who are on
business for several days and may hold small
meetings in their hotels - Sought after by the hotel industry
- They stay longer
- They often spend a lot ordering food and other
services that are very profitable while they
transact business
- Companies that set out in some formal,
structured way to get ideas I think thats bunk.
Youve got to make sure that its done in a
free-form environment, where people have
self-confidenceIdeas come at unsuspecting times,
at unusual places. - Lawrence A. Bossidy, (former CEO of Honeywell) in
Execution The Discipline of Getting Things Done,
17Emotional Blocks
- Judging rather than generating
- That wont work
- We tried that before
- Generate now, evaluate later
- Effect of judgement
- Build on ideas of others
18Which is essential to your business? USA Today,
- Telephone
- High-speed internet
- E-mail
- Coffee machine
- Fax
- Copier
19Which is essential to your business?USA Today,
- Telephone
- High-speed internet
- E-mail
- Coffee machine
- Fax
- Copier
20The Stat, BW, 3/1/04
- 30 of adults say that the cell phone is the
invention that they hate the most, but cant live
without - 25 say the alarm clock
- 23 say the television
21Emotional blocks
- Insufficient challenge
- Example from consulting
- Problem needs to be complex
- Deadline
- Financial reward
22Emotional blocks
- Excessive zeal
- Another example from consulting
- Ron planned for weeks
- Joe started modeling immediately
- Somewhere between the two
23Pablo Picasso
- Ah, good taste!
- What a dreadful thing!
- Taste is the enemy of creativity.
24Cultural Blocks
- Taboos
- Ping-pong ball exercise
25Ping pong ball exercise
26Ping-pong Ball Exercise
27Cultural Blocks
- Fantasy is only for crazy people
- Fantasy is a diversion, a waste of time
- Time for and time not for
- Example, dim lights and toggle heater
- Leading to a Frogmobile
- But, this could lead to a new way of locomotion
28Cultural Blocks
- Playfulness is only for children
- Saying no dozens of times/day
- Children lose their creativity
- Adults need to retrieve their playfulness
29Cultural Blocks
- Tradition is to be maintained
- Many hide behind this cloak
- If its not broken, why fix it?
- Opposites have the view
- Change for sake of change
- Biggest problem is the first group
- Second group also causes problems
- At the evaluation stage they lose objectivity,
lack rationale
30E. Paul Torrance
- It takes courage to be creative just as soon as
you have a new idea, youre in the minority of
31Environmental Blocks
- Response of colleagues
- Negative criticism is a damper
- Supportive environment is desirable
- Must be non-competitive
- Dont steal ideas
32Mary Wells Lawrence, a founder of the ad agency
Wells, Rich Greene
- Most creative people are shy, oddly. They have
to trust that you wont laugh at them. It takes
a lot of work. They have to really believe that
you respect them, that you will love them for
their ideasthat you will love them. They have
to have the guts to do that, and they only have
the guts if you trust them.
33 You snooze, you lose, Newsweek, July 21, 1997
- Sewell Avery (Chairman of Montgomery Wards some
50 years ago) is to blame for their not opening a
single new store from 1941 to 1957. - Montgomery Wards bankruptcy isabout the people
we all love to hate Stubborn bosses who wont
change their minds - Their troubles today spring from adherence to a
bad idea decades ago
34Environmental Blocks
- Improper physical environment
- Faculty at Georgia Tech
- Office type
- Home type
- Cabin in the woods type
- Writing books in bed
- Faculty retreat
35Hallmark Cards keeps its creative staff members
- The dress code
- Sweaters, jeans, etc.
- The neatness policy
- Whatever inspires the creative juices including
hamsters and plastic toys - No daily quota, no deadlines, no homework
- An atmosphere to cultivate creativity
- Research trips around the world, workshops, free
36GEs Research Center
- GE is building a meeting and conference
facilities at the Niskayuna Center, so that
employees across the company can hobknob more
comfortably - Some of the best ideas come at off-hours, when
employees are relaxing in the lounge or over a
meal - Source GE goes back to future, WSJ, May 7, 2002
37Give a message for a greeting card to cover the
situation where someone doesnt receive a job
that they really wanted.
38Environmental Blocks
- Lack of implementation support
- Many steps in the process
- Prototype
- Patent
- Marketing
39Intellectual Blocks
- Blocks to creativity from failure to understand
- Fear of saying I dont know
- Many creative solutions are hidden by mistaken
40Tell me why
- What genetic advantage do peaches gain from
having fuzz?
41Tell me why
42 of people befuddled by their
Cell Phone
Home Security System
Source Online survey of 3000 adults, Jan. 10-12,
2002 by American Demographics/NFOWorld Group
43Tell me why
- Many creative solutions are hidden by mistaken
44Why do we have fingerprints?
45Why is a yawn infectious?