Title: Maturities of Projectoriented Slovakian Companies and Nation
1Maturities of Project-oriented Slovakian
Companies and Nation
Project Management Association of Slovakia
Igor Trávnik
- The preparation phase of SPPR for its
participation in PO sk-at Benchmarking project
in cooperation with PM Group WU Wien, - My perception of project management maturity of
slovakian organizations (based on SPPR assessors
2project orientation sk-at
This and the next slide are used with the kindly
permission of PM Group Vienna
Special Project Objectives
Analysis and benchmarking of 20 project oriented
organisations in Austria and also 20 POOs in
Slovakia Analysis and Benchmarking of Austria
and Slovakia as project oriented nations
Development of strategies and measures for the
further development of Austria and Slovakia as
project oriented nations Publications and
3Regional Sphere of action
- Austria
- Vienna,
- Surroundings north and south of Vienna
- Slovakia
- Bratislava and surroundings,
- Trnava
- In these regions the project partners acquire
companies, analyse and benchmark them. - Benchmarking is based on the level of company,
industry and nation -
4The opportunities for the PO sk at
Benchmarking project in Slovakia
there exist at least three great challenges for
project management (PM) implementation in
- a) projects, co-financed and therefore also
controlled by the European funds (with 15 from
SR budget 1,3 bill. of EUR /year)
- b) the influence of international private
companies, operating in Slovakia as clients or as
contractors for many projects as well
- c) the growing public sensitivity for the
(un)effectiveness of public works.
- The project management is generally understood in
Slovakia simply as management of (mainly
European) projects independend of the used
approaches and methods - The combination of the first three points with
this understanding seems to me to be a good
opportunity for the PO sk-at Benchmarking
5The threats for the PO sk at Benchmarking
project in Slovakia
there exist at least three great threats for
project management (PM) implementation in
- a) general scepticism among slovakian managers
concerning external management consulting
services (little value for much money)
- b) low awareness of the advantages of
professional project management (we are doing
the same, we do not just call it PM)
- c) financing the project from the slovakian side
is still open.
6My perception of PM maturity of slovakian
organizations (based on SPPR assessors
72001-5 133 certificates in SR
16 B
4 B
49 D
64 C
82001-5 133 certificates in SR
92001-5 133 certificates in SR
The assessorss view of PM competences of
certificated personnel
5 Gen.mngmt
6 Attitude
1 PM basics
3 Organisational
7 Impression
2 PM methods
4 Social
Competence range
Source Cincurová Katarína
10Questionnaire on Quality of Initiation and
1. Kick-off meeting prepared?
8. Project risks estimate?
14. Risks planned?
2. Use of results from KoM? ?
9. Project quality requir-ts?
15. Quality planned?
3. Assignement in Initation?
16. Authorized by stakeholders?
10.Business Case published?
11. Goal objectives detailed?
17. Authorized by client?
4. Business Case?
12. Scope enriched?
18. Risks authorized?
5. Goal objectives defined?
13. Cost detailed?
6. Scope defined?
19. Approval to continue?
7. Project cost estimate?
20. Costs authorized by CEO?
11The consequences
The POsk-at Benchmarking project can help SPPR
to promote PM in Slovakia
The success of the PO sk-at Benchmarking
project depends on good marketing arguments
Let us discuss the lessons learned for marketing
the PO sk at benchmarking project in new EU
countries Slovakia as an example!
12Thank you for your interest !