Title: Introduction to Parallel Processing
1Introduction to Parallel Processing
- Lecture 5
- 18/6/2008
- Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
- Torque
- The new Top500 list ???? ?????
- Pipelined Computations
- Synchronous Computations
- MPE profiling and graphics.
- PVM - A short introduction and Dynamic Process
Creation - Final Projects
3?????? ??????? ???????
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- ????? ????? ???? ?' ????? ?????? ?????
????????? - ????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??
?????? - ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???
- ???????? ???? ????? ??????
4Start using Torque
vdwarf2.ee.bgu.ac.ilgt more ./cpi.pbs
!/bin/bash PBS -N cpi PBS -q default PBS
-l nodes4ppn1 echo Start printing echo The
working directory is echo PBS_O_WORKDIR cd
PBS_O_WORKDIR /usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 4
-machinefile ./machinefile ./cpi
vdwarf2.ee.bgu.ac.ilgt qsub ./cpi.pbs
vdwarf2.ee.bgu.ac.ilgt qstat Job id
Name User Time Use S
Queue ------------------------- ----------------
--------------- -------- - ----- 30.vdwarf1
cpi tel-zur
000000 C batch
vdwarf2.ee.bgu.ac.ilgt more ./cpi.o30 Warning no
access to tty (Bad file descriptor). Thus no job
control in this shell. Start printing The
working directory is /users/agnon/misc/tel-zur/mpi
pi is approximately 3.1416009869231249, Error is
0.0000083333333318 wall clock time
0.010767 vdwarf2.ee.bgu.ac.ilgt
7The New Top500 list ???? ?????
- http//www.top500.org
- ISC08 Dresden
- The list will be released on 18/6, so luckily we
will have a look at it during the class.
8PP Performance Evaluation
- Lets analyze the following example
- http//riebecca.blogspot.com/2007/12/supercomputin