Title: Report to CEM Users Group
1Report to CEM Users Group
- Columbus, Ohio
- May 3-5, 2006
- Reynaldo Forte (Rey)
2Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
- Reduces sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide
(NOx) emissions which contribute to fine particle
pollution (PM2.5) and ground level ozone. - Provides substantial human health and
environmental benefits the largest benefits for
any Clean Air Act rule in the last 10 years. - Helps cities and states in the East meet new,
more stringent national ambient air quality
standards for ozone and fine particles. - Emission reductions occur while economic strength
is preserved. U.S. maintains both low electricity
prices and fuel diversity. - The most important step EPA can take now to
improve air quality.
3CAIR Health and Environmental Benefits Benefits
over 25 Times Greater than Costs
- By 2015, CAIR will result in 85-100 billion in
health benefits each year, preventing - 17,000 premature deaths
- 22,000 non-fatal heart attacks
- 12,300 hospital admissions
- 1.7 million lost work days
- 500,000 lost school days.
- Almost 2 billion in improved visibility benefits
each year. - Other non-monetized benefits- reductions of
mercury emissions, acid rain, nitrification,
eutrophication, and more.
4Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR)
- CAMR significantly cuts emissions of mercury from
power plants and
- Builds on EPAs Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
to allow power industry to address mercury, SO2
and NOx emissions in a coordinated effort. - Along with CAIR, will help protect public health
and the environment without interfering with the
steady flow of affordable energy for American
consumers and business. - Along with CAIR, is expected to make reductions
in emissions that are transported regionally and
deposited domestically, and it will reduce
emissions that contribute to atmospheric mercury
5CAIR CAMR Implementation
- Represents the main focus for CAMD most of our
Division resources are going into the
coordination and implementation of these rules
with the Regions, States and sources - States in the CAIR region are embracing
cap-and-trade CAIR, and more than halve of the
states are embracing cap-and-trade CAMR - Part 75 Hg monitoring is expected whether States
pursue cap-and-trade or other control strategy - Up coming implementation activities include
- Hg reporting as part of new re-engineered data
systems - Development of XML EDR Instructions
- Development of electronic audit for Hg (MDC
equivalent) - Update of Field Audit Manual, Policy Manual, and
other guidance - Development of workshop and training materials
- Training of Regions, States, and sources
6Mercury Monitoring - CAMR
- Full commitment from EPAs CAMD, OAQPS and ORD
- Most of the Emissions Monitoring Branch is
involved with the implementation of a successful
mercury monitoring program - We continue to allocate our largest amount of
resources to CEMS sorbent trap field
demonstrations, development of an instrumental
reference method, and development of calibration
gas standards - EPRI and others who represent your interest have
stepped forward and made a big difference - The question is no longer whether CEMS or sorbent
traps can measure mercury but how to reliably
achieve this over time - Progress is happening and is significant, and
despite the appearance of availability of plenty
of time to solve remaining issues, challenges
7Mercury Monitoring (contd)
- Instrumental Reference Method
- Strong join EPRI/EPA program
- We are in the process of identifying test sites
to test several candidate reference instruments - EPA has drafted and circulated a conceptual
instrumental reference method - Planning for first test site in collaboration
with Lehigh University, EPRI, and others - Calibration Gas Standards
- Pursuing a strong join EPA/NIST program
- We have just committed additional funding
- Commerce Science Fellow from NIST on detail to
8Revisions to Parts 72 and 75
- Main driver Support or streamline reporting
under the re-engineering of our data systems
(ECMPS) - Revisions to clarify, simplify, modify or correct
mistakes in existing requirements - Add PEMS to rule
- Add stack testing certification requirement
- Step vs. block approach for missing data
substitution - Add some flexibility to the use of substitute
data for controlled units - Revisions to strengthen and clarify Hg monitoring
provisions - Add EPA Method 29 as an alternative to the OH
9Emissions Data Auditing
- We continue to strive for the highest level of
data quality that can be reasonably achieved
while being sensitive to potentially overburden
the sources - Weve just implemented the auditing of units that
report under App. D E of the rule - Weve also developed software that allows us to
identify certain suspicious data - We believe that this provides for a leveled
playing field and results in more accurate data
10Other Activities
- Processing most petitions in less than 60 days
(exceptions driven by complexity or certain
petitions) - Review and approval of close to a dozen PEMS
petitions - Development and publishing of the Plain English
Guide to Part 75 - Continue to work jointly with our Market
Operations Branch in the re-engineering of our
data systems
11Part 60 vs. Part 75 Harmonization
- On February 28, 2005, EPA proposed amendments to
the SO2 , NOx , and PM emission limits in three
NSPS boiler regulations---Subparts Da, Db and Dc. - As part of that rule package, the Agency also
proposed revisions to - Certain CEM provisions in Subparts D, Da, Db, and
Dc 60.13(h) of the NSPS General Provisions and
Appendices B and F of Part 60. - The purpose of these additional rule changes was
to harmonize, to the extent possible, the CEM
provisions of Parts 60 and 75, for sources
subject to both sets of regulations.
12Part 60 vs. Part 75 Harmonization (contd)
- The proposed revisions would
- Make the method of calculating hourly emissions
averages from CEMS data consistent between Parts
60 and 75 - Allow Part 75 span values to be used for Part 60
monitoring applications - Allow the 7-day calibration drift test in Part 60
to be done on 7 consecutive unit operating days,
rather than 7 consecutive calendar days - Allow the more stringent CEMS Quality Assurance
provisions of Part 75, Appendix B to be
substituted for the procedures in Part 60,
Appendix F.
13Part 60 vs. Part 75 Harmonization (contd)
- Comments received on the proposed CEMS rule
changes were generally supportive. - However, a number of adverse comments were
received on the proposed revisions to the Subpart
Da, Db and Dc emission limits. - Issues regarding the impact of the emission
limits were also raised by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of
Energy (DOE). - But EPA was under a court-ordered deadline to
finalize the Subpart Da, Db, and Dc emission
limits by February 9, 2006.
14Part 60 vs. Part 75 Harmonization (contd)
- Therefore, to meet the deadline, the Agencys
legal and technical staff focused exclusively on
resolving the controversy over the Subpart Da,
Db, and Dc emission limits - Consequently, there was insufficient time to
properly review the CEMS amendments, and they
were not included in the final rule that appeared
in the Federal Register on February 27, 2006. - However, EPA still intends to finalize the CEMS
amendments as a separate rulemaking, hopefully
within the next few months.
15Part 60 vs. Part 75 Harmonization (contd)
- Based on comments received and internal
discussion and deliberation within the Agency
during the rulemaking process, the final CEM rule
revisions will likely differ somewhat from the
proposal. - Despite this, EPA believes that the revisions
will accomplish the intended purpose, which is to
simplify and reduce the cost of compliance for
sources currently subject to disparate and
duplicative continuous monitoring requirements
under Parts 60 and 75.
16Closing Remarks
- Promulgation of CAIR and CAMR represents an
environmental milestone and brings new challenges
and demands to our community - We are in the right path to achieving the
necessary CAMR mercury monitoring capability but
additional work remains - Upcoming rulemaking proposal should enable a
stronger, more coherent monitoring program while
facilitating the reengineering of the current
data systems - EPAs commitment to harmonize Part 60 and Part 75
CEM requirements remains strong - Transparent, complete, and accurate emissions
data is the cornerstone of program success