Title: AllIreland Practice
1All-Ireland Practice Quality Database
Exemplar Projects
- Paddie Blaney
- Chief Executive, NIPEC
2Good patient experience Our responsibilities?
- Delivering safe and effective care that is person
centred - Continuously learn and develop new Skills
- Objectively review Practice and continuously
improve Quality - Why a database?
3Best Practice - Best Care A framework for
setting standards, delivering services and
improving monitoring and regulation in the
HPSS April 2001
It is essential that the workforce has the
opportunity to keep up to date with best practice
and develop their skills. This can only happen in
a culture where sharing information and best
practice is a normal part of everyday life. (p29)
4- Nursing Midwifery Council
- Code of professional conduct
- 2002
You must communicate effectively and share your
knowledge, skill and expertise with other members
of the team as required for the benefit of
patients and clients.
5- So NIPEC responded by designing the Practice and
Quality Database - Promoted widely
- Approach from National Council in ROI in 2005
- Established the All Ireland database launched
last year in Dublin
- Improvements in care of patients experiencing
dementia - Benchmarking womans experience of midwifery
- Developing a behaviour support service for
parents and children