Title: General Scope of the Project
1General Scope of the Project
Project Goal The goal of the project is to
develop and disseminate curriculum in the areas
of comprehensive design for associate degree
technician and baccalaureate degree technology
students, as well as to develop and offer
programs to improve the skills of the existing
workforce. Skills in the areas of CAD, design for
manufacturability and assembly, collaborative
engineering, teamwork, managing change, etc. are
necessary for an increased competitiveness, as
identified by the Society of Manufacturing
Engineers and National Association of
Manufacturers . The partner institutions on the
project will work collaboratively to identify,
develop and deliver curriculum that will
integrate comprehensive design education across
associate degree technician and baccalaureate
degree technology colleges, in order to increase
the skill level in the manufacturing sector.
- Objectives
- The project has following objectives
- Validate the competencies for comprehensive
design as they pertain to associate degree
technicians and baccalaureate degree engineering
technology students, as well as the existing and
incumbent workforce. - Develop an interdisciplinary comprehensive design
program between partner institutions. Address
transferability of skills and knowledge from
associate degree to baccalaureate degree programs
in the area of comprehensive design. - Develop and deliver educational modules to
associate degree technicians and baccalaureate
degree technology students to increase their
skill level and improve their competitiveness in
the global marketplace. Address the competency
gaps/skill needs as identified by the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers. - Develop an educational program in comprehensive
design focused on the existing and incumbent
workforce. Develop methods for delivering
educational modules to industry and existing
workforce through existing continuous education
programs. - Develop an outreach program for high school
students. Address the issue of increasing
visibility of the engineering and manufacturing
profession and academic preparedness among high
school population.
- Meetings
- In the past, the partnering institutions has the
following planning sessions - Purdue University, September 19 - 21, 2007
- Mott Community College, May 21 22, 2007
- Butler County Community College - March 28-30,
2007 - Purdue University - September 29, 2006
- Guitar Workshop - Purdue University, July 16-20,
Partnering Institutions The partner institutions
are having regular meetings and videoconferences
through which they are exchanging ideas on novel
methods for course development and delivery as
well as on the methods for collaboration in
course delivery across different programs. The
partner institutions are
The partner institutions are utilizing existing
venues for program dissemination including
web-based delivery, journal publications,
presentations at professional conferences,
development of short courses for workforce
development, and short programs for high-school
students. The project is using two internal
evaluators who are developing and adapting the
needed instrumentation and managing data security
and analyses along with an external evaluator who
is completing an independent summative
assessment. The broader impacts of the project
involve the expansion and improvement of the
region's workforce, the dissemination of their
instructional material, and the outreach efforts
to high school students.
- Purdue University
- Sinclair Community College
- Fox Valley Technical College
- Mott Community College
- Butler County Community College