Title: DaimlerChrysler
1- DaimlerChrysler
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Willa Decjusza, 17th of July 2007, Kraków
- dr Ewa Labno-Falecka
2- DaimlerChrysler is a leading supplier of
superior passenger cars, sport-utility vehicles
(SUVs), minivans and pickups, and the worlds
largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles
3- Strong brands and broad portfolio (ranging form
small cars to heavy-duty trucks) - Supplemented by tailored financial services along
the automotive value chain - Active in nearly all countries in the world
4- The commercial success of DaimlerChrysler is
founded on the Trust of the people in all
countries where our company is active - We have anchored Economic, Ecological and Ethical
Responsibility firmly in our corporate strategy
our vision is sustainable development - Our vehicles meet peoples need for mobility,
safety and innovation - DaimlerChrysler takes worldwide responsibility
towards our customers, shareholders and employees
just as seriously as our responsibility towards
socio-political institutions at local, regional,
national and international level - DaimlerChrysler is convinced that commercial
success and social responsibility are two sides
of the coin
53 Dimensions of CSR
- Economy
- Market Capitalization EUR 47.6 billion
- Total Revenues EUR 151.6 billion
- Operating Profit EUR 5,52 million
- Net income EUR 3,23 million
- Total Dividend EUR 1,54 million
- RD expenditures EUR 5,33 million
- Automotive Sales Passenger Cars 3 906 500
units - MCG 1 251 800 units - Chrysler
Group 2 654 700 units Commercial Vehicles 842
000 units - Trucks 537 000 units - Vans,
Buses, Others 305 000 units - Employees 360 385
63 Dimensions of CSR
- Environment
- Prime focus reductions in fuel consumption and
CO2 emission by - improvement of the conventional internal
combustion engine - - development of new, alternative drive
systems (fuel cell) - We focus on the environmental impact of our
products over their entire lives and recycling - DaimlerChrysler promotes and supports the
development of environmentally compatible and
largely CO2-neutral fuels - Trough the application of innovative technologies
we also reduce emissions during the production of
vehicles as well as during their service lives - DaimlerChrysler helps conserve resources and
promotes the use of renewable raw materials
7New Technologies
Smart fortwo with start/stop function ?
micro-hybrid drive
BLUETEC Technology Mercedes-Benz E Class 320
World Green Auto of the Year
It uses idling phases to switch off the engine
and temporarily completely avoid fuel
consumption, exhaust gas and noise emissions
83 Dimensions of CSR
- Ethics
- DaimlerChrysler enters into and shape political
and social dialogue at local, regional and global
levels - By supporting governments and global institutions
such as the United Nations in their efforts to
create fair framework conditions for the global
economy DaimlerChrysler is helping to build
social stability - By integrating the principles of the Global
Compact into our Social Responsibility Guidelines
we have underlined our commitment to maintaining
appropriate social standards worldwide - DaimlerChrysler considers relations with
employees and engagement in society not simply as
an obligation but also as an investment in the
future of company - DaimlerChrysler strengthens civilized societies
and with legal, social and economic standards
act as a beacon in countries where such standards
are not yet in place
93 Dimensions of CSR
- Ethics
- DaimlerChrysler supports the objectives of the
Global Compact and continually applies its
principles in actual practice - The principles of the Global Compact
- Human Rights (Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSHA) - Labour Standards
- Environment
- Anti-corruption
- DaimlerChrysler supports the aims
- Alliance against Hunger and Poverty
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- World Employee Committee
10- Mondialogo - DaimlerChryslers school contest
- Over 100.000 participants
- 140 countries
- The global initiative launched by DaimlerChrysler
and UNESCO - The project encourages intercultural dialogue
- Ambassadors of the initiative include the
Brazilian author Paulo Coelho and Swedish writer
Henning Mankell
In 2006 the Polish team in cooperation with Congo
team took third place in Mondialogo competition
with the impressive project bulletin devoted
mainly to hardships which Congo children have to
meet with during they life
11- Two teams from different continents have to make
contact with each other, agree on a joint project
topic and work on this in a process of continuous
exchange. The resulting intercultural dialogue
leads to the emergence of a joint creative
project - The project encourages dialogue among young
people from different cultural backgrounds who
work on a joint project across continents - Their involvement with people from different
cultural backgrounds conveys values such as
understanding, mutual respect and tolerance - www.mondialogo.org
12DaimlerChrysler CSR in Poland
- DaimlerChrysler is a partner of Emergency
for Archives program of the KARTA Centre
DaimlerChrysler is the partner of Polish
Partnership for Road Safety
DaimlerChrysler is the main sponsor of the Youth
Contest Olimpiada Wiedzy Technicznej