Title: Staffing
2Louis Bisson Union Services Office PSST 116
Albert St. 700 Ottawa ON K1P 5G3 (613)
594-4505 ext. 16 1 (866) 595-4505 ext.
16 bissonl_at_unde.org
- From the Public Service Commission
- Appointment Delegation and Accountability
Instrument (ADAI) - - DND Delegation of Authority for Civilian Human
Resources Matrix
4Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) Staffing
- - Fairness
- Transparency
- Access
- - Representativeness
5- Section 30 of the PSEA
- Merit
- - Essential Qualifications
- - As established by
6- Section 31 of the PSEA
- Qualification standards for
- - Education
- - Experience
- -
7Section 34 of the PSEA - May determine an area
of selection
8Section 36 of the PSEA Assessment method -
Past performance - Interviews - Examinations
9Section 16 of the PSEA Subject to any
policies Established by the Public Service
10- General - Choice of Appointment Process - Area
of Selection - Advertising - Assessment -
Informal Discussion - Selection and Appointment -
Notification - Corrective Action and Revocation
11- http//www.psc-cfp.gc.ca
- On the left under Subject
- Appointment framework (PSEA)
- - Appointment Policy
12- Informal Discussion
- correct any errors or oversights
- access to sufficient information
13Public Service Staffing Tribunal Who, What,
When, How
14Internal Advertised 1) A person in the area of
recourse and 2) An unsuccessful
candidate Non-advertised 1) Any person in the
area of selection
15- 15 days after the day
- receives notice
- Or
- b) public notice
- no later than 15 days after
- day means a calendar day
16- Abuse of authority ... In the exercise
- Choice of process
- Assessment in your official language
- Revocation
17Exchange of Information Allegations Replies
(Deputy Head and PSC) Mediation Hearing
18- Burden of the proof . - Errors / Omissions
are not an abuse of authority - Tribunals
role is not to reassess