Title: Chemistry 353 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III
- Dr. George S. Kriz
- Chemistry Building 342
- 650-3126
- George.Kriz_at_wwu.edu
2Office Hours
- Monday and Friday
- 1000 A. M. to 1200 noon
- Monday100 to 300 P.M.
3Textbooks and Other Materials
- Textbook
- D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, and G. S. Kriz,
Organic Chemistry (Volume 3) REQUIRED - Be certain that you have the 2003 edition.
- Note that we will also continue in Volume 2,
Chapter 14 - Also The problem set answer keys are included
in each volume - Molecular Model Set
- Proteus Organic Chemistry Models Kit REQUIRED
- ACS Examinations Institute, Preparing for Your
ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry --
4Grading Standards
- Point Distribution
- Two Hour Examinations (_at_ 100) 200 pts
- Weekly Quizzes 100
- Final Examination (ACS Exam) 100
- TOTAL 400 pts
- Assignment of Letter Grades
- 360 to 400 pts (90 to 100) A
- 320 to 359 (80 to 90) B
- 260 to 319 (65 to 80) C
- 220 to 259 (55 to 65) D
- less than 220 ( less than 55) F
5Examination Dates
- Friday, April 21
- Coverage Chapters 14, 15, and 16
- Friday, May 12
- Coverage Chapters 16, 17, and 18
- Monday, June 7 (1030 to 1230)
- Coverage Cumulative over three quarters
- Standardized Test in Organic Chemistry
- (published by ACS Examinations Institute)
6Weekly Quizzes
- April 7
- April 14
- April 28
- May 5
- May 19
- May 26
- NOTE Only the scores from the best five of the
quiz set will be counted toward the final course
7Final Examination
The final examination in this course will be the
Standardized Test in Organic Chemistry, published
by the ACS Examinations Institute. This
examination covers the entire year of organic
chemistry. Because the ACS Exam is normalized
so that a student performing at an average
level should score at the 50th percentile, your
score on the ACS Exam will be scaled to a class
average more appropriate for this class. See the
handout for details on how the grades will be
8Scaling Factor for ACS Standardized Test in
Organic Chemistry
Using this scale factor, a raw score (ACS
percentile) of 50 is converted to a 75 final
examination percentage. An ACS percentile score
of 70 becomes a 91 an ACS percentile of 30
becomes a 51.
9- Sample examinations are available as .pdf files
and can be downloaded. You will need to install
the Adobe Acrobat Reader as a helper in your web
browser in order to view these files. - Web Page
- http//atom.chem.wwu.edu/dept/facstaff/kriz/c353k
10Problem-Solving Sessions
I have set aside an hour each week (Thursdays
from 400 to 500) for a Problem-Solving
Session. Location Chemistry Building 385. The
Problem-Solving Sessions are optional. I intend
to bring in a few sample problems that can be
solved by students working in small groups.
Problems and questions posed by students will
also be addressed. The first session will be held
on Thursday, April 6.
11(No Transcript)
12Resubmitting an Examination
- As a special policy, I will not post answer keys
immediately after each examination. Instead, I
will allow each student an opportunity to correct
his or her examination based on a review of
lecture notes and the textbook - Students may earn up to 20 of the missing
points by correcting their examinations and
resubmitting them. Once the deadline has passed,
I will post the answer key for everyone to use. - Note that the regrading option will not be
available for the final examination.