Title: Fiscal Management Workshop
1Fiscal Management Workshop
- Office of Student Activities
- Fall 2008
- Fiscal Management Workshop
- Purpose of the Workshop
- Key Players in Fiscal Management
- Forms
- Purchase Order, W-9, Check Request, Contract
- Purchase Requisition, Food Beverage, Cash
Receipt - Transfers, Travel Related Documents
- Tips
- Q A
- The Fiscal Management Workshop was designed to
inform student organization members/leaders of
the necessary forms needed for fiscal activities.
- Through the FMW, orgs will know what is needed to
obtain various items with their funding. - Each organization must send at least two members
to attend the fiscal management workshop in order
to have access to funds.
4Key Players in FM
RSO Leaders
5Student Org Leaders
- Recognized Student Organizations
- Aline Sandouk
- Deidre Bailey
- Fraternity Sorority Life Councils
- Kevin Hartley (IFC)
- Nkeiruka Nikky Ononiwu (MGC)
- Marc Moore (NPHC)
- Jamie Brown (PHC)
6Purchase Order Request Form
- The Purchase Order form is used as payment for
goods or services costing less than 2,000 when a
vendor accepts a George Mason University Purchase
Order. An electronic purchase order will be
created to present to vendor. - It takes 30 days to process Purchase Orders
(beginning with the date created to after goods
are received)
7Completing the Purchase Order
- Vendor
- Name, Address, Soc Sec (if individual)
- Federal ID (if corp.)
- Contact Person, Telephone, Fax
- Student Organization
- Organization Name
- Contact Person Member with Signature Authority
- Street 4400 University Dr., MSN 2D6
- Bldg SUB I Room 101
- Telephone (your contact number)
8More on the Purchase Order
- Description/Event Info
- General description of event and date of event
- Be somewhat detailed so it is easy to decipher
- Total Amount
- Dollar amount
- Type of funds
- SFB, SGR, or SPF
- Charge to
- Org number
- Signature Requirements
- Org Member with Signature Authority
9Final notes on Purchase Orders
- GMU does NOT approve reimbursements
- There is one time where reimbursements are
feasible - Take the electronic version with you and give to
vendor as proof of payment - Keep track of your ORIGINAL receipts
- ORIGINAL receipts are submitted to Sara or
Rosalynn within 72 hours of event
10W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID s
- The Vendor completes this form and can be faxed
to A/P - Needed
- For anyone who receives payment from GMU
- Anytime vendor being paid for the 1st time (from
GMU) - Sometimes needed for students or fac/staff
- Kept on file 36 months from the last date paid
11Check Request
- The Check Request form should be used for
INVOICED expenditures of less than 2,000 when
the vendor will not accept a George Mason
University Purchase Order. - Please submit check request along with invoice
and food and beverage authorization form if
purchasing food. - Prior planning is necessary if checks are needed
by a specific date and time, as checks can take
as long as a month to be processed. Check
Requests submitted after the event will take a
minimum of 30 days to be processed.
12Completing Check Requests
- Vendor
- Name Address (will be printed on check)
- Soc Sec (if individual), Federal ID (if
corp.), G (university employee or
student) - Dates Submitted and Required Be SPECIFIC (No
ASAP) - Requesting Dept/Org
- Dept Name Org Name
- Contact Person Org Member with Signature
Authority MSN 2D6 Tel Full telephone - Charge to Org number 610
13More on the Check Requests
- Description
- General Description Be somewhat detailed so it
is easy to decipher - Funds used SFB, SGR, SPF (include title listed
on Summary) - Can write Please call for pick-up if you want
to pick-up check, also highlight your telephone
number in org section - Amount
- Dollar Amount xx.xx
- Check boxes
- Can attach forms that need to accompany check
- Check any of the boxes that apply
14And, more on Check Requests
- Signature Requirements (in order)
- Line 1 Org Member completing form AND Org Member
with Signature Authority - Line 3 RSO Leader (when available)
- Line 2 Rosalynn/Sara (RSO Leader obtains)
- Attach Original Invoice/Receipt
- Please see example invoice in packet
- Check Requests cannot be submitted without proof
to support cost - Check Request Copies
- Make a copy of the Check Request and
invoice/receipt submitted for your records - Original goes to AP (I will send to AP)
15Check Request Exercise
- Lets take a minute and fill out a check request
- George Mason University Contracts are used to pay
for - A group or individual providing a service
- DJ
- Speaker
- Artist
- The Contract should be attached with a check
request if the cost is less that 2,000 or a
purchase requisition if the cost is more than
17Purchases over 2,000
- For purchases of 2,000 or more, the
department/organization must complete a Purchase
Requisition form and submit to Purchasing - Purchases over 2,000 must be processed through
the Purchasing Department, submit to SA office
first - Please speak with Rosalynn Holder or Sara
Morrisroe prior to making any purchases/orders
over 2,000
18FB Authorizations
- State Funds cant be used for Food, but the U
has exception, which means we use Food Beverage
Authorizations whenever food is purchased
19More with FBs
- Two types
- For any vendor general
- For Sodexho (university catering) only
- Sodexho orders can be submitted electronically
therefore a hard copy of the food and beverage
authorization form is not needed - Orders can be placed at http//catering.gmu.edu/
- Major differences
- General Vendor always submitted with a PO or
Check Request - Sodexho doesnt need a PO or Check Request
20More with FBs
- Vendor/Payee Information
- Vendor Name, Address, FIN or G
- Phone, Fax, and Contact Person
- Department Information
- Organization Name
- Phone and Fax
- Org number to be charged
- Contact Person
- Event Info
- of Persons Approximate
- Always check Box 3 Student Club Function
- Purpose
- A description of your event,
- Funds used SFB, SPF (include title listed on
Summary) or SGR - Note items for which GMU will not pay
- Signatures
- Approving Official Org Member with Signature
Authority - Senior Approving Rosalynn /Sara
21Receipt Book
- Receipt books will be available at the student
activities office for organizations that collect
funds. - Receipt books must be returned to the student
activities office within 72 hours after your
event has taken place. - All organizations that collect funds must give
the individual a receipt (ex. dues).
22Cash Receipt
- Similar to your own bank accounts Deposit Slip,
this document is used for orgs to deposit money
into their University account. - Copies of the Cash Receipt can be obtained from
Student Activities Office on the Wall of Forms. - Use separate cash receipt form for cash and
23Completing a Cash Receipt
- Bank Number Is always 01
- Date Use current date
- Org number Organizations number
- (610)
- 4. Account No. Use the account code that
applies from the list in your packet. (If those
dont apply, consult the Cash Office.) - Description Be specific Chess Club fall
membership dues, raffle tickets, etc. If you are
a new organization or do not have individual org
always list org name in description section
24More on deposits
- 6. Dollar amount (for each line item, includes
cash and checks) - 7. Total for Cash / Checks should equal Cash
Receipt Total line of the deposit (bottom right) - All Checks must be made payable to 1) GMU Org
Name, or 2) GMU - All Checks must be endorsed with for deposit
only Org , Account Code - There is a 25 bounced check fee (make sure your
members know this)
25Still talking about deposits
- 8. Total amount of the deposit
- 9. Prepared by
- Name should be of the person making the deposit,
- Complete deposit date,
- Dept Org name. Unless the organization has its
own office space, the MSN is 2D6, - Ext Full Phone , Email address persons
completing deposit - 10. Cashier Validation The cashier will fill in
this portion before giving you the yellow copy.
DO NOT leave until this is done.
- Journal Voucher Transfer
- Used for Co-sponsorship, to transfer funds or
charges to departments/other organizations - Can only be used with like-accounts
- Signed by Org Member with Signature Authority and
27Motor Pool, Rebecca Stone 3-2442
- SA Addendum (Please contact motor pool for
vehicle availability first) - 15 passenger vans (Require training)
- 7 passenger vans
- Cars
- Gas Cards
- Price 0.40/mile (cars) 0.45(minivans) with 20
base w/ minimum mileage - List ALL Anticipated Drivers with GMU ID
- 1st of 3 forms signed by Faculty Advisor
28More on Motor Pool
- Vehicle Request Form-Submit form to Motor Pool at
least 5 days prior to requested date with - Requester Name
- Department Org name, ext., fax, msn, and
e-mail address - Org number 610
- List of Drivers
- Type of vehicle requested
- Destination Info.
- Approved Signed by Rosalynn or Sara
29Request and Authorization to Travel
- Found online and MUST be TYPED handwritten will
not be accepted. - Purpose of form Where are you going? Why? Whats
the Estimated Cost? - Used for Commercial Travel mainly for conferences
- Need one form for EACH TRAVELER
- 2nd of 3 forms signed by Faculty Advisor (as
30More on the Request to Travel
- Be sure to complete all sections Traveler Info,
Trip Info, and Estimated Expenses - When estimating, estimate reasonably so you can
(for air and rail travel) - Travel Authorization Forms must be completed and
on file two weeks before the travel date and
before any arrangements or purchases can be made. - VP for University Life signs this form
31Travel Waivers
- Risk Assessment Release form needed when
traveling - This form is used as a Liability waiver to remove
the University from responsibility - The Liability waiver is found on the Graduate
Student Travel Fund site (linked from the SA
site) http//www.gmu.edu/org/gstf/pdfs/risk.pdf
32Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher
- Found online and PLEASE TYPE FORM
- Completed after you return from the conference to
receive reimbursement of money spent - Please complete all sections Traveler
Information,Trip Information, Expenses, and
Purpose of Trip - Attach ORIGINAL receipts credit card statement
- 3rd of 3 forms signed by Faculty Advisor (as
33Location of Forms
- The following are on fiscal.gmu.edu/forms/index.ht
mlPurchasing - Check Request
- Food Beverages Authorization
- Journal Voucher Transfer
- Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher (Must be
TYPED) - Request and Authorization to Travel (Must be
TYPED) - W-9 Tax Form
- Must be completed in hard copy format
- Cash Receipt Form
- Purchase Order Request Form
- Motor Pool Request
- George Mason University Contract
34Tips for a Successful Year
- Get to know the Student Activities staff
- Establish a working relationship with your
Faculty Advisor - Always follow proper procedures (to avoid delays)
- Fill out forms completely with as much info as
you can - PLAN AHEAD and conduct business in timely manner
- Check your EMAIL on a regular basis
- If you have one, check org mailbox at least once
a week - SHARE what you learn with your organization
members. This helps to avoid future problems. - COMMIT yourself to learning as much as possible
about the procedures and policies
- General Questions?
- ?
- Questions on specific forms?
- Thank you..
36SA Contacts, 993-2909
- Rosalynn Holder
- Assistant Director for Fiscal Management
- Sara Morrisroe
- Assistant Director for Organizations
- Student Org Leaders
- (See Contact List for contact information)