Title: Concurrencysynchronization using UML state models
1Concurrency/synchronization using UML state models
2Overview State models of monitor objects
- Monitor-process pattern
- Heuristic for generating correct
synchronization code from a state model
3State diagrams
- Useful for modeling space of behaviors of an
object or a system of interacting objects - Requires
- Identifying and naming the conceptual states
that an object might be in, and - Conceivable transitions among those states and
the events (and/or conditions) that trigger
(and/or guard) these transitions - Concurrent compositions of state diagrams can be
executed to expose anomalous behaviors
4Method for using models to design concurrent
- State model for each system object
- Passive objects modeled using monitor-process
pattern - Models then refined into code skeletons
- Active objects incorporate infrastructure needed
to host a thread - E.g., a distinguished run method whose activation
corresponds to the lifetime of a thread - Passive objects designed to behave as monitors
- Design pattern for passive-object model
guarantees monitor-object pattern can be applied
to develop code - Guarded transitions in state model engender
condition synchronization in code
5Simple monitor-process pattern
Monitor process
/ reply (op, result )
guard / accept-call ( op(parms) )
Operation body
6Simple monitor-process pattern
- Simple pattern
- Distinguished initial state Idle
- Composite state for each monitor operation
- Reachable only from Idle via an accept-call
action - Entry is named according to the name of the
operation - Possibly guarded with an enabling condition
- Must transition back to Idle via a reply action
upon exit - Names the entry to which it corresponds
- Includes return value (if any)
- No accept-call actions within the composite state
- Variations on this pattern will relax some of
these restrictions
7UML 2.0 Semantics Asynchronous events run to
- Run-to-completion semantics
- State machine processes one event at a time and
finishes all consequences of that event before
processing another event - Events do not interact with one another during
processing - Event pool
- Where new events for an object are stored until
object is ready to process them - No event ordering assumed in the pool
- Modeling method invocations as asynchronous
events which are placed in a pool - Requests for service on an object
- buffered up on arrival
- dispatched when the object is ready to handle
them - Natural interpretation for how an active object
can be invoked - Makes passive objects appear to execute with
monitor semantics
9Bounded Buffer Example
queue_.size ! 0 / accept-call ( pull )
do/ rv queue_.pull
/ reply ( pull, rv )
/ reply ( push )
queue_.size ! MAX / accept-call ( push(x) )
do/ queue_.push(x)
10From simple monitor process to monitor object
- Class declares a private mutex variable lock
- Each operation state in the model becomes a
monitor method in the code - Method body bracketed by acquire/release of lock
- If any transition out of Idle is guarded
- Class must declare a condition variable,
associated with lock, to wait on when guard
condition is NOT satisfied - Method body includes a condition?wait loop
immediately following acquisition of lock - All other methods must notify this condition
variable if they might serve to satisfy this
guard condition - Notification could be signal or broadcast
11Example Code for Bufferpush
queue_.size() ! MAX / accept-call (push(x))
- void Bufferpush(int x)
- lock_.acquire()
- while (queue_.size() MAX)
- full_.wait()
- queue_.push(x)
- empty_.signal()
- lock_.release()
/ reply (push)
do/ queue_.push(x)
12Example Code for Bufferpush
queue_.size() ! MAX / accept-call (push(x))
- void Bufferpush(int x)
- lock_.acquire()
- while (queue_.size() MAX)
- full_.wait()
- queue_.push(x)
- empty_.signal()
- lock_.release()
/ reply (push)
do/ queue_.push(x)
13Example Code for Bufferpush
queue_.size() ! MAX / accept-call (push(x))
- void Bufferpush(int x)
- lock_.acquire()
- while (queue_.size() MAX)
- full_.wait()
- queue_.push(x)
- empty_.signal()
- lock_.release()
/ reply (push)
do/ queue_.push(x)
14Example Code for Bufferpush
queue_.size() ! MAX / accept-call (push(x))
- void Bufferpush(int x)
- lock_.acquire()
- while (queue_.size() MAX)
- full_.wait()
- queue_.push(x)
- empty_.signal()
- lock_.release()
/ reply (push)
do/ queue_.push(x)
15Example Code for Bufferpull
queue_.size() ! 0 / accept-call (pull)
- int Bufferpull()
- lock_.acquire()
- while (queue_.size() 0)
- empty_.wait()
- int rv queue_.pull()
- full_.signal()
- lock_.release()
- return rv
/ reply (pull, rv)
do/ rv queue_.pull()
16More complex guard conditions
- Consider a banking application that allows
multiple clients to deposit and withdraw funds
from shared accounts - Goals
- Protect against data races, so that money is not
accidentally created or destroyed - Prevent overdrafts by making withdraw requests
block if account has insufficient funds - Question How should we model the behavior of an
account object?
17Monitor-process model of BankAccount
/ accept-call ( deposit(amount) )
do/ balance_ amount
/ reply ( deposit )
/ reply ( withdraw )
amount lt balance_ / accept-call (
withdraw(amount) )
do/ balance_ - amount
18Code for BankAccountwithdraw
amount lt balance_ / accept-call
- void
- BankAccountwithdraw(int amount)
- lock_.acquire()
- while (amount gt balance_)
- okToWithdraw_.wait()
- balance_ - amount
- lock_.release()
/ reply (withdraw)
do/ balance_ - amount
19Code for BankAccountdeposit
/ accept-call (deposit(amount))
- void
- BankAccountdeposit(int amount)
- lock_.acquire()
- balance_ amount
- okToWithdraw_.broadcast()
- lock_.release()
/ reply (deposit)
do/ balance_ amount
20Signal vs. Broadcast
- When one thread changes the value of a condition
upon which others might be waiting, the modifier
is obliged to notify these waiting threads - Always safest, though perhaps not very efficient,
to use broadcast to notify waiting threads after
a change - Question When is it safe to use signal?
21Model checking
- Technique for exhaustively and automatically
analyzing finite-state models to find bad
states - Bad states are specified in a temporal logic or
some other declarative notation - Lots of tools that can be used for this purpose
- FSP, SMV, Spin, etc
- If you are designing concurrent software, want to
learn how to use these tools
22Recall State explosion problem
- Number of states in a system with multiple,
orthogonal, behaviors grows exponentially
(product of number of states of each feature) - Major impediment to understanding
- Impossible to visualize in any meaningful way
- Requires the use of analysis tools to verify
properties - Managing state explosion
- Concurrent state machines
- Each object in a system modeled as a state
machine - Object state machine runs concurrently with those
of other objects - Concurrent composite states
- Separates one machine can into orthogonal
23Example Concurrent composite state
Temperature control
Rear defroster
Radio control