Title: Exponential growth: It gets bigger at an increasing rate
1Exponential growth It gets bigger at an
increasing rate
people who own album
days since album release
2Writing a rule for exponential growth
Each week twice as many people own the album as
did the day before
3Turn words into math
Each week twice as many people own the album as
did the day before
Let x be the weeks since release Let y be the
people who own the album Assume that only one
person owned the album to start
4Name that function
One of these functions is a linear function, and
one is an exponential function. How could you
tell which is which?
5Linear Functions
No exponents
6Exponential Functions
The variable IS the exponent
The RATIO of successive y-terms is constant
7Write a Rule for an Exponential Function
How can we find out what a and b are?
8You try
Write a rule for this exponential function
9Exponential Growth Model
y how much of something you have after t time t
how much time the stuff has been increasing r
rate at which its increasing aamount you
started with
10Why should we care about this?
Youre saving for college, and you put 1000 in a
bank account today. The account earns 5 annual
interest. How much money will you have when you
go college?
11Mrs. Devers Old Camaro
If I had kept my 1969 Camaro RS,, what would it
be worth today?
I bought it in 1989 for 10,000 Its value
increases by about 5.5 per year.
If I had done the math at the time, I wouldnt
have sold the car!
12Exponential decay It gets smaller at a
decreasing rate
people who own a turntable
years since peak LP usage
13Exponential Decay
How can we find out what a and b are?
14Exponential Decay Model
y how much of something you have after t time t
how much time the stuff has been decreasing r
rate at which its decreasing aamount you
started with
15Using Exponential Decay
Cs-137 has a half life of about 30 years. If you
start with a 5000kg sample, how much of it is
still radioactive after 60 years?
rrate of decay per half life 50 t number of
time periods (half lives)