Restoration Literature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Restoration Literature


Their hair should be covered, ... plain, short hair styles. Macauley Quote: ... This was the beginning of a short period of restoration of the Commonwealth of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Restoration Literature

Restoration Literature
  • Lecture One
  • Introduction

Time of Enormous Change
  • two revolutions,
  • a religious revolt
  • great strides in learning.

Great Writers Flourish
  • Milton
  • Pope
  • Dryden
  • Swift
  • Behn

Where Does the Term Restoration Come from?
  • In 1649, King Charles I was executed by the
  • From 1649-1660 England was ruled by the Lord High
    Protector, Oliver Cromwell and Parliament.
  • This period is called the Interregnum

The Restoration
  • For a number of reasons England wanted no more of
  • Asked Charles II, the executed kings son, to
    come back to England and rule.

First Stuart King
  • James VI and I, King of Scotland and England.
  • Came to the throne 1603 when his cousin,
    Elizabeth I, the last Tudor monarch, died
  • Died 1625

Martyred King
  • Charles I
  • married Henrietta Marie de Bourbon, daughter of
    the King of France
  • Executed January 30, 1649

Restored King
  • Charles II
  • only 19 when his father is executed
  • restored to the throne May 1660
  • died 1685

Exiled King
  • James II, brother of Charles II
  • Married first, Lady Anne Hyde
  • Married second, Princess Maria de Modena
  • Abdicated 1688
  • Died in Paris, 1701

Englands Only Co-regnants
  • Mary II and William III
  • Mary is the daughter of James II and Lady Anne
    Hyde, Duchess of York.
  • William is the son of King Charles II and King
    Jamess sister Mary and her husband Willem II,
    prince of Orange-Nassau
  • Mary died 1694
  • William died 1702

The Last Stuart Monarch
  • Anne, younger daughter of James II and Lady Anne
    Hyde, Duchess of York.
  • Died childless in 1714
  • Passed the throne on to her cousins in the House
    of Orange from Hanover.

Simplified Reasons for Civil War
  • The economic interests of the urban middle class
    coincided with religious (Puritan) ideology and
    this conflicted with
  • The traditional (agrarian) economic interests of
    the Crown and the allied Anglican Church.

Confused by Christianity?
  • If you are not up on the variations of
    Christianity, I firmly suggest you look at
  • Fu Jen English Depts World Religion pages

Who are the Puritans?
  • A generalization, as there are wide variances in
    this group.
  • Included the Presbyterians, Independents,
    Congregationalists, Baptists, Quakers. Most of
    these religions are some form of Calvinism.
  • Not only did the Puritans wish to purify
    themselves, they also strove to "purify" both the
    English church and society of the remnants of
    "corrupt" and "unscriptural" "papist" ritual and

What are Papists?
  • Derogatory term!
  • Papist refers to those who follow the Pope, in
    other words, Roman Catholics.
  • For the Puritans, Roman Catholics were worse than
  • Puritans believed that Roman Catholics were
    actually following the Anti-Christ in the shape
    of the Pope, and at heart, they were nothing more
    than idol worshippers.

What does this mean for individuals?
  • In a broad sense, Puritanism represented strict
    obedience to the dictates of conscience and
    strong emphasis on the virtue of self-denial.

Puritanism and Art
  • Its not that they didnt like art, though they
    were traditionally anti-theater (which for them
    represented lying and immorality).
  • But art should glorify God.
  • One of Englands greatest poets, Milton, was a
    staunch Puritan.

Puritanism and Wealth
  • Puritanism encouraged an essentially practical
    attitude to worldly affairs.
  • success at business was a visible sign of Gods
    blessing and approval.
  • You might want to look at some of Max Webers
    writings on Puritanism and the rise of
    capitalism, if you like this stuff

Where Does that Leave Art?
  • Art encourages contemplative virtues, which the
    practical Puritan was inclined to view as
    unnecessary, therefor frivolous, therefor

The Inner Light
  • Puritans believed that the good life could only
    be lived by the inner light - the voice of God
    in the heart - and to hear this voice it was
    necessary to conduct the most scrupulous

Spiritual Auto-biography
  • From this came a form of literature known as the
    spiritual autobiography, which became very
    popular during this period.
  • John Bunyans Grace Abounding To The Chief Of
    Sinners is one of the most famous examples. (can
    be found in the Norton)

Two Consequences
  • Increased interest in, and understanding of, the
    human heart in others as well as in the self (see
    Pilgrims Progress)
  • Encouraged the sense of loneliness of the
    individual - a sense supported by the growing
    economic individualism of the late 17th century

Puritan Values in England
  • Puritanisms influence in England peaked during
    Cromwells rule, but it many of its principals
    had become firmly entrenched in the middle class
    during this period.
  • As a result, English and Scottish culture are
    heavily influenced by the Puritan ethic.

Cavaliers vs. Roundheads
  • Cavaliers - nickname for the Royalist side
  • Cavalier poetry by Lovelace and Suckling among
  • Cavaliers are seen as brave, graceful and witty
  • Roundheads - nickname of the Puritans
  • Seen as dull, boring and religious
  • Remember, they ultimately lost the battle, so
    our view is colored.

The Royalists Loose
  • King Charles I executed

Contemporary engraving of the execution of
Charles I. He is already being seen as a martyr.
Psychological Impact
  • Killing an anointed king shocked and appalled
    much of the English population.
  • Just last year yet another film was made about
    the execution.

Rupert Everett as Charles I in To Kill a King.
Cromwell was played by Tim Roth.
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)
  • Given the title Lord High Protector
  • Former general in charge of Parliaments New
    Model Army

England under Cromwell
  • Closed the theaters.
  • Closed many of the inns.
  • Many sports were banned.
  • Swearing was fined, though if you kept up at it,
    you could end up in jail.

Sundays are Holy Days
  • Sunday, as the Lords Day, became a special day.
  • If boys were found playing ball on a Sunday, they
    could be whipped.
  • Any kind of unnecessary work could result in a
  • If women did unnecessary work on a Sunday, they
    could end up in the stocks.
  • Taking a walk for pleasure, unless you were
    headed to church, could end you up with a fine.

No More Papist Feast Days
  • Instead of the frequent saints feast days that
    people celebrated, Cromwell instituted a
    once-a-month fast day when people couldnt eat at

Changes to Christmas
  • Many Christmas practices are rooted in paganism,
    so Christmas celebrations were banned.
  • Cromwell wanted people to remember that it was
    the birth of Christ that they should be
    celebrating, not fun, games and frivolity.
  • Having a Christmas feast won you punishment, and
    soldiers were sent out to snatch the cooking
    goose if they found one.
  • Traditional decorations like holly and ivy were

Modesty in Dress
  • Women and girls should dress modestly as it says
    in the Bible.
  • Their hair should be covered, and make-up was
  • If a soldier saw a woman out with make-up, he
    would forcibly scrub it off of her face.
  • Colorful clothes were also banned, so most women
    wore black, grey or dark blue dresses that were
    very simple.
  • They would have white aprons and headcovers.

Modesty for Men, Too
  • Men adopted severe, dark dress
  • plain, short hair styles

Macauley Quote
  • "It was a sin to hang garlands on a Maypole, to
    drink a friend's health, to fly a hawk, hunt a
    stag, to play at chess, to wear lovelocks, to put
    starch into a ruff, to touch the virginals a
    predecessor of the piano, to read the Fairy
    Queen.--Rules such as these, rules which would
    have appeared insupportable to the free and
    joyous spirit of Luther, and coutemptible to the
    serene and philosophical intellect of Zwingle,
    threw over all life a more than monastic gloom.
    The learning and eloquence by which the great
    reformers had been eminently distinguished, and
    to which they had been, in no small measure,
    indebted for their success, were regarded by the
    new school of Protestants with suspicion, if not
    with aversion. Some teachers had scruples about
    teaching the Latin grammar because the names of
    Mars, Bacchus, and Apollo occurred in it. The
    fine arts were all but proscribed. The solemn
    peal of the organ was superstitious. The light
    music of Ben Jonson's masques was dissolute. Half
    the fine paintings in England were idolatrous,
    and the other half indecent."

Richard Cromwell, the Heir
  • Richard was an unlikely successor, coming to
    prominence only because his two elder brothers
    both died before their father. Having previously
    sat in parliament, but only having joined the
    Council of State a year before his appointment as
    Protector, he had neither the political
    experience nor the interest required to maintain
    his position. He gave it up with little
    hesitation, resigning or "abdicating" after a
    demand by the Parliament. This was the beginning
    of a short period of restoration of the
    Commonwealth of England, but led to a state of
    anarchy that resulted in the return of the exiled
    King Charles II and the restoration. Unlike his
    father, Richard was not held accountable for the
    death of King Charles I. He retired to obscurity,
    going into exile on the Continent under the
    soubriquet of "John Clarke", but returning in
    1680 to live out the remainder of his life in

The King Restored
  • When Richard abdicated, people longed for the
    stability of the monarchy.
  • Charles was recalled
  • Not without political machinations

Act of Indemnity and Oblivion
  • Charles granted an amnesty to Cromwells
  • Not covered under this act were the judges and
    officials involved in his fathers trial and

The Regicides
  • At that time 41 of the 59 signers of the kings
    death warrant were still alive. Fifteen of them
    fled William Goffe, John Dixwell, and Edward
    Whalley went to New England several went to
    Germany and Holland and Edmund Ludlow and four
    others went to Switzerland. Some were able to
    convince Charles II that they had had little to
    do with his fathers trial and that they were
    loyal to the monarchy, and they were reprieved.
    Nine of those who signed the warrant and four
    others closely connected with the trial were
    hanged. Six others, who were deemed less
    politically dangerous, were imprisoned for life
    some were later reprieved.

  • In May of 1660, Charles II finally came back to
  • He arrived in London to great cheering and joy on
    his 30th birthday.

Repealing Cromwells Laws
  • One of the first things Charles did when he
    returned was to repeal all of Cromwells laws.
  • Inns reopened, theaters reopened, sports started
    up again, and life in England became merry

Political Pamphlets
  • There was a thriving pamphlet culture.
  • Pamphlets were anonymous political tracts put
    out about all kinds of political questions.
  • The pamphlets had to be anonymous because of the
    strict censorship laws
  • Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Delariver Manley
    wrote pamphlets

Charles II (1630-1685)
  • He is probably best known as a ladies man

Lucy Walter
  • Lucy Walter, mother of James Scott, the Duke of
  • Lucy died in 1658, before Charless triumphant
    return to England
  • By then, Lucy and Charles had split and she lived
    a squalid, loose life.
  • Shortly before she died, Charles actually had his
    9-year-old son, James, kidnapped from her and
    brought to his mother in France.
  • Though this sounds cruel, Lucy soon died of
    venereal disease, a terrible death, so it was
    probably for the best.

Many Mistresses
  • During his reign Charles had twelve other
    important mistresses
  • Seven bore him children.
  • He had fourteen acknowledged children.

No Legitimate Children
  • Charles married Catherine of Braganza, the
    Infanta of Portugal, in 1662
  • never had children,
  • though by all accounts, the king and queen were
    happily married.

Queen Catherine
Why James as Heir is a Problem?
  • James was a Roman Catholic.
  • There was still great dear and suspicion against
    Catholics in England, and the people did not want
    a Catholic king.

James as King
  • James II came to the throne on a wave of popular
    sentiment after his brothers death in 1685
  • in three short years he was deposed by his own
    Protestant daughter and son-in-law.

James II
Religious Problems
  • Whether or not one chose the right religion meant
    the difference between spending eternity in
    Heaven or Hell.
  • If the government did not support the proper
    religion, in their eyes it could mean the
    difference between a nation having Gods blessing
    or not.

Charless Balancing Act
  • Charles almost always successfully balanced the
    official Church of England Protestantism with the
    more radical brand of Puritan Protestantism on
    one side and Roman Catholicism on the other.

The Yorks as Catholics
  • Jamess Protestant wife, Anne Hyde, Duchess of
    York, converted to Catholicism towards the end of
    her life.
  • She died in 1671, and shortly after, James
    converted to Catholicism.
  • By Charless royal decree, the princesses Mary
    and Anne were brought up Anglican.

Further York troubles
  • In 1673 James married the Italian princess Maria
    of Modena, who was also Catholic.
  • They had four children before James became king.
  • All died before he took the throne.

Prince James Francis Edward Stuart
  • As long as James and Maria had no son, Princess
    Mary, by Jamess first marriage, was still second
    in line for the throne.
  • June 1688 James Francis Edward Stuart born.
  • Jamess reign was already troubled, and the
    thought that a Catholic prince was next in line
    for the throne was intolerable to Parliament and
    most of the English population as well.

Abdication or Coup?
  • December 1688 William of Orange arrived in
    England with a large force
  • James fled for France, in fear of his life.
  • Remember, James had been a young man of 16 when
    his father was executed.
  • Like his brother, he spent most of his early life
    facing danger and possible death.
  • Parliament saw this as an abdication, and named
    William and Mary joint rulers.

The Pretenders
  • James never accepted defeat, and claimed the
    throne for the rest of his life, as did his
    son,The Old Pretender and
  • his grandson,the The Young Pretender, or Bonnie
    Prince Charlie as hes often called in

Final Uprising
  • Many Scottish people never accepted the House of
    Orange, and were persecuted because of it until a
    final revolt in 1745, which the English finally
    crushed for once and for all.

William and Mary
  • The new co-regnants

Bloodless Revolution
  • Technically the second civil war in England.
  • Although its called bloodless, James continued
    to attempt to regain the throne until the
    decisive Battle of the Boyne in Ireland, July
  • Blood was spilt, but very little for such a
    large overthrow of a king.
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