Title: Contributed by: Rachel R. Caspi, PhD, NEI, NIH ... Caspi
1Experimental autoimmune uveitis as a model of
human uveitis
2Human autoimmune uveitis
Normal human fundus
- Intraocular inflammation without an infectious
etiology, considered to be autoimmune - Strong MHC associations
- Patients exhibit immunological responses to
retinal antigens - Improvement with T cell targetingagents (CsA,
rapamycin, anti-IL-2R) - 70,000 cases/yr
- Affected age group 20-40 yo
- Account for 10 of blindness in the US
Ocular Sarcoidosis
3Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU)
- An animal model used to represent human immune
mediated / endogenous uveitis - Induced by immunization with purified retinal
antigens - S-Ag (arrestin), IRBP, rhodopsin/opsin,
phosducin, recoverin - Responses to these antigens are seen in some
uveitis patients - Inducible in a variety of species
- Mouse, Rat, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Monkey
- Pathological manifestations resemble human uveitis
4Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) in
mice a model for human autoimmune uveitis
Induction Immunize with IRBP or adoptively
transfer primed T cells (Th1)
Onset d 4-6 (cell transfer) or d 9-12
Readout day 14 (cell transfer) or day 21
(immunization) Assess EAU responses
Fundoscopy Histology
- IRBP (Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding
protein) - ? 140 KD, 4 domains, conserved? Unique to eye?
Functions in retinoid transport - Quantitation of disease
- Scored on a scale of 0 4, according to number
and size of lesions. -
- Strain dependence of susceptibility
- B10.RIII, B10.A - susceptible
- AKR, BALB/c - resistant
EAU 23
5Murine EAU vs. uveitis - clinical and histology
Normal mouse retina
EAU in mouse
Ocular Sarcoidosis
6 Cellular mechanisms in EAU
- T cell dependent Transferred from immunized
donors to normal recipients by T cells, but not
by serum (although antibodies when present can
modify the course of disease) - Pathogenic T cell has a Th1-like phenotype
- Susceptible individuals are genetically
predisposed to a Th1 response - Long-term T cell lines specific to retinal
antigen transfer disease without formation of
detectable serum antibodies - Disease suppressed or reversed by pharmacological
T cell-targeting agents, e.g., CsA, rapamycin,
anti-IL-2R Ab - Amenable to regulation by Ag-specific genetic
therapies through induction of peripheral
tolerance - IL-10 has a negative regulatory role
7EAU vs human uveitis similarities and
- EAU Uveitis
- Triggering event induced spontaneous
- Reactivity to retinal Ag immunizing Ag S-Ag,
IRBP, recoverin - Clinical course acute or chronic usually
chronic - Pathology
- chororoiditis yes Yesretinitis Yes yes subretina
l neovasc some someiridocyclitis yes yes - Genetic control MHC background MHC
(background?) - MHC genes involved class II class I
and class II - Central role for T cells Yes (lines, clones) Yes
(efficacy of T cell targeting treatments) - Role of antibodies Modifying Suspected
8Suggested reading
- Caspi, R.R. Immune mechanisms in uveitis.
Springer Sem. Immunopathol. 21113-124, 1999. - Caspi, Rachel R. The Role of Cytokines in
Induction and Regulation of Autoimmune Uveitis.
In Cytokines and Autoimmune Diseases, (V.K.
Kuchroo, N. Sarvetnick, D.A. Hafler and L.G.
Nicholson, Eds.). pp. 227-245, Humana Press, NJ,
2001 - Gery, I., R.B. Nussenblatt, C.C. Chan and R.R.
Caspi. Autoimmune diseases of the eye. in The
Molecular Pathology of Autoimmune Diseases, 2nd
Edition, (A.N. Theophilopoulos and C.A. Bona,,
editors). Taylor and Francis, New York, NY pp.
978-998, 2002 - Caspi, RR. Th1 and Th2 responses in pathogenesis
and regulation of experimental autoimmune
uveoretinitis. International Reviews of
Immunology 21197-208, 2002. - Pennesi, G and R.R. Caspi. Genetic control of
susceptibility in clinical and experimental
uveitis. International Reviews of Immunology
2167-88, 2002. - Caspi RR. Regulation, counter-regulation, and
immunotherapy of autoimmune responses to
immunologically privileged retinal antigens.
Immunol Res. 2-3)149-60 (2003).