Title: Solar System Riddles
1Solar System Riddles
- BY Kaitlin LaBauve
- Unit 6 Science The Earth and Beyond Extension
Activity GLE 43 - and ELA GLE
2Solar System RiddlesWhat is bright, yellow and
burns your eyes when you look at it?
3Solar System RiddlesWhat is the last planet
from the sun? It is very cold there.
4Solar System RiddlesWhat is the fifth planet
from the sun and is the biggest planet ever
5Solar System RiddlesWhat is the third planet
from the sun and is the only planet that has
people living on it?
6Solar System Riddles What is the fourth planet
from the sun that has red dust on it?
- Clip Art from PowerPoint Program
- Photo taken by our Photographer of the Day
8Our Money RiddlesUnit 3 Money, Time and
Estimation GLE 4
9I AM 2 COINS.I equal 2 CENTS.What am I?
- By Anne Katherine
10 - I am 6 coins.
- I equal 6 cents
- What am I?
Six pennies By Kristyn
11I am 5 coins. I equal 50 cents. What
am I?
12I am 1 coin. I equal 25 cents. What am I?
13I am 3 coins. I equal 75 cents. What am I?
- Three quarters
- By Ross B.
14RiddlesBy Ross Granger
- I am 10 coins.
- I equal 5.00
- What am I?
Ten half dollars
15The End of Money Riddles