Title: National Healthcare Safety Network NHSN
1National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
- Training Session
- for NNIS Hospitals
- January 20, 2005
- Types of Data, Forms, and Events
- Custom Options
- Groups
- Protocol Clarifications
- Announcements
- Q A
3Types of Data
- Patient Demographic information about the
patient that is entered once into the system - Event Information about infections and other
adverse events either defined by CDC or the user - Summary / Denominator Numeric data related to
the population at risk - Patient days and device days
- Procedure data
- Microbiology data
- Pharmacy data
5Types of Forms
- Patient form
- Rarely used as a data collection form
- Can add custom fields
- Allergy alerts
- Isolation Precautions alerts
6Patient Form with Custom Field
7Types of Forms (cont.)
- Site-specific event forms
- Used whenever these events are monitored, whether
or not a device is in place
8(No Transcript)
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11Types of Forms (cont.)
- Custom event form
- For CDC-defined events (e.g., CVS-VASC, GIT-GE)
- For user-defined events (e.g., Falls, MyBSI)
12Types of Forms
- Summary denominator forms
- ICU/Other Locations (not NICU/SCA)
- AUR Microbiology Data
- AUR Pharmacy Data
- Outpatient Dialysis
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14Types of Forms (cont.)
- Denominator for procedure form
- Replaces NNIS Surgical Patient Operative
Procedure Daily Report Form and Supplemental Risk
Factor Data Forms - Procedure must be entered before an event can be
linked to it
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17Types of Events
- CDC-defined Events Events for which CDC has a
standard definition, i.e., major and specific
sites of infection (e.g., BSI-LCBI, GIT-GE,
CVS-VASC) - Use Custom Event form for data collection,
unless specific event form is available - Events are included in the Event Type and
Specific Event Type drop down lists - Not included in the Plan, unless a Protocol Event
18Types of Events
- Protocol Events Events that are included in the
Plan - Event-specific forms for BSI, PNEU, UTI, DI, and
SSI - Example PNEU
- VAP (a Protocol Event)
- Post-procedure pneumonia (a Protocol Event)
- PNEU without Vent (a CDC-defined Event, but not a
Protocol Event)
19Types of Events
- Custom Events Events that are not CDC-defined or
Protocol Events - Must first be created using the Custom Events
feature of NHSN application - Use Custom Event form for data collection
- Events are included in the Event Type drop down
list only no Specific Event Types may be defined - Not included in the Plan
20Custom Options
- Custom Events
- Custom Fields
21Custom Fields
- For collecting data of interest to the facility
- Labeled by user
- May be added to
- Patient form
- Event forms
- Summary denominator forms
- Procedure denominator forms
22Custom Fields
- Patient, Event, and Procedure Denominator forms
- 2 date fields
- 2 numeric fields
- 10 alphanumeric fields
- Summary forms
- 5 numeric fields
23CDC-defined Event with Custom Field
24Custom Event with Custom Fields
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- Healthcare entities that wish to share some or
all of their surveillance data with each other
27NHSN facilitates Group participation but CDC is
not involved in the forming or management of
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29Nominating and Joining a Group
- Facility nominates a Group Names the Group and
designates a Group Administrator - Group Administrator applies for a digital
certificate and logs into NHSN via the Secure
Data Network - Group Administrator creates a joining password
that can be given to facilities interested in
joining - Facility joins the Group
- Once joined, facility confers rights to the Group
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31Group Rights
- Rights are conferred at the Event level, and
include access to corresponding summary or
denominator data - Can be restricted or modified
32Example of Group Rights
- If rights given for SSI, all procedure
denominator data will be accessible to the group - All SSI, whether or not in Plan
- All procedure denominator records, whether or not
in Plan - Remember that events and procedure denominators
include patient data that will be shared, unless
Excluding Identifying data is specified
33(Excluding identifying data)
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36Other Ways to Share Data
- Without joining a group, a facility can download
- raw data
- analyzed data sets, or
- data reports
- These reports can then be sent to anyone you wish
via email or on paper.
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38Protocol for Clinical Sepsis
- Used for surveillance of BSI for neonates and
infants in nurseries - Well Baby Nursery (Level I)
- Level II Nursery
- Level II/III Nursery
- Level III Nursery
- Not used for adults or children
- LCBI only choice
39Central Line Protocol
- Definition
- A vascular infusion device that terminates at
or close to the heart or in one of the great
- Great Vessels
- Aorta
- Superior vena cava
- Inferior vena cava
- Brachiocephalic vein
- Internal jugular vein
- Subclavian vein
- Pulmonary artery
- External iliac vein
- Femoral vein
40Post-procedure Pneumonia Protocol
- Definition
- Meets criteria for pneumonia after an operation
takes place but prior to discharge - Association between the operation and the
pneumonia based on type and date of operation and
date of the pneumonia
- The Enrollment application is not ready yet
were hopeful that well be able to contact you
very soon to let you know its ok to begin the
enrollment process - This means
- The Consent Form is not yet available
- You cannot apply for your digital certificate
- Thanks again for your patience!
- January 27 scheduled training has been moved to
February 3 - Feb 3 and Feb 17 training will be on Output
Options and Analysis - Jonathan Edwards will be the presenter for these
sessions - More information next week
- Online help messages within NHSN
- Email nhsn_at_cdc.gov
- Phone support
- 800-893-0485 or 404-498-1250
- Members website
- www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/nhsn/members/members.htm
45Thank You!
A few of the CDC NHSN staff