Title: DEEP
1The program of Russian DEEP Team
2The program of Russian DEEP Team
3The program of Russian DEEP Team
- Russian team includes 12 people
- from 4 regions
- Moscow, Kaluga, Kazan and Novosibirsk.
- They represent the Academy
- for retraining of educators,
- the Ministry of Education
- of Russian Federation,
- All Russian Center for Civic education,
- schools and universities.
4Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- I
- Adopting new standards
- on civics and government education
- and including civics
- in school curricular
- as one of the compulsory subjects.
5Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
6Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- II
- Creating pilot schools on civics
- and government education
- in 4 regions of Russia
- in Moscow, Kaluga,
- Kazan and Novosibirsk.
7Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- Sharing DEEP ideas
- with professionals
- at schools, universities,
- local community,
- local government.
8Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- IV
- Organizing and holding
- seminars and conferences
- in 4 regions for specialists
- on civics and government education
- from different parts of Russia
- on local level and in Moscow.
9Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- V
- Translating American textbooks
- for discussing
- and using them
- in teaching and learning process
- of Russian educational institutions.
10Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- VI
- Involving students
- of different countries
- in IEARN projects
- connected with Civics
- and DEEP.
11Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- Developing
- new iEARN project
- with DEEP participants
- Facets of tolerance.
12Programs contents of Russian DEEP Team
- Developing
- different kinds of materials
- on civics and government education
- for Russian teachers.
13DEEP ideas in Siberia
14DEEP ideas in Siberia
Organizing and holding a conference DEEP ideas
in Siberia jointly with local community and
Involving students and teachers in 3 iEARN
projects on civics Childrens rights through
artwork, Folk Tales and Facets of tolerance
15DEEP ideas in Siberia
Developing materials in Russian about IEARN and
how it works
Approbation of American textbooks on civics and
discussing its process with teachers and
educators of Novosibirsk region
16DEEP ideas in Siberia
Adaptation of the program "Cops Kidson the
basis of pilot schools
17DEEP ideas in Siberia
The program Militiamen kids in Siberia
18DEEP and iEARN projects