Title: Ken Caldeira
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2Ken Caldeira
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81.6 Watts per square metre
340 Watts per square metre
Plants need carbon dioxide. We eat plants and we
eat animals that eat plants. With too little
carbon dioxide we freeze. It may have deferred
an over due ice age. Water vapour is a much more
potent greenhouse gas.
- Loss of Arctic ice cover.
- Methane from permafrost. x73 effect of CO2
- Lower solubility of CO2 in sea water.
- Fewer phytoplankton to make dimethyl sulphide.
- More water vapour in the atmosphere.
- Bush fires in Amazon basin.
- 9 billion population with higher expectations.
- Total failure of CO2 trading. . . . so far.
12Sean Twomey
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14For the same mass of water, lots of small drops
are whiter than a smaller number of big ones.
? Rct 0.075 ? loge Ncd Or 2 times Ncd 5.78
From Schwarz and Slingo 1996
15Axel Lauer 2007
16Radius microns
Breon FM Tanre D Generoso S Aerosol effect on
cloud droplet size monitored from satellite.
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19J. Atmos. Sci. 1977. Sean Twomey on Cloud
Albedo. Lots of small drops white clouds Few
larger drops darker clouds. Nature 1990. John
Latham asked can we increase the concentration of
cloud condensation nuclei?
20Nature 1990. John Latham suggests increasing the
number of condensation nuclei by spraying
submicron drops of sea water. Fast evaporation -
milliseconds Salt residues are ideal
hydrophilic nuclei Turbulence spreads them
evenly through the marine boundary layer. One 25
micron drop makes 2 drops each 19.8 microns in
21- Cloud Movie
- Never go on stage with children or animals
- Never do live Windows applications during a
22Manghani et al 2000
23Hoppel WA 2002
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27Clean, mid-ocean air far from shipping
lanes. Migration with the seasons. Locally
available energy. Long periods on duty. Food,
water, medical attention, home leave? Unmanned
sailing vessels with GPS and satellite
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34Sanjay Mittal 2006
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52- http//www.see.ed.ac.uk/shs
- Then browse to global warming
53Kyoto baseline was 1990, before dash for gas. No
shipping. No aviation. No proxy carbon on Chinese
imports. DBERR says we need selective
statistical re-interpretation of EU
targets. DUKES says UK CO2 UP1.75 2006
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58Stephen Salter John MacNeill
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67Stephen Salter John MacNeill
68- http//www.see.ed.ac.uk/shs
- Then browse to global warming
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75Stephen Schwartz
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77Sanjay Mittal
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809 random translations
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82Blue back to space. Wavelength 10
micron One gram of water
83- Fastcad of the Tom Stevenson Nozzle
843 degree wake divergence
Intensities for 4,6,8 and 10 source separations
852 degree wake separation
Intensities for 4,6,8 and 10 source separations
86This 31 to 310 tonnes tonnes/second 500 kg
water /second 1.75 kg/sec
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Spin ratio Vdrum / U wind
90R 10 micron ? 0.65 micron
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931 5 January 2006
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