Title: Beyond Rice and Chopsticks
1Beyond Rice and Chopsticks
2Secret messages
- The ancient Chinese flew kites with "messages"
hidden in the shape of the kite. Each shape,
color, animal, insect, etc. symbolized a message.
This allowed the gods to know their wishes
without having to come to earth.
3Grammar Kites
- The English language also sends out hidden
messages in the form of antonyms, homonyms, and
synonyms. The use of these allow us to add
interest within our writing and speech.
4Antonyms are words that have opposite meaning
For Sale 5
Homonyms sound the same but have
different meanings.
The kite will sail through the air.
Synonyms are words that mean the same.
7For more hidden messages using antonyms,
homonyms, and synonyms click on these grammar
Game GooSquanky the Tooth Taker, Opposites And
Squanky the Tooth Taker, Synonyms
Song of antonyms, homonyms, and synonyms
Assessment for antonyms, Homonyms, and synonyms.