Title: Ringdiagram Frequency Shifts, Again
1Ring-diagram Frequency Shifts, Again
- Rachel Howe
- December 2005
- The Data
- Fitting the frequency shifts
- Geometric Variations
- Year-to-year changes (MDI)
- Seasonal changes (GONG)
- Active-region changes
- Asymptotic fitting
3The Data
- Standard 15-degree dense pack fits
- MDI dynamics runs, 1996-2004
- GONG, 2001 August 2004 Oct
- Magnetograms from MDI
4Fitting the frequency shifts
- Express frequencies as nn0a1rxa2rx2a3rya4ry2
a5Ba6B2 - Where
- rx, ry are fractional distances from disk
center, - B is magnetic index (mean unsigned field strength
in patch). - Repeat fit for every patch, one CR at a time.
5Geometric terms, MDI
6Comments on MDI geometric terms
- Geometric terms are mostly quite small only a
few mHz across the disk. - They change from year to year.
- Some years, limb has higher frequency. than disk
center, some years the reverse. - They vary with both wave number and frequency, so
could mimic structural changes.
7Geometric terms -- GONG
8Comments on GONG geometric terms
- No obvious year-to-year changes
- Quite marked seasonal variations
- For dn/dy, lowest frequencies vary in phase with
semidiameter, higher with B0. Why?
9Geometric terms for CR1988
10Comments on CR1988 geometric terms
- Note structure in MDI dn/dy not seen in GONG.
- GONG terms go wild at high-k ends of ridges.
11Magnetic Terms
- MDI (top)
- GONG (bottom)
- Color-coded by year
12Comments on magnetic terms
- 1996, 1997 look different.
- Weak activity in those years, so quadratic fit
picks up downshifted frequency for high-frequency
modes in weak regions.
13Asymptotic frequency fitting
- Frequency differences from model can be expressed
as - H1, H2 can be obtained from cubic spline fitting
14Asymptotic fitting with ring frequencies
- For each CR, fit to obtain n0 and coefficients.
- Try asymptotic fit on n0
- Compare with global frequencies (also with
magnetic term removed).
15Scaled frequency differences
- Scaled frequency differences for global (filled)
and local (open) modes.
16H1 term
- Crosses global modes
- Open circles local modes
- Filled circles fit to local
17Does H1 vary with activity?
- Do asymptotic fit for each patch in the rotation
after subtracting geometric terms - Do regression with B as independent variable, H1
as independent variable, for each (n,k).
18Dependence of H1 term on magnetic index
- GONG crosses
- MDI -- circles
19Comments on spline fitting
- There are obvious discontinuities between local
and global frequencies - There is structure in the local frequency
differences that does not fit the two-term model - There appears to be some activity-dependence in
the depth-dependent H1 term. - Is it real? Or is it an artifact?
20Next Step?
- Some authors have used extra, n/L dependent terms
for the surface part at high degree. - So far, we have been unable to make this work
properly, but this may not be an intrinsic