Title: NGJA National Course 20012002 edited by Ken Achiron
1NGJA National Course2001-2002edited by Ken
2Major Contributors
- All information here is based on current FIG
Code along with the latest NGJA/USA
Interpretations. Much of our presentation has
been updated since last year. - Slides updated after ntlcr02a this year will be
marked. See 134 (notes) for a list of updates as
the year progresses.
4Course Outline
- General Intro
- NCAA Rules Differences
- Scoring and A-Jury Rules
- Difficulty Rules
- Special Requirements
- Presentation
- Event Specifics in Olympic Order
5Basis For Scoring
- A-jury
- Difficulty 2.8
- Special Requirements 1.0
- Bonus Points 1.2
- 5.0
- B-jury
- Presentation 5.0
- Total Score 10.0
- FIG A and B Panel Judging
- A panel - sets the Start Value
- B panel - presentation deductions
- B panel Range
- 0.2 for deductions of 0.00 0.50
- 0.3 for deductions of 0.55 1.00
- 0.4 for deductions of 1.05 2.00
- 0.5 for deductions of gt 2.00
7NCAA Rules 2002
- Straight FIG Rules except
- Judges will evaluate both A and B
- Use last years ranges
- No Partial Replacement
- Dark Pants allowed (5 year grace)
- 0.05 can be used at all levels
- No time limit on FX
- Vault Table in use
8NCAA Rules 2002Bonus
- 0.1 Extra Bonus for stuck D or higher value
dismount (except PH) - FX must be a natural D for dismount bonus (not
CB) - Start value may rise above 10.0 with additional
bonus - Max score 9.95 with visible error
9NCAA Rules 2002Score Ranges
- 9.5 10.0 .1
- 9.0 9.45 .2
- 8.0 8.95 .3
- 6.0 7.95 .5
- 0.0 5.95 .8
10NCAA Rules 2002Vault
- 0.1 Extra bonus stuck dism. all vaults
- NCAA No zero for landing seat first.
- Max score 9.95 with visible error
- Failure to mark Landing Zone - 0.3
- Vault numbers flashed or pre-comp form utilized
11Difficulty Values
- 4 A parts _at_ 0.1 each 0.4
- 3 B parts _at_ 0.3 each 0.9
- 3 C parts _at_ 0.5 each 1.5
- 0 D parts
- 10 parts Total 2.8
- Higher values may replace lower
- There is no partial replacement
12Difficulty Bonus
- D parts 0.1
- E parts 0.2
- Super E 0.3
- FX Combined Super E 0.3
- FX Listed Super E 0.4
- FX Listed Super E B 0.5
Always without a single large deduction
13Bonus for Connections
- D D 0.1
- D E or SE 0.2
- E E or SE 0.2
Always without a single large deduction
14Special Requirements
- Each event has 5 element groups.
- Must include at least a B skill from each.
- 5 element groups x 0.2 each 1.0 total.
- PH, SR, PB, HB have a dismount group.
- Dismount must be at least a C.
- B Dismount - 0.1
- A Dismount - 0.2
- No Dismount - 0.3
- There is no Dismount Group on Floor Ex but same
deductions are taken
15Missed Dismounts - I
- If a fall takes place on the dismount
- (without landing feet first first and without
showing any control) - 0.5 for fall
- No Recognition of the element
- No Bonus
- 0.3 for missing dismount element group (also
taken on Floor Exercise) - (The dismt must be completed prior to fall)
16Missed Dismounts - II
- If a fall or large deduction takes place on the
dismount - (After showing a landing with some control)
- 0.5 for fall or 0.3 for a large deduction
- Recognition of the element
- No Bonus
- Credit for the Dismount Element Group
- (The dismt must be completed prior to fall)
17Missed Dismounts - III
- A missed dismount may not be repeated.
18A Panel Deductions
- Missing Special Requirement 0.2
- Non Commensurate Dismount
- (in FX or elsewhere taken in Group 5)
- no dismount or not recog 0.3
- A dismount 0.2
- B dismount 0.1
- Repetition (3 in a row) 0.2
- Prohibited elements
- (e.g. unlisted straddled strength) 0.2
- and non-recognition
19Causes for Non-Recognition - I
- Repeated elements
- Assistance by spotter in completion
- Holding less than 1 second
- Pushing off with feet first dismount
- Unlisted Straddled strength
- Strength hold gt45 from position
- So poorly done as to be non-recognizable
20Causes for Non-Recognition - II
- FX element performed after 70 sec.
- FX element performed outside the area
- PH skew more than 45
- SR element controlled by feet on cables
- VT Repeating 1st vault group in Finals
- VT Invalid vault
- HB element from the feet on the bar
21Difficulty and Execution - I
- An element that is not recognized by the A panel
is not eligible for bonus. - A legitimate dismount that does not have its
difficulty recognized will receive NO CREDIT for
the dismount requirement. (Article 15.4)
22Difficulty and Execution - II
- An element will not be recognized by the A Jury
if it significantly deviates from the prescribed
execution - Rings Any amount of elbow bend changes a
straight arm press to a bent arm press. - An element will not be recognized if it is
completed with a fall. (Article 15.5.a)
23Final Score Deductions
- Behavior Violations
- Non-permitted spotter 0.2
- Improper attire 0.2
- Not acknowledging before/after 0.2
- Over 30 sec. before starting 0.2
- Remounting the podium after 0.2
- Coach speaking w gymnast during 0.2
- Other undisciplined/abusive 0.2
- Over 30 sec after fall exercise over
24Final Score Deductions
- Apparatus Violations
- Over 25 meter run (Vault) 0.3
- No vault board safety collar on Round Off Entry
zero score - Illegal board placement (PB) 0.3
- Illegal Mat situation 0.3
- Raising apparatus w/o permission 0.3
25Final Score Deductions
- Team Deductions
- Team gymnast(s) compete in wrong order on an
apparatus 1.0 - (Gymnast also receives no score)
- Other undisciplined or abusive behavior by
coach 1.0
- This years emphasis is on excellent execution.
Judges are asked to pay close attention to - Body Positions, extension
- Angles
- Length of hold positions
- Landings
- Form
27Presentation - I
- Small error 0.1
- (Slight deviation / bending)
- Medium error 0.2
- (Distinct deviation / strong bending)
- Large error 0.3
- (Severe Deviation / extreme bending)
- Fall 0.5
28Presentation - II
- Deviation During Holds
- Small error - up to 15 0.1
- Medium error - 16 to 30 0.2
- Large error - 31 to 45 0.3
- Over 45 0.3
- non recognition
29Presentation - III
- Deviation During Swing to HS or other endings in
strength positions - Up to 15 0.0
- Small error - 16 to 30 0.1
- Medium error- 31 to 45 0.2
- Large error Over 45 0.3 non
recognition of the difficulty
30Presentation - IV
- Salto w legs apart
- less than shoulder width 0.1
- more than shoulder width 0.2
- Atypical Straddling 0.2
- Duration of hold parts - 2 sec
- held betw one two sec 0.1
- held one second 0.2
- held less than 1 sec 0.3
- non recognition
31Presentation - V
- Intermediate Swings
- 1/2 intermediate swings 0.2
- full intermediate swing 0.3
- Touch Apparatus/floor 0.1 0.2
- Hitting apparatus or floor 0.2 0.3
- Interruption w/o fall 0.3
- Fall from or onto apparatus 0.5
32Presentation - VI
- Assistance by the spotter 0.5 and non recog of
difficulty - Spotter touches gymnast 0.1, 0.2 (FIG 5/01)
- Walking in Handstands 0.1 per step - no
limit - Interrupt upward move 0.1, 0.2, 0.3
- Two or more attempts hold 0.2, 0.3
- Unsteadiness or Fall from HS
- swing or big disturbance 0.2
- fall over 0.3
33Presentation - VII
- Incomplete twists up to 30 0.1
- 31 to 60 0.2
- 61 to 90 0.3
- Lack of height or amplitude
- in salto or flight elements 0.1 or 0.2
- Addl intermediate hand support 0.1
- Legs Apart 0.1 or 0.2 Except vault0.1, 0.2, 0.3
- Lack of extension in preparation for
landing 0.1 or 0.2 - Legs apart on landing lt shoulder width 0.1 gt
shoulder width 0.2 - Landing
- small steps or hops 0.1 ea
- touch mat 1 or 2 hands 0.2
- large step or hops 0.2
- support w 1 or 2 hands 0.3
- Fall during landing 0.5, non-rec
35General - I
- Supplementary Rule
- B-Panel judges may always adjust their score by
0.05 if needed. - For example
- deductions total 0.6 or 0.7,
- may apply a total deduction of 0.65.
36Repetition Rule
- No repetition of elements.
- Rings final strength hold position may be shown
at most twice. - Repeated elements may not count towards the start
value but are still evaluated for presentation.
37Body Positions
38Body PositionsTuck
- Perfect tuck is with knee bend and hip flexion of
90. - Knee bend of less than 90 or a hip flexion of
less than 90 are errors.
39Body PositionsPike
- Perfect pike is straight knees and hip flexion of
gt90. - Hip flexion of lt 90 is an error.
- Knee flexion gt 45 at any time tuck.
40Body PositionsLayout
- Layout perfectly straight for static, slightly
bent for swing. - Hip flexion gt45 at any time Pike.
- Stretched with backward knee flexion of 90 is
stretched, but with large error and non
41Floor ExerciseElement Groups
- I Balance, Strength, Flexibility
- II Leaps, Jumps, Circles
- III Acrobatic forward
- IV Acrobatic backward
- V Acrobatic sideways or Arabian
42Floor Exercise
- No Minimum Time 70 sec MAX
- Connection bonus available only for acrobatic
elements - Listed super E's 0.4 bonus
- Combined super Es 0.3
- Listed super E B 0.5
43Floor ExerciseConnection Saltos and Value Raising
- Connection of 2 acrobatic saltos creates a single
value as follows - BBC
- BE, CE Super E
- Value Raising of saltos The first 2 connected
saltos are combined, the 3rd and subsequent
saltos are value raised if at least "C" value.
44Floor ExerciseMore on Connecting Saltos - I
- Only two passes of combination tumbling allowed
for connection bonus. A third is allowed, but
credit awarded only for independent elements. - Additional two salto connections are permitted as
long as one of the elements is at least of D
45Floor ExerciseMore on Connecting Saltos II
- Long acro line definition 2 or more skills.
- Max of 2 lines with 3 or more skills for value
raising. - Subsequent lines at least a D but 2 skills
only. - Addl lines with 3 or more elements allowed but
only get independent values. - Any number of 2 skill passes with D are OK.
46Floor ExerciseMore on Connecting Saltos - III
47Floor ExercisePresentation Concern
- Controlled landings are necessary before falling
to a prone - e.g., after a bounding pass that finishes in a
Rudi - From legs together L or V-sit, a straddle press
is atypical deduct 0.2
48Floor ExerciseElement Group IBalance, Strength,
- VB, Split to Press B
- Straddle L Press B, Manna C
- V Press C, Manna Press D
- Straddle Planche A, Planche B
- 180 scale B
49Floor ExerciseElement Group IILeaps, Jumps,
Turns Circles
- Jump or 1 leg double turnB, triple turnC
- Flair to HSB, HS to flairB, GogoladzeD
- Flair spindleB, Flair spindle 1/1 HS gt2 flair
C - Flair 1/1 spindle lt 2 flair to HS lower to flair
D - Russian 360 to 540 B
- Russian 720 - 900 C
- Fedorchenko D
50Floor ExerciseElement Group IIIAcrobatic
Element Forward
- Tuck and Pike are same box, Stretched is separate
box, even while value is the same - Salto forward (t, p, str) B
- Salto forward to prone (t, p) B, str C
- Salto forward tucked 1 1/2 tw C , str C
- Salto fwd str with 2/1 tw D, 5/2 tw E
- Front 1 3/4 C (t,p), strD,
- Double front tuck D, pike E
- 1 1/2 salto fwd tucked with full twist D (FIG
51Floor ExerciseElement Group IVAcrobatic Element
- Salto backward (t p together, str is separate)
B - Tempo salto (whip back) B (different box)
- Salto backward 1/1 tuck, str B
- Salto backward 3/2 tuck, str C
- Salto backward 2/1 tuck, str C (different box)
- Double back tuck, pike (different boxes) C
- Double 1/1 tuck D, Double 2/1 tuck E
- Double layout D
- Double 1/1 str E, Double 2/1 str Super E
52Floor ExerciseElement Group VAcrobatic Element
- Aerial A, Side Salto B
- Jump 3/2 dive roll B
- Arabian Double Tuck C, Pike D
- Arabian 1 3/4 (t or p) C, str D
- Thomas D, Stretched Thomas E
- Double side D
- 1 3/4 side (Li Yue jiu) C
- Lou Yun E
53Floor ExerciseImportant Information
- Skills done completely outside the area do not
get value (including dismounts). - NO 3/2 salto with repulsion on off hands.
- Circle and flair elements same value and box
unless stated. No straddled wendeswings. - No strength hold with straddled legs
exceptionJapanese HS regular straddle L.
54Pommel HorseElement Groups
- I. Single leg work
- II. Circles, spindles
- III. Travels
- IV. Kehres and Wendeswings
- V. Dismounts
55Pommel HorseGeneral
- Elements with legs together same difficulty as
flaired (exceptions spindle in side support,
also flops) - Elements performed on leather same value as on
pommels - Connection must be made at the earliest when a
full circle (2 hand placements) no connection
possible. (FIG 5/01)
56Pommel HorseFlops
- You must do at least 3 flops to get credit for
combined skills - Only 1 flop sequence (DSB Pommel loops) is
allowed - 3 flops on the pommel D, flaired E
- 4 flops on the pommel E, flaired SE
57Pommel HorseThe Flop Document
- This section summarizes Flops and Flops to
Russians as explained in the The Flop Rules, by
Dave Juszczyk and available on the NGJA Website. - Flops are Group IV skills comprised of Direct
Stocklis and/or Pommel Loops. - All Flops start from front support. (FIG 5/01)
58Pommel HorseThe Flop Document - I
- Flops are sequences of Stocklis (S) Pommel
Loops (L) which can be combined to create skills
of D or higher value. - A gymnast can do any number of stocklis or loops
in a flop sequence, but cannot perform 3
consecutive stocklis or 3 consecutive loops.
59Pommel HorseThe Flop Document - II
- A gymnast can do only 1 sequence of flops and 1
combined sequence of flops and Russians in a
single routine. - Flops can only fulfill the group IV requirement
- Flairing all skills in a flop sequence raises the
value by 1 letter - 3 flops D value, Flaired E
- 4 flops E value, Flaired SE
60Pommel HorseThe Flop Document - III
- 1 or 2 flops can be combined with a single pommel
Russian skill to create a separate flop-Russian
combined sequence of D or higher value - When starting from a 1/2 wendeswing (1/4 turn)
all flops are counted from front support to
front support, the 1/2 wendeswing is not
counted as anything.
61Pommel HorseThe Flop Document IVStockli Rules
- Stocklis are always counted from front support to
front support - A skill is a Stockli if it includes a 1/2 turn
from front support to front support. - The exception to this is for a longitudinal
travel to the pommel finishing with a 1/4 turn to
front support. This is also a Stockli.
62Pommel HorseThe Flop Document IVPommel Loop
- Pommel loops All start from front support(FIG
5/01) - Front sup crossw PL to Front sup crossw
- Front sup sidew 1/4 t. PL to Front sup crossw
- Front sup crossw PL to 1/4 t. to Front sup sidew
63Pommel HorseThe Flop Document VCombining Flops
- It is impossible to do a single pommel loop
between 2 stocklis. - In order to successfully complete 2 pommel loops
between 2 stocklis (SLLS) the 2 pommel loops must
each include a 1/4 turn (S - 1/4t. Loop Loop
1/4t. - S)
64Pommel HorseThe Flop Document VIConnecting
Flops To Other Skills - I
- Flops can connect to a Flop-Russian sequence if
they are both on the same pommel. - Travels that end in side support can connect to
flop sequences if no more than a 1/2 circle
between the skills. (e.g. Mogilny)
65Pommel HorseThe Flop Document VIIConnecting
Flops To Other Skills - II
- A Sivado can connect to a flop sequence that
begins with a stockli starting from a cross
support on the end. - Flop sequence or Flop-Russian can connect to a
Russian skill on the end if the gymnast does not
go to a rear support in between. (stomach must
face horse throughout the connection)
66Pommel HorseThe Flop Document VIIIConnecting
67Pommel HorseThe Flop Document IXConnecting
Flops to Russians
68Pommel Horse Counting Hand Placements
- 1 Circle 2 or 3 hand placements
- 2 Circles 4 or 5 hand placements
69Pommel Horse Counting Hand PlacementsCircle
sideways on the Leather
- For B value 1 Circle sideways on the leather
(hands outside the pommels) - must have 3 hand placements on the leather
70Pommel Horse - Cross Travels
- L-P-P-L C
- Only two 3/3 cross travels for bonus are allowed.
- All other 3/3 cross travels are values at D.
- (L-P-L-P-L L-L-L, L-P- far L)
- one hand or two hand support same travel.
- A half turn breaks a travel (no more Buckeye)
71Pommel HorseHandstands
- Handstand - straddled or legs together, dismount
or staying on the horse B. - Lower to circle or flared circle or into scissor
upgrades one letter. - Stockli element to HS up 1 letter
- 360 pirouette upgrades one letter.
72Pommel HorseSpindles
- Any 1/2 spindle in side support B
- Any 1/2 spindle in cross support C
- 1/1 Spindle flared side sup 2 circles C (1/2
spindle flared 2x) - 1/1 Spindle flared in side sup 1 circle D
- 1/1 Spindle in cross support 2 circles D
- 1/1 Spindle legs together in 1 circle E (side
or cross support)
73Pommel Horse Russians
- 270 A
- 360- 540 B
- 720- 900 C
- 1080 D
- on 1 pommel upgrades one letter
74Pommel HorseElement Group I Single leg work
- Scissors A, fwd bwd scissor 1/2 A
- Fwd scissor hop travel (or with 1/2) B
- Double Scissor Fwd/Back (1/1) B
- Double Scissor Fwd/Back hop side C
- Belenki down B
- Scissor HS C, BryanC
75Pommel HorseElement Group II Circles, Spindles
- Circle on one pommel (cross or side) B
- Circle with hands outside pommels B
- Circle cross sup w hands betw pommels B
- Circle cross support rearways on end A
- 2x any circle removed from code
76Pommel HorseElement Group II
- Any 1/2 spindle in SIDE SUPPORT B
- 1/1 side support spindle 2 circles C,
- Cross support 1/1 spindle within 2 circles D.
- 1/1 flair spindle in side sup in one circle D
- 1/1 Spindle with legs closed (1 circle) E.
- Handstand Rule the same
- HS lower to leg cut B
- HS lower to circle C, HS 1/1 turn lower to
circle D
77Pommel HorseElement Group III Travels
- All 3/3 cross travels D. except lppl C
- Maximum of two cross support travels for bonus
allowed per routine (forw and/or bwd) - Cross travel 1/3 A
- Cross travel 1/2 or 2/3 B
- Rear hop travel sideward A
78Pommel HorseElement Group IV Kehres and
- Kehre A, Kehre 1/1 E
- Molguilny D, Tong Fei D
- Russian 720 with 3/3 travel E
- Russian skills (See separate page)
- Reverse Stockli B
- Direct Stockli A or B
- Flops (see separate page)
79Pommel HorseElement Group V Dismounts
- Russian 180 A
- Russian 360 or 540 to wende B
- 720 or 900 C
- 1080 D
- Handstand 1/1 turn and 3/3 travel D
- Other HS dismounts same.
- Stockli A, continued with reverse Stockli without
extra hand placement to handstand dismount D
(FIG 5/01)
80Still RingsElement Groups
- I. Kip and swing elements
- II. Swing to handstands
- III. Swing to strength holds
- IV. Strength and hold elements
- V. Dismounts
81Still RingsGeneral Principles - I
- Connection ONLY for strength to strength.
- Same final strength hold position may be shown at
most twice regardless of how the position was
achieved. - Even though the final strength hold position may
be shown twice, a repeated element (same box) is
not given credit.
82Still RingsGeneral Principles - II
- No Crossing of the ropes allowed.
- Deductions are taken both for the initial entry
position (gt15) and for the actual hold position.
- A false grip on strength parts is a deduction
83Still RingsGeneral Principles - III
- Presses are recognized only if the beginning
strength part was recognized and end position is
held at least 1 sec. - If the arm bend is greater than 45, then the
felge to handstand is not recognized.
84Still RingsGeneral Principles - IV
- Example of Deductions
- Felge to inverted cross
- Entry at 35 above horizontal
- Lowers to inv. cross 10 above horiz.
- Deduct 0.2 entry too high,
- Deduct 0.1 for position on the hold.
85Still RingsWhat is a Maltese?
- Everything is a Planche unlessit is a Maltese!
86Still RingsGeneral Principles - V
- A Maltese is recognized as such when the
shoulders and hips are at the level of the rings.
Anything higher is recognized as a planche. - The correct arm position on a Maltese is with the
hands flat to the ground. If the hands are turned
in, there is a deduction. If the body is resting
on the arms, there is non recognition.
87RingsElement Group IKip and swing elements
- Kip to L support B
- Tuck Guzoghy C pike D stretched E.
- Yamawaki tuck B pike C stretched D.
- Felge through HS (no hold) B
- Honma B Honma stretched C
- Back uprise straddle L B
88RingsElement Group IISwing to Handstands
- Backward swing or giant to HS C
- Forward swing or giant to HS C
- From support, swing bwd to HS B
- Honma swing to HS C
- Honma stretched swing to HS D
89RingsElement Group IIISwing to strength elements
- Back uprise, felge, back kip to Planche D
- Back uprise, felge, front uprise, back kip to
Maltese E - Back uprise, felge, back kip to Inverted Cross
D - Kip, back uprise, felge to Cross C
- Honma to Cross D
90RingsElement Group IVStrength elements
- Stiff-Stiff or Hollowback press to HS B
- Cross B Inverted Cross C
- Straddle Planche B Planche C Maltese D
- Azarian D Felge slowly to Maltese SE
- Maltese press to Planche D
- Planche press to Inv Cross D
- Maltese press to Inv Cross E
91RingsElement Group IVStrength elements
- Cross pull to L seat C
- Cross pull to Maltese E
- L press to Inverted Cross C
- Cross or L cross press to Inv Cross D
- Cross or L cross press w. straight body to Inv
Cross SE - Inverted cross press to HS C
92RingsElement Group VDismounts
- Double back 1/1 turn C
- Double Back stretched C
- Double Front salto tuck w 1/2 tw C
- Double Front salto piked w 1/2 tw D
- Double back 1/1 turn stretched D
- Double back 2/1 Stretched Super E
- Triple back Super E
- Vaulting is Quick!
- Start Value
- Maximum Run 25 meters
- Preflight execution
- Postflight execution
- Distance deductions are back!
- Landing
94Vaulting - Distance Axis
- One vault in prelims, team, AA finals
- Two vaults in apparatus finals from different
vault groups - RO Entry vaults require safety collar around
board - Axis zone- 50 cm
0.2 (XX) 0.0 0.2 (XX)
0.1 (X X) (X X) 0.1
100 cm
1.0 meter Land less than 1 meter
- 0.5
95Vaulting - FIG
- Salto vaults must display a distinct opening
phase in preparation for landing. - A landing that is not prepared is a sign of an
error in technique and will usually result in a
technical execution deduction as well as a
landing deduction.
96Vaulting FIGMarking the mats
- The taped line marking the 1 meter distance must
be placed in the safe landing area. Landing on
the tape is still good. - The taped lines marking the 1 meter wide corridor
must be placed in the safe landing area. Landing
on the tape is still good. - The supplementary mat should be placed on the 20
cm mat so that they are even nearest the table,
and the marks line up.
97VaultingElement Groups
- I. Direct Vaults
- II. Full turns in preflight
- III. Front handsprings
- IV. Tsuks, Kasamatsus
- V. Round-off entry vaults
98VaultingGroup IIIFront Handsprings
- Handspring front 8.4 Cuervo 8.6
- Handspring front piked 8.6 pike Cuervo 8.8
- Handspring front str 9.2 w1/2 turn 9.3
- Handspring front str w3/2 9.6
- Handspring double front tuck 9.8 w1/2 t10.0
99VaultingGroup IVTsukahara Kasamatsu
- Tsuk 8.4 Tsuk 1/1 8.8 Tsuk 2/1 9.2
- Tsuk double back 9.8
- Tsuk piked 8.5 pike with 1/1 turn 8.9
- Tsuk Stretched 8.9 1/2 turn 9.1
- Tsuk stretched 1/1 turn 9.3 3/2 turn 9.5
- Tsuk Stretched with 2/1 9.7
- Tsuk Stretched 5/2 turn 9.9 3/1 turn 10.0
100VaultingGroup VRoundoff Entry Vaults
- Yurchenko vaults have same values as tsuks.
- RO 1/2 on to HS salto fwd piked 8.8
- RO 1/2 on HS salto fwd piked w1/29.0 (Nemov)
- RO 1/2 on to HS salto fwd str 9.4 w1/2 9.5
- RO 1/2 on to HS salto fwd str w 3/2 9.8
- RO 1/1 on to salto bwd stretched 9.1 (Sherbo)
- Sherbo w 1/1 turn9.5 Sherbo w 2/1 turn 9.9
101Parallel BarsElement Groups
- I. Support on bars
- II. Upper arm on bars
- III. Hang under bars
- IV. Strength, leg swing elements
- and elements on one rail
- V. Dismounts
102Parallel BarsGeneral Principles - I
- Bonus for connection only when skills follow in
same direction. - Only listed strength elements permitted
- Saltos and dismounts in side hang not permitted
- Regrasp in bent arm upper arm finish
- Start in bent arm start from support
103Parallel BarsGeneral Principles - II
- Most skills defined to handstand
- Swinging skills to handstand need not be held
- There should be no pause between skills that
receive connection bonus - Skills in unusual grip skill in normal grip
104Parallel BarsGeneral Principles - III
- Connections must be without pause to earn bonus
points. - Pauses of less than one second may prevent
connection bonus but do not rise to the level of
an A part between.
105Parallel Bars ConnectionSkills which connect
eitherforward or backward
- Pirouette 1/1 turn or hop 1/1 turn
- Diamidov 1 1/4 1/4 turn
- (must pass thru dbl undergrip so as not to have
an extra hand placement for connection) - Peach HS with 1/2 turn to HS
- All can connect in either direction(Forward or
106Parallel Bars Skill Definitions
- Giant with a 1/1 turn (continuously) performed
so you see either stomach/ back or back/stomach
with no pause D - Giant with a 1/1 turn performed as follows Giant
with 1/2 turn followed by immediate pirouette in
the opposite direction as the 1/2 turn in the
giant , or with a significant pause "CA"
107Parallel Bars Skill DefinitionsPresses and
- Straddling on a press on Parallel Bars
- A Panel award difficulty
- B Panel deduct 0.2 (gratuitous straddling)
- This includes the basic press from support and
the glide to stoop through on 1 bar to handstand
(group IV box 3).
108Parallel Bars Skill Definitions
- Swinging elements will not be combined with
strength elements even when achieving the
strength position immediately. - Therefore, a Moy, directly to a Manna will be
evaluated as two elements, and receive a B C
value. - Back uprise to handstand, followed by Brandstrom,
is considered as two elements - B and C, II-22,
and I-38.
109Parallel BarsElement Group Isupport on both
- Stutz HS to 1 rail (cross) C
- Stutz HS to 1 rail sideways (Bilozerchev) D
- Toss to one rail (side/cross) (Peters) D
- Tumilovich C, Suarez D
- Double back tuck to upper arm D pike E
- Diamidov with 1/4 to one rail C
- Diamidov with 1/2 turn to HS D
110Parallel BarsElement Group Isupport on both
- Back Stutz A
- Healy to support C, Healy to supp from 1 rail
D - Hop Pirouette (1/2 t) to HS B, Hop 3/4 to 1
rail C - Gatson D
- Double front tuck C piked D
- Full twist in HS Brandstrom style C, I-63 (FIG
5/01) - Any kind of full twist has same value of C. (FIG
111Parallel BarsElement Group IIupper arm support
- Front uprise reverse cut to handstand B
- Front uprise stutz handstand D
- Front uprise double back E piked Sup E
- Back uprise straddle cut to support A
- Roll bwd to HS w straight arms (streuli) B
- Back uprise to HS (or with 1/2 turn) B
- Back uprise hop 1/2 turn to HS C
112Parallel BarsElement Group IIupper arm support
- Backuprise hop 3/4 to 1 rail D
- Backuprise with 1/2 turn and straddle backward
(Markelov) C - Backuprise to salto fwd piked
- (Whippit) B
- Backuprise to 5/4 salto fwd tucked/piked
(Yamawaki) C
113Parallel BarsElement Group IIIHang on both bars
- Moy to support B piked C
- Tippelt D
- Glide kip reverse cut to HS C
- Glide rearward to handstand C
- Basket to HS C
- Basket from HS to HS D
114Parallel BarsElement Group IIIHang on both bars
- Giant Bwd to handstand C
- Giant Bwd with 1/1 turn D
- Giant bwd with inlocate grip (Wells) D
- Giant bwd to double back tuck (Belle) E
- Giant bwd to double back piked Sup E
115Parallel BarsElement Group IVStrength, Leg
swings, elements sideways on one bar
- Glide through straddle L to HS (1 rail) B
- Glide stoop to HS (1 rail) C
- Press on two rails to HS B
- Glide on 1 rail kip to HS skills eliminated
- Glide stoop to one bar (legs together), with hop
and 3/4 turn or greater D (FIG 5/01)
116Parallel BarsElement Group IVStrength, Leg
swings, elements sideways on one bar
- Manna (crossways or sideways) C
- 1 circle or flair on end facing in A
- 1 circle / flair in center or facing out C
- Flair to handstand C with 1/2 turn C
117Parallel BarsElement Group VDismounts
- Pike double back D
- Tuck double front D
- Tuck double front with 1/2 turn E
- Roethlisberger tucked or piked D
118Horizontal BarElement Groups
- I. Long hang swings
- II. Flight elements
- III. In bar
- IV. El-grip
- V. Dismounts
119Horizontal BarGeneral Principles
- Releases are grouped
- CC D
- CD E
- CE Super E
- 3rd release upgrades minimum C.
- Elements with turns must show the turns as an
integral part of the element being performed and
the turn must be initiated on the way up.
120Horizontal BarGeneral Principles
- Unless otherwise indicated, hop elements have the
same value as analogous elements performed
without a hop. But different boxes. - Elements fulfill the element group requirement
for only those groups that the element is listed
in. e.g. Elgrip endo is listed in 4, not 3.
121Horizontal BarElement Group ILong Hang Swings
- Blind turn A Cal hop A
- Backuprise 1/1 turn to HS B
- From overgrip backuprise 1/1 turn to HS C
- Fwd giant and 1/1 or 3/2 turn B
- Fwd giant and 1/1 or 3/2 turn with hop C
- Fwd giant and 1/1 or 3/2 to elgrip C
- From HS, 1/1 turn to elgrip C, (FIG 5/01)
- To el-grip, without turn B (FIG 5/01)
122Horizontal BarElement Group ILong Hang Swings
- Zou Li Min D
- Bwd giant with 1/1 turn B
- Quast (bwd giant hop1/1 turn) C
- Quast with 1/2 turn to ug or mixed g. C
- Bwd giant with 1/1 turn to elgrip B
- Bwd giant hop with 3/2 turn to elgrip E
123Horizontal BarElement Group IIFlight Elements
- Carballo C
- Markelov C Yamawaki D
- Tkatchev C piked C (different box)
- Tkatchev stretched D 1/1 turn E
- StalderTkatchev (Piatti) C Piatti Stretched D
- Jager piked C Jager piked from elgrip C
- Jager Stretched D with 1/1 turnE
124Horizontal BarElement Group IIFlight Elements
- Gaylord D Gaylord with 1/2 turn (Pegan) E
- Gienger C Gaylord 2 D Pineda Sup E.
- Deff E
- Kovacs D
- Kovacs Piked E
- Kovacs Stretched E
- Kovacs 1/1 turn (Kolman) Super E
125Horizontal BarElement Group IIIIn Bar elements
- Free hip half turn, free hip hop A
- Free hip cal hop or hop 1/2 turn to HS A
- Free hip 1/1 or 3/2 to HS B
- Free hip hop 1/1 or 3/2 turn B
126Horizontal BarElement Group IIIIn Bar elements
- Endo or with 1/2 turn B
- Endo 1/1 or 3/2 turn C
- Endo 1/1 or 3/2 turn to elgrip D
- Stooped Endo or with 1/2 turn C
- Stooped Endo with 1/1 or 3/2 D
- Stooped Endo with 1/1 turn to elgrip E
- Endo straddle with 2/1 turns to El Grip D, (FIG
5/01) - more than 1 turn doesnt elevate difficulty.
(FIG 5/01)
127Horizontal BarElement Group IIIIn Bar elements
- Stalder B Stalder 1/2 turn B
- Stalder 1/1 or 3/2 turn C
- Stalder hop to elgrip C
- Stalder hop 1/1 or 3/2 turn to elgrip D
- Stoop Stalder C Stoop Stalder 1/2 C
- Stoop Stalder hop 1/2 to HS C
- Stalder 1/2 turn to elgrip C
- Stoop Stalder 1/2 turn to elgrip D
128Horizontal BarElement Group IVJam / El-grip
- Jam B Jam to HS C
- 1/2 Tak to HS D
- 1/1 Tak above horiz B to HS E
- Elgrip giant B Invert C
- Elgrip hop to ug or 1/2 turn B
- Elgrip giant hop 1/1 turn (mixed grip) C
129Horizontal BarElement Group IVEl-grip / German
- Elgrip Endo C
- Elgrip stooped Endo D
- German Giant turn to handstand C (FIG 5/01)
- German Giant hop to handstand C (FIG 5/01)
130Horizontal BarElement Group VDismounts
- Double Back tuck or pike B
- Double Back Stretched C
- Double back tucked with 1/1 turn C
- Double back stretched with 1/1 turn D
- Double back stretched with 2/1 turn E
- Double front tuck or pike or w 1/2 turn C
- Double front with 3/2 turn D
131Horizontal BarGeneral Principles - I
- Connection must be immediate
- From double overgrip In-Bar Endo switch hand to
under grip to perform a 1/1 Pirouette breaks this
skill into two skills (in-bar endo C and 1/1
pirouette B) - In-Bar Endo and pausing to perform a 1/1
Pirouette breaks this skill into two skills
(in-bar endo C and 1/1 pirouette B)
132Horizontal BarGeneral Principles - II
- Back uprise 1/1 turn HS is evaluated based on the
following - Skill must start in overgrip
- Skill must be executed on the way up and finish
in overgrip for C value - One arm Giants B
- No more than 2x through the bottom
133Horizontal BarGeneral Principles - III
- Jam to Handstand
- 90 - 75 (gt horiz) C value skill
- 75 - 45 (gt horiz) B, no deduction
- 30 - 45 (gt horiz) B, deduct 0.1
- 15 - 30 (gt horiz) B, deduct 0.2
- below 15 (gt horiz) Non recognition
deduct 0.3 - There is no A jam
134NGJA National CoursePresentation Updates
- Ntlcr02a.ppt is the base version.
- See the Notes for version updates, beginning with
the next version - Latest Version is ntlcr02c.ppt
135NGJA National Course2001-2002