Title: Leonardo Da Vinci
1Leonardo Da Vinci
2Leonardo Da Vinci was born in Italy over 500
years ago.
3When Da Vinci was a boy, he drew a monster that
was so scary, his father sent him to art
school. At school, he posed for this sculpture.
4He studied under a great teacher named
Verrocchio who made him draw for hours every day.
5Da Vinci even studied dead bodies to learn about
the muscles and bones.
6How do you think studying the body helped Da
Vinci with his paintings?
7After seeing how Da Vinci painted these angels,
his teacher never painted again. Why do you
think Da Vinci's teacher stopped painting?
8Da Vinci liked to tell stories in his
pictures. What do you think is happening in this
9He never finished this famous painting of the
Last Supper. Where is Jesus in the painting?
10His "Mona Lisa" has become the world's most
famous painting. It took him 12 years to paint
her lips.
11People have always wondered why she is
smiling. Why do you think so?
12Millions of people have traveled to France to
see the "Mona Lisa."
13It has been copied by many artists. How is this
painting different?
14How is this one similar?
15(No Transcript)
16But Da Vinci was too creative to paint just
pictures. He designed buildings and bridges.
17He invented scissors, high-heel shoes and the
helicopter. Which do you think is his most
important invention?
18Today, people have built many of his inventions
to see if they work. Can you guess what this is?
19 Da Vinci never got to see his airplanes fly.
20 But no one's imagination ever flew higher.