Title: Don Quixote en el Mundo Moderno
1Don Quixote en el Mundo Moderno
4Physical Description
5Personal Accomplishments
6There is a remedy for everything...
Write a description here of the solutions or
remedies that this person used during their
lifetime. Include a description of the type of
problems or adversities that this person has
7To know yourself...
Write here a description of the importance of
this person in their historical context. Include
a description of their individual sense of social
8What is a modern day Quixote?
Write a justification here for your selection.
In other words, what are the quixotic
characteristics that this person has? Why does
this make them fit the profile of a modern day
Don Quixote or heroic figure? Be careful to
elaborate and justify your choice.
- Review the key elements of your presentation.
- Include a brief summary and describe why you have
selected this person.