Title: Secure Multiparty Computation Minimizing Online Rounds
1Secure Multi-party ComputationMinimizing Online
- Seung Geol Choi
- Columbia University
Joint work with Ariel Elbaz (Columbia
University) Tal Malkin (Columbia University) Moti
Yung (Columbia University Google)
- Motivation
- Our Results
- First Protocol
- Second Protocol
- Conclusion
3Multi-party Computing with Encrypted Data (MPCED)
Considered implicitly in FH96,JJ00,CDN01
external parties
many computations on encrypted database
dynamic data contribution from external parties
4Round-complexity of protocols
- Critical measure on the efficiency
- There are constant-round MPC protocols, but the
exact constant is big. - Focus on online round-complexity
- Possibly allow any poly-time preprocessing
independent of the function of interest and
input. - Minimization of turn-around time
- Preprocessing can be handled separately, e.g., by
cloud computing
- Motivation
- Our Results
- First Protocol
- Second Protocol
- Conclusion
6Previous Work
Can we do it in one or two rounds for ltn
Yes, for static case
7Our Results
- Two protocols for MPCED with small online round
complexity w/ preprocessing - one-round protocol P1
- Two-round protocol P2 (Depending on the case, P2
has more efficient preprocessing than P2). - Static and ltn corruption
- Uses ElGamal encryption
- extendable to any threshold homomorphic
encryption schemes.
- Motivation
- Our Results
- First Protocol
- Second Protocol
- Conclusion
9First Protocol
- Takes one round
- General Idea Modify Yaos protocol
- Garble a universal circuit instead of a given
circuit - Replace OT w/ one-round equivalent stepusing
- Generate a Garbled Circuit for a Universal
Circuit V76,KS08 - Overall, follow Yaos technique except input wire
11Yaos Garbled Circuit
El0,r0(k1) El1,r0(k1) El0,r1(k1) El1,r1(k0)
12Yaos Garbled Circuit
Once keys of the input wires in the entire
circuit are determined, can compute the circuit
13Preprocessing - 2
- Input wires
- Pick a random h for global use hidden
- Keys in each input wire j, say wj0 and wj1,
should satisfy wj1 wj0 h - publish H Ey(h)
- publish Ey(wj0) for each input wire j
14Encrypted Input Data
- Ey(hb) for Boolean input b
- If b 0, publish Ey(1)
- If b 1, re-randomize H
15Online Stage
- Given
- input wire W0 Ey(w0)
- Input data C Ey(hb)
- Decrypt W0 C
- Note W0 C Ey(w0hb) Ey(wb)
- Requires only a single round
16First Protocol Summary
- Use garbled universal circuit with augmented
manipulation in the input wires - Replace OT procedure in Yao with threshold
decryption using homomorphism - Needs a single online round
- Motivation
- Our Results
- First Protocol
- Second Protocol
- Conclusion
18Second Protocol
- Takes two rounds.
- Natural extension of two-party case CEJMY07
- Idea
- Preprocessing garble individual gates
- Independent of a circuit or input
- Online stage construct wires between garbled
gates and inputs
- Garbled NAND gates
- Bunch of fresh ElGamal key pairs (pk, Ey(sk))
20Garbled NAND gateswith fresh ElGamal key pairs
Intermediate gates NAND keys
top-level gates IDENTITY keys
21Online stage
- Construct wires between garbled gates and inputs
- How? Use CODE (explained next)
22Conditional Oblivious Decryption Exposure (CODE)
- Functionality
- Assumes parties share the private key for y
- Input three ciphertexts Cin, Cout, Ckey, a key z
- Output Ez(Mkey) if Min ? Mout,
Ez(random) otherwise
Can be implemented w/ homomorphic enc in 2 rounds.
23Online Stage Run CODEs
- Run CODE in parallel for each Cin, Cout, Ckey
encrypted under z pkL pkR Ez(skL)
Not encrypted z 1 skR
Then, locally computes the circuit using CODE
outputs inductively.
24Online Stage After Running CODE
Decrypt Final column Using sk
25Summary Second Protocol
- Preprocessing
- Garbled NAND gates, fresh ElGamal keys
- Online Stage
- Run 2-round CODE protocols in parallel
- Second Protocol
- online round two
- No blow-up of gates
- 2n-round explicit preprocessing efficient when n
is very small (when n is big, use generic
- First Protocol
- online rounds one
- Logarithmic blow-up of gates
- No explicit preprocessing should use generic
protocols such as IPS08.
- Motivation
- Our Results
- First Protocol
- Second Protocol
- Conclusion
28Multi-party Computing with Encrypted Data (MPCED)
Considered implicitly in FH96,JJ00,CDN01
external parties
many computations on encrypted database
dynamic data contribution from external parties
29Our Results
- Two protocols for MPCED with small online round
complexity w/ preprocessing - one-round protocol P1
- Two-round protocol P2 (Depending on the case, P2
has more efficient preprocessing than P2). - Static and ltn corruption
30Thank you