Title: Recruitment
the process of attracting individuals on a
timely basis, with appropriate qualifications, in
sufficient numbers and encouraging them to apply
or be available for jobs in the organisation
NOT same as selection!
- Key concept 1 Recruit RIGHT people
- Person-job / organisation fit as to
- Culture
- Values
- Needs
Key concept 2 Recruit RIGHT NUMBER Not going for
maximum no.
2Recruitment Considerations
Better alternatives than recruitment?
Job choice
Applicant Characteristics
Vacancy characteristics
Personnel policies
Recruitment sources
Recruiter traits behaviours
Corporate HR strategy
3Personnel Policies
Affects nature / attractiveness of vacancy for
- Inputs to personnel policies include
- Strategy
- Organisation size, geography, image, politics
- Employment equity
- Employee group targeted
- Historical data
- Timing
- Family considerations
- Some policies that affect attractiveness
- Internal vs. external recruitment
- Compensation (especially lead-the-market pay)
- Job security
- Image advertising
4Recruitment Sources
Affects applicant characteristics
- Internal recruitment
- Transfer
- Promotion
- External recruitment
- Entry-level post
- Inadequate internal supply
- New blood needed
- Advantages
- Mutual knowledge
- Cheaper / flexible
- Motivational
- Methods
- Direct applicants
- Referrals
- Adverts
- Agencies
- Universities
- Electronic
- Etc.
- Disadvantages
- Inbreeding
- Jealousy
Assess Yield Ratios
Affects both perception of vacancy applicant
- Initial skepticism common. Improve through
- Recruiters with functional knowledge (applicants
prefer some line input) - Recruiter traits (warmth, informativeness)
- Recruiter realism
- Training recruiters to seem professional Timely
feedback, right image, teams.
6Anti-Discrimination Laws
Discrimination is generally banned in all
workplace practices
Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
Ch II of Act
- S6 (1) Bans unfair discrimination in the
workplace - S6 (2) It is not unfair discrimination to
- to do Affirmative Action, or
- discriminate based on an inherent requirement of
the job - S6 (3) Harassment is unfair discrimination
- When is there an inherent requirement?
- Possibly look at damage / loss if person is
hired - If inherent requirement is based on
qualifications S20 defines suitably qualified
7Employment Equity and Recruitment
Laws extend to all workplace practises, including
recruitment S9 extends def of employee to an
applicant for employment
- Therefore
- Try to ensure that recruitment can reach and be
understood by all groups. - Watch that neutral criteria (e.g. experience) do
not discriminate