Title: Protonproton scattering without Coulomb force renormalization
1Proton-proton scattering without Coulomb force
- R.Skibinski, J.Golak, H.Witala, W.Glöckle
- Renormalization and proton-proton scattering
observables. - The screened Coulomb t-matrix properties.
2The brief introduction
- The screened Coulomb potential
- ? short range methods
- (eg. exponential screening
) - t matrix from the Lippmann-Schwinger equation
- The direct limit R ? 8 of t does not exist
- Renormalization (t ? te-2if, ff(R,n,E.))
- The renormalization factor is just a phase factor
? - it is not needed for observables t2
3The t-matrix for proton-proton scattering -
inclusion of the 3-dimensional screened Coulomb
Partial wave decomposition of t
The tjNC and tjC can be obtained with partial
wave decomposition (up to jjmax) from
4- The tC can be obtained without partial wave
decomposition from the 3-dim form of the
Lippmann-Schwinger equation, where screened
potential - enters via
- For the exponential screening
- Typically we use a grid of 95 q,q and 130 x,x
points - For ngt1 only numerical solution
- Filons integral formula
- additional interpolations over Q
- The alternative, rigorous, way to obtain
pp-observables is using the Vincent-Phatak
5The pp scattering observablesat Eplab13 MeV for
the exponential screening with n4 and different
values of R.
6The pp scattering observablesat Eplab13 MeV for
the exponential screening with R120 fm and
different values of n.
7 The 3-dimensional screened Coulomb t-matrix at
Eplab13 MeV, n4, R120 fm
8The screening limit of the off-the-energy-shell
screened Coulomb t-matrix elements
- The pure Coulomb t-matrix off-shell elements
(L.P.Kok and H. van Haeringen PRC21, 512 (1980))
9An example the off-shell screened Coulomb
t-matrix t(q0.36 fm-1,q,Q45)
at Eplab13 MeV, n4
10The screening limit of the half-the-energy-shell
screened Coulomb t-matrix elements
- The pure Coulomb t-matrix half-shell elements
(L.P.Kok and H. van Haeringen PRL46, 1257
11An example the half-shell screened Coulomb
t-matrix t(q00.4 fm-1,q,Q45) at Eplab13 MeV,
12The screening limit of the on-the-energy-shell
screened Coulomb t-matrix element
- The pure Coulomb t-matrix on-shell element is
achieved after renormalization of the screened
Coulomb t-matrix
13An example the on-shell screened Coulomb
t-matrix t(q00.4 fm-1,q00.4 fm-1,Q)
at Eplab13 MeV, n4
- The screened Coulomb t-matrix can be obtained
numerically with high precision - ? 3-dimensional L-S equation is essential
- ? application in three-body calculations
- The presented numerical results confirm previous
analytical studies - The renormalization is useful to study the
screening limit of half- and on-shell t-matrix
elements - The pp scattering observables can be obtained
using screened Coulomb potential without
renormalization - Different sets of screening parameters lead to
similar results - More details
- R.Skibinski, J.Golak, H.Witala, W.Glöckle, Eur.
Phys. J. A40, 215 (2009)