Title: Neuron Transmission
1Neuron Transmission
- Action Potential Propagation along the Axon
- The Neuron
- Its Structure
- How it works
- Why it works
- New Concepts
3The Neuron
4Types of Neurons
- Sensor Neurons
- Motor Neurons
- Inter Neurons
5Sensor Neurons
- Long Dendrites
- Short Axons
- Transmit from Central Nervous system
6Motor Neurons
- Long Axons
- Short Dendrites
- Transmit from CNS to Muscles
7Inter Neurons
- Found in Central Nervous System
- Connect Neuron to Neuron
8Structure of the Neuron
Dendrites are the Input Layer of the Neuron
9Structure of the Neuron
The Soma Nucleus regulates the metabolism of
the Neuron
10Structure of the Neuron
The Axon Carries the Output Signal to the
attached Dendrites
11Structure of the Neuron
Transmission takes place again between the
Boutons and Dendrites
12Structure of the Neuron
Neuron Signal Transmission
13Neuron Firing
14Neuron Firing
15Neuron Firing
- How does the signal travel?
- What makes it propagate?
- What stops it?
16Neuron Firing
- Chemical reaction creates Action Potential
- Action Potential Propagates along neuron
- AP induces chemical reaction at end of neuron
17Hogkin-HuxleySignal Transmission
- Chemical Model
- Creation of the Action Potential
- Derived Equations
- ic C dv/Dt
- iNa gNa (V-VNa)
- iK gK (V-VK)
- ir gr (V-Vr)
21The Action Potential
- 50-70 millivolt electrical potential
- Chemically induced by the cell
- Cell permeability changes to displace ions
- K and Na used to propagate potential
- Nodes of Ranvier important for speed of AP
- Axon has no loss of signal due to its properties
22The Action Potential
- What Happens to the Cell?
- Polarization
- Depolarization
- Re-polarization
- Hyper-polarization
23An Action Potential Example
24An Action Potential Example
25An Action Potential Example
26An Action Potential Example
27Propagation along the Axon
- Resting Membrane Potential State of Axon
- Low Na concentrations inside axon
- High K concentrations inside axon
- High Na concentrations outside axon
- Low K concentrations outside axon
- Cell permeability is high for K
- Cell permeability is low for Na Cl-
28Propagation along the Axon
- It is observed at resting state membrane
potential is positive on outside of axon - Thus inside axon is negatively charged
- Proof is Nernst Equation
29Propagation along the Axon
30Propagation along the Axon
- The Nernst Equation gives a good estimate of
resting potential, but neglects the interaction
of the Na and Cl- ions.
31Propagation along the Axon
- Real World Example Concentrations
32Propagation along the Axon
- The Goldman Equation accounts for all ionic
33An Action Potential Example
- Squid Axon used for experiment
- Large size simplifies study
- Permeability measured
- Ion concentrations measured
34An Action Potential Example
35An Action Potential Example
36Action Potential Propagation
- Once initiated how is AP transmited?
37Action Potential Propagation
38Action Potential Propagation
39Action Potential Propagation
- Substitute Rt for infinitely long cable
40Action Potential Propagation
41Action Potential Propagation
- Axon Circuit Model
- Voltage moves away from source in circuit
- Amplitude drops exponentially as signal travels
- 1 Modeling and Simulation in Medicine and the
Life Sciences - Frank C. Hoppensteadt and Charles S.
PeskinSpringer, NY, 2002 - 2 Bioelectromagnetism
- Jaakko Malmivuo and Robert Plonsey
- Oxford Press, NY 1995