Title: Simone Youngblood DMSO VV
1Simone YoungbloodDMSO VVA Technical
Director703-824-3436 syoungblood_at_dmso.mil
Foundations for VVA in the 21st Century
228 Foundations 02 Sponsors
- Aegis Technology Group, Inc.
- ASME Applied Mechanics Division (AMD)
- Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling
Simulation (ACIMS) - Boeing Phantom Works
- Center for Economic Research (CentER), Tilburg
University (Netherlands) - Clemson University
- Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO)
- FAA Flight Standards Service
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (Bonn, Germany)
- Illgen Simulation Technologies
- Innovative Management Concepts, Inc. (IMC)
- Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics
Laboratory (JHU/APL) - Joint Accreditation Support Activity (JASA)
- Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee of the Joint
Army Navy NASA Air Force (JANNAF) - Interagency Propulsion Committee
- McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences -- Cal
State (CSU), Chico - Ministry of Defence (UK) Synthetic Environment
Coordination Office - NASA Ames Research Center
- National Training Systems Association (NTSA)
- Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
- Survivability / Vulnerability Information
Analysis Center (SURVIAC) - United States Association for Computational
Mechanics (USACM) - UCF/IST
- As of 9 August 2002
- PURPLE originating sponsors
- TEAL hosting sponsor
3Foundations 02 Overview
- When Where
- 22-24 October 2002
- Kossiakoff Conference Education Center _at_
JHU/APL (Laurel, MD) - Objectives
- Produce clear comprehensive description of
state of VVA art in many (most of the major)
VVA areas - Develop a coherent description of major VV
research needs - Promote more extensive sustained information
exchange about VVA among various MS communities - Produce a current bibliography of critical and
substantive VVA literature and resources
currently gt500 entries
TOR, Program, Bibliography/template available on
DMSO website VVA page https//www.dmso.mil/public
- Program Schedule
- Keynote Speakers
- Session Topic Description, Authors, Chairs,
Recorders - Status
- Substantial draft papers submitted (many 50-120
pp) - Some session authors are behind schedule
- Enough material in hand will make workshop great
5Program Schedule
Tuesday am Keynotes Workshop Admin Tuesday
pm A1-A6 Invited Paper T1/2/4/7
Sessions Tuesday pm Mixer Wednesday am B1-B6
Invited Paper T3/5/6/8 Sessions Wednesday pm
Plenary Synopsis of Research Needs Thursday
Workshop Leaders Draft Products
- Registration 150 (200 after mid-Sept)
- Registration is via NTSA website Event Calendar
- URL http//www.trainingsystems.org/events
- first-come/first-served is primary assignment
Early registration important to insure one is
assigned to sessions of greatest interest
7Comments Conclusion
- Foundations 02 will be a very significant event
- A lot has been accomplished, but much remains to
be done (volunteers to help are still welcome) - Others may want to become Foundations 02
sponsors, so that they will be recognized in
Workshop products - Foundations 02 will bring a mixture of
perspectives and insights from DoD (40), DOE
(30), rest (30) FAA, NIST, NASA, academia,
industry, foreign, etc. that should provide a
broad and solid foundation for the VV state of
the art. Estimates in ( ) based upon author
session leader associations.
8Comments Conclusion contd
- Foundations 02 has three requirements for
success - Qualified authors for invited papers this
requirement has been met - Qualified session leaders to ensure robust
discussion of the topics 50 of 60 slots are
filled - Co-chair slots open B4, T1, T6, T7, T8
- Recorder slots open B6, T1, T3, T4, T8
- 3. Qualified participants ensure that enough
knowledgeable people attend so that we produce
state-of-the-art descriptions for all areas
9Invited Paper Sessions
Session Format (session restricted to 20-30
people addresses space consideration ensures
discussion is most meaningful) Length 3 1/2
hours Invited Paper Presentation 90
minutes Paper will be available for participants
a month before the Workshop Topic Discussion
(caveats, counter-views, etc.) 90
minutes Discussion ideas will be captured and
included in Workshop products Synopsis of Session
Findings by Session Leaders 30 min
State of VV Art for the Session VVA area will
be the combination of the invited paper and the
discussion comments.
10Foundations 02 Products
- 1. Insights gained by participants
- Clear Comprehensive Descriptions of State of the
VVA Art in Topic Areas Addressed in the
Workshop - Combination of invited papers, briefing visuals,
synopses of discussions - 3. Coherent Statement of Critical Research Needed
to Advance VVA - 4. Annotated Briefing of the Workshop for its
Sponsors - Updated Bibliography of VVA Literature
Resources - compiled from reference materials in invited
papers from items suggested by Workshop
participants et al in a standard format using an
EXCEL spreadsheet version currently available
on DMSO VVA page has gt500 entries
Item to be made available electronically via
a website possibly prepared for sale (CD)
after the workshop