Title: Status of the analysis
1Status of the analysis
used for measuring CP-violating angle
- The cuts used to select
- Comparison with background from
- Efficiencies for selecting
- Reconstructing decay times
9 mm
4 mm
Primary vertex
3Main selection criteria
- Find DS - find 3 tracks with -
corresponding RICH probabilities - originating
from common vertex - invariant mass corresponds
to DS - Find BS - take DS and find kaon with -
corresponding RICH probability - originating
from common vertex - invariant mass corresponds
to BS - BS flight direction must point back to a
primary vertex
4Event samples
- 10k signal events
- 25k background
(without resonances)
- Other background sources
- still to be analyzed
- Generic B-events
- Minimum bias events
Analysis Brunel v1r4
5- Preselection with loose cuts
- Preselect well reconstructed tracks -min. p
2.0 GeV/c -max. sp 4.5 -min. tracker hits
25 -min. RICH probab. 0.18 - Preselect DS and BS vertices -max. ?mDs 25
MeV/c2 -max. ?2 DS vertex 20.0 -max. ?mBs
1.75 GeV/c2 -max. ?2 BS vertex 20.0
write to ntuple
6Overview final cuts 1. RICH cuts important for
background of ,
since B.R. is 15 times higher 2. Mass
constrained vertex cuts uses the Bs and Ds
masses to fit the vertex. 3. BS flight
direction cuts - Impact parameter - Angle of
flight direction
7Selection cut values
8Efficiencies as a function of K probability cut
9BS mass with and without RICH particle
10Efficiencies unconstrained vs mass constrained fit
11Flight direction cut The has to point back
to the PV
- Different cuts possible
- Impact Parameter (IP)
- Angle ?
- (Impose this as a constraint in the fit)
momentum direction
decay vertex
Primary vertex
12Efficiencies impact parameter vs angle ? cut
(Only constrained BS vertex cut applied)
13BS-decay time
Time resolution
14Acceptance curve for BS-decay times
Only trigger and BS flight-direction cut
15BS decay times before and after trigger and cuts
selection. (decay time after includes acceptance
curve A(t))
16Summary efficiencies
- Acceptance is calculated w.r.t. MC events
produced within polar angle of 0.4 rad - Efficiencies still to be tuned to background
17- Summary
- Mass constrained vertex fit is slightly better
than unconstrained. - background can almost be cut away completely.
- Implement BS flight direction constraint in
vertex fit. - More background sources need to be analyzed.
- Tune selection cuts for maximal physics