Title: Branding Wisconsin
1 2Sarah Klavas Brand Manager
3Integration Communications Strategic
Planning Branding
5 6A brands positioning is a timeless relevance
that differentiates it from competitors.
Chevrolet Dependable and All-American
7- Relevant differentiation inspires an emotional
connection that creates a strong following.
8(No Transcript)
9Legacy level branding
10The emotional connection comes from what is
relevant to consumer needs that competitors dont
WI Points of Difference
Points of Parity
Competitors Points of Difference
11Emotional connections have economic value.
- More loyal customer base return visitors
- Easier recruitment and retention of employees
- More predictable revenue streams
- Less pressure to compete on price
- Greater clout with investors
- Pre-emption of competitors
- Greater efficiency, given all offerings can be
marketed under one brand
12The emotional connection forms brand
positioning platform.
The brand positioning platform or soul
Brand soul
The current verbal manifestation of the soul
Theme line
Big idea or metaphor that ties all communications
Creative strategy
Individual ads, brochures or materials focused on
specific attribute/offering
Individual tactics/executions
13Competing states promote similar things to
Wisconsin, putting us at parity, not preference.
14What differentiates Wisconsin in a way relevant
to target?
WI Points of Difference
Points of Parity
Competitors Points of Difference
15For Wisconsinit was the people.
- Being unbelievably loyal
- Being proud
- Being passionate
- Having such fun with life
- Not hung up about what others think
- Not taking themselves or others so seriously
- Being spontaneous, rambunctious, imaginative, fun
to be with
16In a way like no other place, what about
Wisconsin is relevant, differentiating and
emotionally compelling?
- The passionate nature of our people to have fun,
express themselves in original ways and feel more
comfortable doing it here than anywhere else. - In Wisconsin, Originality Rules
17The Soul of Wisconsin-our Brand Promise
18Why is original thinking rampant, valued,
nurtured here? Research suggests its in
Wisconsins DNA.
Responsibility If you want something done
right, give it to someone from Wisconsin. Authen
ticity Were down to earth, approachable,
accepting of all. Stewardship of the land Our
beautiful landscape feeds and inspires our bodies
and souls, freeing us to think differently than
those in more stressful surroundings. Fun We
believe life is to be enjoyed and lived to its
fullest. This inspires fresh perspective and
unbridles the imagination.
19Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Aldo Leopold
Jamie Thomson
Georgia OKeefe
Frank Lloyd Wright
Alex Jordan
House on the Rock
UW Researcher
20Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Aldo Leopold
Jamie Thomson
Frank Lloyd Wright
Gaylord Nelson
Georgia OKeefe
Earth Day Founder
UW Researcher
21Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Aldo Leopold
Frank Lloyd Wright
Gaylord Nelson
Tommy Bartlett
Georgia OKeefe
Earth Day Founder
22Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Aldo Leopold
Les Paul
Gaylord Nelson
Tommy Bartlett
Frank Lloyd Wright
Earth Day Founder
23Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Aldo Leopold
Les Paul
Gaylord Nelson
Tommy Bartlett
Randall Duk Kim
Earth Day Founder
Actor - APT Founder
24Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Sid Cook
Les Paul
Gaylord Nelson
Tommy Bartlett
Randall Duk Kim
Earth Day Founder
Actor - APT Founder
Artisan Cheese maker
25Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Sid Cook
Les Paul
Randall Duk Kim
Tommy Bartlett
Seymour Cray
Actor - APT Founder
Artisan Cheese maker
Supercomputer pioneer
26Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Sid Cook
Les Paul
Randall Duk Kim
Seymour Cray
Packer Fan
Supercomputer pioneer
Actor - APT Founder
Artisan Cheese maker
27Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Sid Cook
Ringling Brothers
Packer Fan
Randall Duk Kim
Seymour Cray
Greatest Show on Earth
Artisan Cheese maker
Actor - APT Founder
Supercomputer pioneer
28Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Edna Ferber
Sid Cook
Ringling Brothers
Packer Fan
Seymour Cray
Artisan Cheese maker
Supercomputer pioneer
Greatest Show on Earth
29Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Edna Ferber
Joyce Berg
Ringling Brothers
Packer Fan
Seymour Cray
Angel Museum
Supercomputer pioneer
Greatest Show on Earth
30Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Edna Ferber
Joyce Berg
Ferne Cualker
Ringling Brothers
Packer Fan
Angel Museum
Ko-Thi Dance Co.
Greatest Show on Earth
31Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Edna Ferber
Steve Raffel
Joyce Berg
Ferne Cualker
Ringling Brothers
Raven Software
Angel Museum
Ko-Thi Dance Co.
Greatest Show on Earth
32Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Edna Ferber
Steve Raffel
Barry Levinson
Joyce Berg
Ferne Cualker
Raven Software
Mustard Museum
Angel Museum
Ko-Thi Dance Co.
33Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Mountain Wolf Woman
Steve Raffel
Barry Levinson
Joyce Berg
Ferne Cualker
Raven Software
Mustard Museum
Angel Museum
Ko-Thi Dance Co.
34Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Mountain Wolf Woman
Steve Raffel
Barry Levinson
H.H. Bennett
Ferne Cualker
Raven Software
Mustard Museum
Ko-Thi Dance Co.
35Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Mountain Wolf Woman
Steve Raffel
Barry Levinson
H.H. Bennett
Warren Nelson
Raven Software
Mustard Museum
Big Top Chautauqua
36Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Mountain Wolf Woman
Pleasant Rowland
Barry Levinson
H.H. Bennett
Warren Nelson
American Girl
Mustard Museum
Big Top Chautauqua
37Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Mountain Wolf Woman
Pleasant Rowland
Dr. James Cameron
H.H. Bennett
Warren Nelson
American Girl
Big Top Chautauqua
Black Holocaust Museum
38Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Steve Miller
Pleasant Rowland
Dr. James Cameron
H.H. Bennett
Warren Nelson
American Girl
Big Top Chautauqua
Black Holocaust Museum
39Wisconsin OriginalsImaginative thinkers
enhancing our world
Steve Miller
Pleasant Rowland
Dr. James Cameron
John Muir
Warren Nelson
American Girl
Founder Sierra Club
Big Top Chautauqua
Black Holocaust Museum
40What would you say if askedWho belongs in
mypictorial portfolio?What is the unique point
of difference in my business community?How can
I tell the story so that it both supports and is
nurtured by the state brand?
41Tools are on the way to help
- A brand toolkit to include communication message
points, logos, colors, requirements for
partnering - A new industry website
- Changes in the JEM grant program
- Co-op opportunities