Title: Lighting in the Emergency room
1Lighting in the Emergency room
- HS8803 ED of the Future
- October 28, 2008
Presented by Kelly To (Health Systems) Malek
Bessaad (Architecture)
2Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
3Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
4Lighting Problem Project Goals
PROBLEM Insufficient lighting in the emergency
room 1. Patient stale atmosphere and unwelcoming
environment could affect healing process due to
psycho-physiological effects. 2. Physician
nurse poor quality lighting prevents accurate
vision could lead to poor treatment extended
time spent on procedure.
- PROJECT GOALS To improve lighting in the
emergency room for both the patient and
healthcare staff through - Incorporate mood lighting into the room with user
control interface - Healing environment
- Positive distraction
- 2. Provide healthcare staff with quality focal
lighting to improve vision during procedures - Quality light for different specialized
procedures - Quick and easy control
- Both goals should produce economically
cost-effective solutions. The proposed lighting
system should be relatively affordable while
incurring higher magnitude in benefits.
5Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
6Lighting Background Research Patient
Gallant D., and Lanning K. Streamlining Patient
Care Processes through Flexible Room and
Equipment Design. Planning and Design. Critical
Care Nursing. 2001 24(3)59-76.
7Lighting Background Research Patient
Activities Frequency
Gallant D., and Lanning K. Streamlining Patient
Care Processes through Flexible Room and
Equipment Design. Planning and Design. Critical
Care Nursing. 2001 24(3)59-76.
8Lighting Background Research Activity Care
Gallant D., and Lanning K. Streamlining Patient
Care Processes through Flexible Room and
Equipment Design. Planning and Design. Critical
Care Nursing. 2001 24(3)59-76.
9Psychology of Colors
Lighting Colors on Psyche
10Lighting Light on Psyche
Therapeutic environment psycho-socially
- Benefits
- Physical and emotional Comfort
- Experience personalization
- Reduce or eliminate environmental stressors
11Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
12Lighting Design Concepts
- Enhance visual focus on procedure at hand
- Benefits
- Reduce time spent on treatment
- Reduce errors due to poor lighting
- Increase quality of care
13Lighting Design Concepts
Modern Lighting - Morpheus Room
Lightology http//www.youtube.com/watch?vuu7p9vcB
14Lighting Design Concepts Simulation Model
15Lighting Design Concepts Simulation Model
16Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
17Lighting Materials Budget Proposal
Supplies breakdown LED Lights, power supply,
automated control - 1000 Focal Lights
-200 Total Budget Proposal 1200
18Presentation Outline
- Problem Project Goals
- Background Research
- Patient activities care zones
- Lighting colors on psyche
- Design Concepts
- Materials Budget Proposal
- Discussion Next Steps
19Lighting Discussion Next Steps
- Project Defined
- Not focused on the electrical engineering part
(PCB schematic, etc) - Focus on incorporating available technology in
an innovative way to enhance patient experience
in the ED room and also provide quality lighting
for staff. - The existing technology comes in various forms
(all should be user controlled) - 1. programmable LED mood light panels
- 2. strips lighting
- 3. changing LED lights projected onto the wall /
ceiling - The multi-color changing LED lights technology is
implemented mostly for entertainment industry. - Concerns
- Funding
- How to integrate this light technology into
existing room in HSI building
- Visit emergency departments and talk to the
physician and staff about what their preference
and needs for lights are - Willingness to try the new lighting system
- Contact potential suppliers (ex Color Kinetics)
? sponsorship and/or discounts
20Questions ?
Contact information Kelly To
bto_at_gatech.edu Malek Bessaad malek.bessaad_at_gmail