Title: Blank Jeopardy
General Questions 1
General Questions 2
10 pt
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20 pt
20 pt
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20 pt
20 pt
30 pt
30 pt
30 pt
30 pt
30 pt
40 pt
40 pt
40 pt
40 pt
40 pt
50 pt
50 pt
50 pt
50 pt
50 pt
2This is the shortcut you would choose to start a
new presentation.
3What is a?
4The following is what part of the presentation?
Outline/Slide Tab, Slide Pane, or Task Pane.
5What is a slide pane?
6What is the following view with the Outline/Slide
Tab at the left hand side, Slide Pane at the
center, and the Task Pane to the right of the
7What is a Normal View?
8This view allows you to view the slides in a
thumbnail view.
9What is slide sorter view?
10These are the 4 types of text layouts pictured to
the left.
11What is title slide, title only, title and text,
title and 2 column text?
12These hold the objects in your slide. You use
these to hold text, clip art, and charts.
13What are placeholders?
14This displays the text contained in your
presentation. It can be found on the left side
15What is the outline tab?
16This displays a thumbnail of all your slides.
You click the thumbnail to view the slide in the
Slide pane. This can be found on the left side
of the window.
17What is the Slides Tab?
18This is located at the bottom left corner and
shows us our presentation in Normal View, Slide
Sorter View, and as a Slideshow
19What is the View Buttons?
20You can click and drag this to change the size of
your panes.
21What is the Vertical Splitter Bar?
22What is the purpose of the Slide Design found
under the Format on the PowerPoint toolbar?
23It provides you with Design Templates. These
design templates provide attractive background
for your PowerPoint slides.
24What is the purpose of the Background found
under Format on the Power Point toolbar?
25The background allows you to change background
color to the specific slide or to all the slides.
It also allows you to create a pattern, or a
picture background.
26What is the purpose of the Duplicate Slide?
27The Duplicate slide allows you to create a new
slide using an exact copy of a selected slide.
28What is the difference between Animation
Schemes and Custom Animations under Slide
Show on the Power Point toolbar?
29Animation schemes in PowerPoint allow you to add
preset visual effects to paragraphs, bulleted
items and titles. Using Custom Animations you
can also do the same, but you can create your own
paths for the visual effects. Just like how I
created a path for this answer.
30What is the purpose of Slide Transitions under
the Slideshow on the Power Point?
31The purpose of the Slide Transitions is to create
a flow from one slide to the next. It provides
each slide with an effect that you select. Such
as how I made this slide dissolve upon entering
this slide.
32What are 2 ways you can create a New Slide?
33Choose Insert gt New Slide from the menu, Click
the New slide button, Press Ctrl M Right
click on the slide layout, Insert New Slide,
34What are two ways your slides can be printed?
35You can print a large view of the slides (normal)
, Handouts, Outline, Notes Pages
36What are 2 ways to run your Slide Show?
37Press F5 Choose Slide Show gt View Show Click on
the slide show icon on the bottom left corner of
the application (View Buttons)
38Explain what is the use of Power Point.
39A tool to help you in a speech, Create
presentations, slideshow, animations, etc.
Answer Varies.
40Explain how you navigate through the slide show.
How do you move to the next slide? Previous
slide? How do you exit the presentation?
41To move to the next slide, Press the right arrow
key, Enter, Page down or left click with the
mouse. Spacebar will also do. To move to the
previous slide, Press the left arrow key,
backspace key or the page up key. You can also
exit the presentation by pressing the ESC escape
42(No Transcript)
43What is the new slide button?
44Clicking this button will provide you with the
45What is the Slide Design button?
46This toolbar is usually located at the bottom of
the window, but you may move it any where you
like. If you do not have the toolbar, you would
have to go to View gt Toolbars gt and make sure
this is selected.
47What is the drawing toolbar?
48These are located at the bottom left corner of
the application.
49What are the View Buttons?
50These show up in the Task pane when you want to
have certain text movement in your slides.
51What are animation schemes?