Title: Extraterrestrial Life
1Extraterrestrial Life!?
2How do we know if something is alive?
31. Characteristics of Life
a) Living things take in nutrients. b) Living
things use the nutrients for energy. c)
Living things produce waste. d) Living things
42. Why is water so important?
There are many chemical changes that happen
inside every living things body. These
processes need a way to move around. Liquids
work best for chemicals to move around in. Water
seems to be the best liquid for these movements
and chemical changes.
53. Why is carbon the basis of Earth life?
- a) Carbon forms four bonds, so it can make lots
of combinations.
6Why is carbon the basis of Earth life?
- b) Carbon can form long chains.
- c) Long chains and lots of
- combinations are needed to
- form the thousands of
- chemicals found in living things.
Fatty Acid
Protein Molecule
74. How could we tell if something is alive?
- a) Test for changes in the chemicals around them.
- b) Be careful not to contaminate the sample.
- c) Check for temperature changes.
- d) Look for changes in numbers.
85. Are there other options besides water and
- a) We have not found any alternatives that could
work as well as water does. - b) Silicon might be an alternative to carbon so
maybe there are silicon based life forms