Title: Thoughts on an 8Layer Microstrip Tracker
1Thoughts on an 8-Layer Microstrip Tracker
SID Tracking Meeting October 8, 2004 Bruce
Schumm UC Santa Cruz
March 2001 Baseline
2What kind of momentum resolution could this
get? What kind of pattern recognition
performance? Kinks and Vees? Degradation of
informa-tion before calorimeter?
With 8 layers, tracker is nearly continuous (by
some peoples Standards)
3Exploit tapering layer thickness S/N somewhat
conservative, at least according to current
4Note Assumption is (ala Bill Cooper) 0.2 X0 of
mechanical support per layer
5- Most precise design for p???
- Cross-over with Fantasy Tracker at 90 GeV/c
- Cross-over with TPC at 10 GeV/c