Title: Course Assessment Review March 2005
1Patrick Cummings Director of Assessment Tel
253.945.2004 pcumming_at_fwps.org Rusty
Dupree Assessment and Data Analyst Tel
253.945.2125 rdupree_at_fwps.org Kathy
Hoppenrath Assessment Specialist Tel
253.945.2131 khoppenra_at_fwps.org
Student Distribution on March 2005 Math and
Reading Course Assessments for Grades 6, 7, 8 and
se Assess WASL Relation 2005 Spring
26th Grade Reading
1577 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
Met Standard
37th Grade Reading
1779 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
Met Standard
48th Grade Reading
1667 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
Met Standard
58th Grade Reading 7th Grade WASL
Chart shows the 8th Grade Course Assessment
distribution compared to the 7th Grade WASL for
the same group of students. Note the almost
identical pattern of the two tests .
Course Assessment
69th Grade Reading
300 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
correct. Note, this is an ALP only population.
Met Standard
76th Grade Math
1614 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
Met Standard
87th Grade Math
1779 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
Met Standard
98th Grade Math
1728 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
correct. Note the suggested Revised Met
Standard was raised from 60 to 70.
RevisedMet Standard
Met Standard
108th Grade Math 7th Grade WASL
Chart shows the 8th Grade Course Assessment
distribution compared to the 7th Grade WASL for
the same group of students. Note the different
patterns of the two tests, suggesting item
difficulty was easier on our Course Assessment.
Course Assessment
119th Grade Math
611 students were assessed. Chart shows student
distribution from lowest to highest percent
correct. Note, this is an ALP only population.
Met Standard
12Reading Summary tables for Grades 6-9.
13Math Summary tables for Grades 6-9.