Title: Recent Quarkonia Results from HERAB
1Recent Quarkonia Results from HERA-B
International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium
2006 June 27 30 2006, Brookhaven National
Martin zur Nedden Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin for the HERA-B Kollaboration
2The HERA-B Experiment
at the HERA storage ring
data taking up to march 2003
p A ? X , ?s 41.6 GeV
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? Production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
4Part 1
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? Production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
5Proton-Nucleus Interaction
6Study of Charmonium Suppression
- state formation effects
- nuclear absorption
- comover absorption
- multiple scattering energy loss
- initial state effects
- shadowing (nuclear PDFs)
- parton energy loss
- intrinsic charm
HERA-B measurement of a for 2 wire materials
a ? 1 ? suppression
7xF-Dependence of Nuclear Suppression
formation time and length
? (xF) ? ? c ?
? ? (xF) boost of J/? w.r.t. nucleus
8Part 2
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detektor
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? Production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
9The HERA-B Detector
10The Dilepton Trigger
HERA-B detector data is read out and buffered
for 12 ?s(proton bunches cross every 96 ns, 0.5
11Di-Lepton triggered Data Sample
J/? ? ee- 108,000 J/? s 64 MeV/c2
J/? ? ?? 177,000 s 44 MeV/c2
3000 ?(2S)
1600 ?(2S)
- absolute cross sections from di-lepton triggered
data - need reference cross section
12Part 3
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? Production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
13J/? Production Cross Section from Minimum Bias
important for cross section normalisation of all
di-lepton triggered data based measurements
- independent data sample
- efficiency and luminosity well understood
- ? systematic uncertainties small (usually
14J/? (MinB) A-Dependence and Results
a 0.96 ? 0.01 (fixed to E866)
15J/y (MinB) Combination with other Experiments
reference cross section is extracted by QCD
inspired fit including all available data (see
talk of A. Spengler)
16Part 4 a
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
17J/? pT Distributions (Nuclear Dependence)
standard fit
preliminary data (di-electron only), compared
with p-A results at similar energy (vs 38.8 GeV)
ltpTgt grows logarithmically with A
18J/? pT Distributions (Nuclear Dependence)
Cronin effect
ltpTgt grows with s ltpTgt ? 0.8 0.01?s
19J/? xF - Distribution
20J/? Nuclear Dependence
muon data only
data sample of 2 wire runs with different
materials (carbon/tungsten)
first measurement at xF lt -0.1 constant small
R.Vogt, Nucl.Phys.A700(2002)539.
? 0.969 0.003stat 0.021sys
21J/? Polarisation
usually only ???? is given
polarisation depends on reference system
E771, E672/E706
hadron CM
(hadron CM)
tan ? pT/MJ/? ? only for pT ? 0 are the
systems different
22Preliminary Polarisation Results
large polarisation at pT0
? max. in CS frame ? natural system ?
23Part 4 b
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
24?/ J/? Production Ratio
electron sample
muon sample
25Kinematical Distributions
A-dependence??(xF) ?- ?
??, ee
CEM for color-1 nuclear absorption
NRQCD for color-1 -8 nuclear absorption
fit with const ??(E866)-0.0260.005
all consistent with no xF dependence. average of
E866 and NA50 is used ??(E866,
26FeynmanxF Dependence of ? Production Ratio
all targets included, correct for nuclear
effects with ??(E866, NA50)
data are consistent with both models (and with
no xF dependence)
27y production pT distributions
- tendency for a wider pT distribution of ?'
- (increasing with A?)
28? Polarisation Measurement
result of
compatible with no polarisation difference
29Production Ratio ? / J/?
in addition ?? and ee measurements yield
? improvement of B(?)
(better than current PDG value)
30Part 4 c
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
31?c Production
preliminary 2002/2003 data (di-muon sample)
- measurement
- fraction of J/?s from ?c
- kinematical distributions
background mixed events
after background subtraction
entries/(10 MeV/c2)
2000 data sample 370 74 ?cs (µµ-
ee-) R(?c) 0.32 0.06 0.04 Phys. Lett. B
561, 61 (2003)
m(µµ-?)-m(µµ-) GeV/c2
new data 40? bigger ?c statistics
32?c1 - ?c2 Separation
preliminary (a fraction of the di-muon sample)
ET(?) gt 0.4 GeV
further step separate different states by
varying the selection cuts
background mixed events
entries/(1 MeV/c2)
after background subtraction
measure the ?c2 / ?c1 production ratio
m(µµ-?)-m(µµ-) GeV/c2
33 Production Cross Section Ratio R(?c)
preliminary evaluation (2002/2003 data)
based on 1300 ?cs reconstructed in the di-muon
channel (less than 10 of the total statistics)
(21 5) of the produced J/?s come from ?c
E771 (p-Si)
E369/ 610/ 673 (p-Be)
ISR (p-p)
expected final precision
2002/3 prelim.
E705 (p-Li)
34Part 5 a
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
35Beauty Production at HERA-B
RD ?531?4 ?m
detached vertex analysis
pA ?b?b X J/? X e
e- , ? ?-
invariant mass analysis
Cross sections normalised to prompt J/? using
the NRQCD supported evaluation ?(pN ? J/? X)
(502 ? 44) nb/nucleon (with ? 0.96 ? 0.01)
36Hidden Beauty Production
muon channel 30.8 7.4
electron channel 75 14
Fit A (?(1S) ?(2S) ?(3S)) B Drell-Yan
?(1S) ?(2S) ?(3S) fixed to E605 results
shape from MC
from like-sign pairs
37Hidden Beauty Production Results
normalized to J/? refernece cross section
fit modified Craigie
data are compatible with ?1
38Part 5 b
- Introduction
- HERA-B Detector
- Reference J/?-Production Cross Section
- Charmonium Production
- J/? Kinematical Distributions
- J/? Nuclear Dependence
- Polarisation Measurement
- ?(2S) Production
- ?c Production
- Beauty Production
- ? production Cross Section
- Inclusive Beauty Production Cross Section
39 Detached Vertex Analysis
B meson has a long life time ( 9 mm at HERA-B
kinematics) 0.5 mm dilepton vertex
resolution J/? from a B decay will be detached
from primary interaction
analysis cuts - decay lenght (?z) - impact
normalization on the inclusive prompt J/? cross
section. ? systematic error minimization
40Open Beauty Data Sample
- analysis of 2002/03 data
- ee- and ??- triggered data
- C, W, Ti targets (??1 for bb)
- J/? acceptance -0.35 lt xF lt 0.15
- (90 of bb cross section)
41B Flavour Confirmation
t 1.39 0.19 ps
- Long lived candidates around J/? mass
- B lifetime compatible with expected 1.54 ps (PDG)
42Principle of the Cross Section Measurement
- measurement relative to prompt J/?-cross section
- minimize systematics uncertainties
- independent of lumi determination
- mostly independent of production model and J/?
cross section
atomic number cross section dependence
? in detector acceptance
?R relative efficiency ?1
sum over target materials C,W,Ti
B selection efficiency from MC
43Open Beauty Production R??
relative to prompt J/? to minimize uncertainties
from efficiencies, luminosity
2000 data
combined result of 2000 and 2002/3 data
?R?? 0.032 ? 0.005stat ? 0.004sys
(syst. error mainly from B(b?J/?))
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 73, 052005 (2006)
2000 data Eur. Phys.J. C26 (2003) 345
44 Production Cross Section
Relative to prompt J/? to minimize uncertainties
from efficiencies, luminosity
normalizing to ?J/? from Maltoni et al. ?(pN ?
J/? X) (502 ? 44) nb/N
- HERA-B collected 300000 J/? and 220 Mio min.bias
events on different nuclei - Results on charmonium production (partly
preliminary) - J/ ? cross section
- J/ ? xF and pT distributions in a new negative
xF range - J/? A dependence demonstrate a flat behavior in
this region - Fraction of ?c and ?(2S) yields relative to J/?
- Open and hidden beauty cross sections
- Final results on J/?, ?, b-cross section, ?c and
?(2S) are/will be publisched during 2006 -