Title: Packing Up Your Technology for the Summer
1Packing Up Your Technology for the Summer
2Install AS 3.5 on Your Laptop
By March 27
3Return all software CDs, if you have any.
4Return any headsets with microphones to Linda.
5Return the whiteboardwands, remotes, styluses
and Activotes.
On May 28 At your grade levels scheduled time
6Leave headphones plugged into the computers.
7Unplug all computer cables from the wall, not the
back of the computers.
by May 27
8Loosely wrap cables around the computers.
by May 27
9Unplug all whiteboard cables from the wall and
tie up off the floor with rubber bands.
by May 27
10Unplug the subwoofer cables from the back.
by May 27
11Place the subwoofer in a closet or on a counter.
by May 27
12Unplug the power cord from the projector.
by May 27
13Tape the sign to the edge of your board.
by May 27
14Leave all hardware (computers, printers,
scanners) in the current room.
15Please clean all computer surfaces and tables.
By May 28
16Staying at DCE?Store your laptop at home.
17Leaving FC or Transferring? Return your laptop
to Linda.
network cable
power cords
By appointment on May 27.
clean laptop
18Transferring?Your web page and H drive will be
moved to your new school.
Update before you leave.
19All staff remaining in FC! Update your webpage!
By May 28
20All staff! Delete unwanted email and files.
By May 28
21Back up important files to a CD.
ALERT! L and W will be wiped out after May 28!
22Learn more about ActivStudio
- Sign up for FC Level 2 training (various dates _at_
- Sign up for Logical Choice Workshop (6/11-6/13 _at_
- Come to DCE Flipchart Camp (TBA)
- Home study
23Have a GREAT summer!