Title: JavaScript Persistence
1JavaScript Persistence Offline Storage
- Dec 9 2009
- Alexei White (Foresee Results - Nitobi)
- http//ambiguiti.es
- _at_AlexeiRWhite
2What is Persistence / Storage?
- Data locker that persists between page loads,
and/or browser sessions. - Client-side data storage vs Server-side storage.
- Browsers JavaScript engines typically do not
have file I/O capabilities. - Many reasons to want to keep data local.
3Why Persistent Storage?
- Provide sandbox mode for online documents. (eg
Word vs Google Docs) - Persist trivial data like layout and preferences.
- Eliminate unnecessary server requests.
- Provide powerful data lookup capabilities (SQL)
to JavaScript apps. - Browser crash fail-safe / offline mode.
- Cacheing scripts.
4Offline Storage Use Case
5Isnt That What Cookies are For?
- Very limited storage capacity (4000 bytes per)
- Limited of cookies. (20 max per domain, 300
cookies max overall) - Sent to server on every request.
- Useful storage needs to be in 100k range
6The Flavors of JS Persistence
7Storage Flavors
- Very old string property of the browsers window
object. - Used primarily for setting hyperlink targets.
- Persistent across pages and domains.
- Can be used before domready event.
- Combine with JSON lib or native code for reading
and writing
// Write a structure to window.name var myObj
ahello world, b324234 window.name
JSON.stringify(myObj) // Read it back var
myObj try myObj JSON.parse(window.name)
- Completely insecure.
- Same Origin Policy does not apply.
- Data stored in plain text within the DOM.
- Can be read outside your website.
- Tends to degrade browser performance a bit.
- 2MB upper limit FF or starts to get slow.
- 4MB IE same.
- Not Crash-safe.
- Wont be restored even if tabs are restored after
crash. - Not written to disk.
- Great place to cache trivial data or communicate
11Flash Local Shared Object
- Key/Value pair storage object built into Flash
player 6. - Up to 100K free. Afterward, dialogue appears
asking user for permission to save more. - Supported by virtually all browsers via
ExternalInterface - IE5
- Netscape 8
- Firefox 1
- Safari 1.3
- Opera 9
12Flash Local Shared Object
- Step 1 Create a new Flash movie
import flash.external.ExternalInterface //
Saves data to datastore function saveData(store,
key, value) sharedObject SharedObject.getLoca
l(store) sharedObject.datakey
value sharedObject.flush() // Retrieves
data function loadDate(store, key) return
SharedObject.getLocal(store).datakey Externa
this.saveData) ExternalInterface.addCallback(loa
dData, this.loadData)
13Flash Local Shared Object
- Step 2 Embed the movie (manually or via
ltobject classidbla codebasebla height1
width1 idstorageMoviegt ltparam namemovie
valuesharedobject.swf /gt ltparam
nameallowScriptAccess valuealways
/gt ltembed srcshredobject.swf
allowScriptAccessalways width1 height1
namestorageMovie /gt lt/objectgt
14Flash Local Shared Object
- Step 3 Communicate via ExternalInterface
// Save (storageMovie).saveData(store,key,value
) // Load var result (storageMovie).loadDa
ta(store, key)
15Flash Local Shared Object
- Gotchas
- Flash movie must be on visible portion of screen
at least once before accessing via
ExternalInterface. - If its not working
- Check that the movie did load.
- Its on visible portion of screen.
- document.getElementById(movieId) returns an
object. - allowScriptAccess always
16The Lowest Common Denominator
- Flash Local Shared Object
- ExternalInterface supported by all browsers.
- Provides persistent offline crash-safe support.
- Has wide adoption on web.
- Provides decent (100K) storage capacity.
- Not wiped when user clears browser cache.
When combined with GZIP.
17Silverlight IsolatedStorage
- Silverlight has same functionality.
- More capacity (1024 KB vs 100 KB).
- Binary storage format
- Streamwriters / readers
- Compression
18Silverlight IsolatedStorage
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFil
e IsolatedStorageFile store IsolatedStorageF
if(store.FileExists(FILENAME)) isfs new
IsolatedStorageFileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.OpenO
rCreate, store) StreamReader streamReader
new StreamReader(isfs) string s whi
le ((s streamReader.ReadLine()) ! null)
TextArea.Text (s '\n') streamReader
.Close() // save data to local storage
IsolatedStorageFile store IsolatedStorageFile.Ge
tUserStoreForApplication() IsolatedStorageFileS
tream isfs new IsolatedStorageFileStream(FILENAM
E, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, store) StreamWriter s
treamWriter new StreamWriter(isfs) streamWrit
er.Write("New Text") streamWriter.Flush() st
19HTML5 Overview
- Next big update to HTML standard.
- AKA Web Applications 1.0.
- In Last Call state with WHATWG.
- Not necessarily the future of web.
- New stuff
- Canvas tag
- Rich media (video)
- Storage
- Doc editing
- Drag and Drop
- Cross-doc messaging
- History management
- MIME and protocol reg.
20HTML5 Features In Jeopardy
- Canvas tag
- Microsoft has VML possibly SVG in IE9
- DOM WebDB (SQL based storage)
- No for IE (lots of reasons why)
- Probably not for Mozilla
- Media embedding
- No for IE
- Confusion over codecs (H.264 / Ogg Theora)
- Concern over Patent litigation.
21HTML5 Storage Overview
- Two kinds of storage proposed
- Key/value pair (hash) storage
- Create expando properties on storage object.
- Similar to Shared Local Object in flash.
- WebDB (SQLite based)
- Create and populate databases right in the
browser - Perform SQL queries on the fly.
- Based on SQLite.
22HTML5 DOM Storage
- Hash-based storage of strings (not objects).
- 10 MB per zone.
- Two kinds
- sessionStorage
- Die when browser closes
- Not shared between tabs
- localStorage
- Crash-safe
- Shared BW tabs / windows and sessions but not
23HTML5 DOM Storage
- Reading and writing
- Wont work
// Writing data sessionStorage.myKey
Hello window.sessionStoragemyKey
Hello window.localStorage.myKey
Hello localStoragemyKey Hello
sessionStorage.myObj atrue,
bfalse console.log(sessionStorage.myObj) //
Object object
24HTML5 DOM Storage
- Events (onstorage, onstoragecommit)
function handleStorageEvent(e) // These
attributes only appear in Safari var str Key
e.key \n str Original Value
e.oldValue \n str New Value
e.newValue alert(str) // Bindings, IE then
W3C if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEven
t(onstorage, handleStorageEvent) else document
IE8 only
25HTML5 DOM Storage
- Clearing
- Iterating
- Deleting
for (var I 0 I lt sessionStorage.length I)
- Will be supported in Safari 3.1, Opera 9.?,
Chrome. - Around 5MB per domain.
- Accessible across tabs and windows.
- Basic SQLite SQL language features and types
supported. - Schema versioning supported.
- Transactions supported.
- Tables must be created on first run.
27HTML5 Database
if (window.openDatabase) //
try // DB operations go here catch(e) if
(e 2) // Version mismatch
28HTML5 Database
- Simple DB Access
- Other parameters
var database openDatabase("Database Name",
"Database Version") database.executeSql("SELECT
FROM test", function(result1) // do
something with the results database.executeSql(
"DROP TABLE test", function(result2) // do
some more stuff alert("My second database
query finished executing!") ))
openDatabase(shortName, version, displayName,
29HTML5 Database
- Parameterized queries
- Transactions
transaction.executeSql(INSERT INTO products
(name, price) VALUES (?, ?), Book, 2.01)
myDB.transaction( function(transaction) //
Create the products table transaction.executeSQL
9.99), ) transaction.executeSql(INSERT
INTO products (name, price) VALUES (?, ?),
Book, 2.01)
30HTML5 Database
db.transaction( function (transaction)
var query"SELECT FROM products
transaction.executeSql(query, ,
handleProductsQuery, errorHandler) ,
transactionErrorCallback) function
handleProductsQuery(transaction, resultSet)
for (var I 0 I lt resultSet.length I)
var row resultSet.rows.item(i) console.lo
g(rowname rowprice)
31HTML5 Database
32Alternatives to HTML5 WebDB
- TrimQuery - http//code.google.com/p/trimpath/wiki
/TrimQuery - CouchDB
- Apache-project for RESTful JSON-based data
queries. - Can solve the backend/frontend interop problem by
being available to both via HTTP requests. - Google Gears SQLite DB. Same Interface.
- Hash-based data storage using DOM storage or
other mechanism.
Discontinued by Google
- Slide deck at http//ambiguiti.es