Title: Natural language interface: desirable for a search syste
1A Robust Ontology-Based Method for
TranslatingNatural Language Queries to
Conceptual Graphs
- Tru Cao, Truong Cao, Thang Tran
- Presenter Hien Nguyen
- Semantic Web Group (VN-KIM)
- Faculty of Computer Science Engineering
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
- Research motivation
- The roles of named entities
- Translation of queries to CGs
- Experimental results
- VN-KIM Search
- Concluding remarks
3Research motivation
- Natural language interface desirable for a
search system - Machine translation for the general case
saturated after many years of research - What can make the difference limiting the domain
of discourse to queries
4The roles of named entities
- Ontological properties of NEs help identifying
relations - Query What county is Modesto, California in?
implicit relation determined by surrounding NEs
5The roles of named entities
- NEs are used as anchors
- Query What county is Modesto, California in?
6The roles of named entities
- Relations among NEs are to be identified
- Query What county is Modesto, California in?
relations to be recognized
7The roles of named entities
- An abstract view of a query
- Query
8Translation of queries to CGs
- An ontology-based algorithm (9 steps)
- Recognizing specified entities
- Recognizing unspecified entities
- Extracting relational phrases
- Determining the type of queried entities
- Unifying identical entities
- Discovering implicit relations
- Determining the types of relations
- Removing improper relations
- Constructing the final conceptual graph
9Translation of queries to CGs
- An ontology-based algorithm (steps 1-4)
- Recognizing specified entities
- What is the capital of Mongolia?
- Recognizing unspecified entities
- How many counties are in Indiana?
- Extracting relational phrases
- What state is Niagara Falls located in?
- Determining the type of queried entities
- What is WWE short for?
10Translation of queries to CGs
- An ontology-based algorithm (steps 5-8)
- Unifying identical entities
- Who is the president of Bolivia?
- Discovering implicit relations
- What county is Modesto, California in?
- Determining the types of relations
- When was Microsoft established?
- Removing improper relations
- What city in Florida is Sea World in?
11Translation of queries to CGs
- An ontology-based algorithm (step 9)
- Constructing the final conceptual graph
- What was the name of the movie that starred
Sharon Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger? -
12Translation of queries to CGs
- Advantages of conceptual graphs
- An intuitive graphical language
- Well-founded logical semantics
- Smooth mappping to and from natural language
13Experimental results
- Tools and data
- KIM PROTON ontology 300 entity types and 100
relation types (with enrichment) - KIM World KB over 77,000 NEs (with enrichment)
- GATE NE recognition engine (with errors
corrected) - TREC 2007 with 445 queries
14Experimental results
- Errors
- R-error due to GATEs performance
- O-error due to lack of entity types, relation
types, NEs in KIM ontology and knowledge base - Q-error due to expressiveness of simple
conceptual graphs - M-error due to the proposed algorithm itself
15Experimental results
16Experimental results
17VN-KIM Search
18VN-KIM Search
- Searching by both named entities and keywords
- Clustering results by named entities and keywords
- Incorporating fuzzy matching
- Supporting natural language queries
19Concluding remarks
- The proposed method is saving time off syntatic
parsing and robust to grammatical mistakes
20Concluding remarks
- Work under investigation
- Qualitative properties and non-binary relations
are considered in ontology design - Simple conceptual graphs are extended to
represent queries with quantifiers, logical
connectives, and comparative adjectives
21Thanks for your attention
- VN-KIM Group
- http//www.cse.hcmut.edu.vn/vn-kim/