Title: Art of the Early Renaissance
1Art of the Early Renaissance
2 Outline
- I will focus on the visual arts of the Early
Renaissance period. - What the Renaissance was?
- How it started?
- Where it started?
- How Early Renaissance art was created
- The Workshop system
- Innovations of Early Renaissance art
- Early Renaissance artists and sculpture
3 Renaissance
- A period from the early 1300s to roughly 1600
when there was a renewed interest in history
literature and art. - Renaissance Rebirth
- Europes economic recovery
- Renewed study of ancient Greece and Rome
- The birth of humanism
- Humanism was an ideal that focused on the world
of mankind as much as a concern for the
hereafter. - Rejected medieval view of humanity and focused on
the goodness of mankind
5Humanism (cont.)
- Began in Florence, Italy
- Ideal setting
- Wealthy patrons
6Early Renaissance
- Period from 1400 to 1500
- Artist as a craftsmen
- Art created by commission
- Art through imitation
7Workshop system
- Collaboration of masters and apprentices
- Family-based
- Run like a business
- Art was commissioned
- Apprentice started in early teens
- Studied under master for several years
9Products of the workshop system
- Michaelangelo
- Master Domenico Ghirlandaio
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Master- Andrea del Verocchio
- Frescoes- art created on damp plaster
- Oil paints
- Realistic portrayal of human nature
- Chiaroscurro- use of shadows to show balance of
light and dark - Science
- Linear perspective- allowed artist to represent
objects in relative sizes
- Giotto is considered to be the most influential
artist on Renaissance painting. - Father of the Renaissance
- Giottos dignified figures seemed to displace
space, to stand upon the ground with real
substance and weight. - The figures seem to extend both backward, into
the picture, and forward, toward the spectators
13 14Filippo Bruneleschi(1337-1446)
- Florentine architect and engineer
- First to carry out a series of optical
experiments that led to a mathematical theory of
perspective. - His method of perspective had a dramatic impact
on the depiction of 3-dimensional space in the
15One point linear perspective
- Pierro della Francesca View of an Ideal City
- One of first artists to apply the new method of
linear perspective in his fresco of the Holy
Trinity - Used a barrel vaulted ceiling to imitate with
precision the true appearance of architectural
space - Figures depict accurate human anatomy
17The Holy Trinity
18Pierro della Francesca(1416-1492)
- Expressed an obsession with perspective
- His works are characterized by carefully analyzed
architectural spaces and sensitivity to geometric
purity of shapes. - Wrote several treatises on perspective and
19Carefully analyzed perspective and geometry
- The Discovery and Proving of the True Cross
- New sense of naturalism in sculpture
- Use of classical contrapposto stance (relaxed not
rigid) - Statue of David considered first full scale nude
since ancient times
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22Andrea Mantegna(1430-1506)
- Created unusual vantage points
- Looking at figures from below
- Lamentation of the Dead Christ the viewer is
looking from the feet of the subject. - Deep foreshortening
- Effectively placed the viewer at the scene,
adding to the sense of empathy
23Lamentation of the Dead Christ
- Use of unusual vantage points
24Sandra Boticelli(1445-1510)
- First artist to paint a full-length female nude
- In Birth of Venus the figure occupies the center
of the work which was traditionally reserved for
the Virgin. This work is possibly the most pagan
image of the entire Renaissance.
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27Literature in the Early Renaissance
28Before the Renaissance
- Christian Age
- Literary production limited
- Important original books of the time
- Exameron by St. Ambrose
- City of God and the Confessions by St. Augustine
- Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
29Characterized by
- Large collections of church hymns
- Didactic poems of relative significance
- Sermons
- Theological treatises
- Legends of various saints
- Fables
- Historical chronicles beginning with Creation
30Rise of Humanism
- Involved the modern discovery or rediscovery of
those fields we now call the humanities - History, moral and political philosophy, poetry,
literature, rhetoric, grammar, and linguistic
study and interpretation. - Humanism was a deliberate revival, renascence, or
"renaissance" of the arts and humanities.Â
- Humanists took Christian ideas and secular and
pagan (Greek and Roman) ideas to gain knowledge
useful in making them better people - Virtuous, responsible, educated citizens, aware
of what had been thought and done at other times
and places. - The humanists sought to understand what it was to
be fully human.
32Early Renaissance affected by
- Works of Dante
- Works of Petrarch
- Invention and widespread use of movable type
33Dante Alighieri
- Born in Florence, Italy in 1265
- Son of Alighiero di Bellincione Alighieri and his
first wife Bella - Wrote his first book Vita Nuova (New Life) in
1294 - Exiled in 1302
- De Vulgari Eloquentia treatise on his native
language - Never completed
- Il Convivio collection of verse
- Never completed
- Began writing the Commedia (Divine Comedy) in
35La Divina Commedia
- The Divine Comedy
- Completed in 1321
- Narrative poem
- Written in terza rima (third rhyme)
- a verse form consisting of tercets
- rhyme scheme (aba, bcb, cdc)
- Form modified by Dante
36Divine Comedy
- Allegory of human life written to convert the
corrupt to righteousness - Represents three realms of the Christian
afterlife - Inferno (Hell)
- Puragatorio (Purgatory)
- Paradiso (Heaven
37Influences of Dante
- Virgil
- Lucan
- Theological Influences
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- Sts. Gregory, Isidore, Anselm, and Bonaventure
- Boethius
38Influenced by Dante
- Artists
- Giotto
- Cimabue thought/To lord it over paintings
field and now/ The cry is Giottos, and his name
eclipsed. (Purgatorio, canto XI) - Michelangelo Buonarrotis Last Judgement
- Salvadore Dali
40Dalis representation of Dante
41Influenced by Dante
- Authors
- Shelley
- Byron
- Yeats
- T.S. Eliot
42Francesco Petrarca
- Born in Arezzo in 1304
- Son of a Ser Petracco
- 1341 crowned poet laureate in Rome
- Created works in Latin
- Most popular are those written in Italian
- Trionfiallegorical and moral
- Written in terza rima
- Song Book
- Considered Petrarchs masterpiece
- Contains mostly sonnets
- To a lesser degree canzoni, sestine, ballate, and
- Inspired by the lady, Laura
- Deals with Love, political and patriotic feeling,
and issues of morality - Unrequited Love
- Seeing her brings him joy
- Creates unfulfilled desires
- First saw his muse, Laura, April 6, 1327 (Good
Friday) in the church of Sainte-Claire d Avignon - Some doubt her existance
- Others believe she may have been the wife of
Hugues de Sade
46The Petrarchian Sonnet
- Now known also as the Italian Sonnet
- 14 lines
- Consists of 2 divisions
- First eight lines (octet)
- Second six lines (sestet)
- Rhyme Scheme
- Abbaabbacdecde
47Sonnet 140
- Amor, che nel penser mio vive et regna (a)
- e 'l suo seggio maggior nel mio cor tene, (b)
- talor armato ne la fronte vene (b)
- ivi si loca et ivi pon sua insegna. (a)
- Quella ch' amare et sofferir ne 'nsegna (a)
- e vol che 'l gran desio, l'accesa spene (b)
- ragion, vergogna, et reverenza affrene, (b)
- di nostro ardir fra se stessa si sdegna. (a)
- Onde Amor paventoso fugge al core, (c)
- lasciando ogni sua impresa, et piange et trema
(d) - ivi s'asconde et non appar più fore. (e)
- Che poss' io far, temendo il mio signore, (c)
- se non star seco infin a l'ora estrema? (d)
- ché bel fin fa chi ben amando more. (e)
48Influences of Petrarch
49Influenced by Petrarch
- Chaucer makes reference to Petrarch in the
prologue to the Clerks Tale in his Canterbury
Tales - "Francis Petrarch, the laureate poet/ Was this
clerk's name, whose rhetoric so sweet/ Illumed
all Italy with poetry - Sir Thomas Wyatt
- Imitated his form in at least 27 of his poems
- French and Italian poets imitated his style
indirectly - Bembo called for poets to imitate the original
51Rejecters of Petrarchanism
- The English rejected Petrarchs form
- Elizabethan sonnet writers thought it was
obsolete and created their own style - No direct imitation of Petrarch in England
- Marked avoidance
- Canzioniere not published in England until 1850s
52Impact of Movable Type
- Invented in 1440 By Johannes Gutenberg
- Led to a great demand for books in the mid 15th
century - Printers met the high demand by printing an
over-abundance of books. - Prices plummeted (20 less than a manuscript)
53Gutenbergs Press
54Movable type
- Aided in political and religious revolution
- Humanist movement fueled its success.
- Canterbury Tales and Dantes Divine Comedy were
some of the first printed - Led to the rise of the vernacular (non-Latin)
literary text
55Early Renaissance
- The style and ideas from the Early Renaissance
carried throughout the renaissance period and
left a lasting impact on modern culture.
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